2015 Christmas Special: “Twelve Days of Christmas” “Shed 17-Style” (Dedicated to Pauls Vids)

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-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Special/Post, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and today’s my latest special for Christmas!! This time, it’s focused on one of the most well-known “Thomas & Friends” Creepypastas, “Shed 17”, created by Pauls Vids on Youtube on October 6, 2015. Some of you may have remembered my review of it and here’s the link to see it and the video called “Shed 17”. But, remember, THIS FILM IS DISTURBING!!! IT CONTAINS LANGUAGE, DARK/FRIGHTENING IMAGES, BLOOD, AND SCENES INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER AUDIENCES!!!!! SO, PLEASE VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!! Anyways, here they are now!:

Season 3: Review #24: “Thomas the Tank Engine”: “Shed 17”

Now, onto the actual special. Last year’s Christmas special on my blog was my own parody of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”, but this year is the “Twelve Days of Christmas” song, “Shed 17”-version. Here’s how it goes, for those of you who have seen it.:


“On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!!'”

“On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’ and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!!'”

“On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Six Engines Burning’, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Seven Faces Tilting’, ‘Six Engines Burning’, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Eight Fat Men Cursing’,–


‘Seven Faces Tilting’, ‘Six Engines Burning’, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Nine Gags of Puking’,–


‘Eight Fat Men Cursing’,–


‘Seven Faces Tilting’, ‘Six Engines Burning’, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Ten One-Off Uses’, ‘Nine Gags of Puking’, —


‘Eight Fat Men Cursing’,–


‘Seven Faces Tilting’, ‘Six Engines Burning’, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Eleven Arms Falling’, ‘Ten One-Off Uses’,

‘Nine Gags of Puking’, —


‘Eight Fat Men Cursing’,–


‘Seven Faces Tilting’, ‘Six Engines Burning’, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Out!!!!'”

“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ‘Twelve High-Speed Diesels’, ‘Eleven Arms Falling’,

‘Ten One-Off Uses’,

‘Nine Gags of Puking’, —


‘Eight Fat Men Cursing’,–


‘Seven Faces Tilting’, ‘Six Engines Burning’, ‘FIVE HELICOPTERS BLEEDING!!!!!!’ ‘Four Engines Blowing Up’, ‘Three Engines Getting Scrapped’, ‘Two Engines Squirting Blood Out’, and ‘Thomas’ Skeletal Body Coming Ouuuuuuut!!!!'” 😉

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: And that was my Christmas 2015 special, everybody or everypony!!!! Hope you all enjoyed it!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON:…..*Ewwww!!!* That was…DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!


DISCORD: Well, at least I enjoyed it a LOT!!! After all, chaos is my kind-of thing!!! 😉

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, come on, guys!!! I think you’re overreacting just a scotch. Even if it is disturbing and some parts puzzled me, I still enjoy watching it, even when I’m bored and to see other people react to it, like MrMPS in his “zMPS Watches: Shed 17” video, as well as other reviews of it, and “Skarloey Rheneas Watches Shed 17” with FluteGirl2406!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Trust me, Detective!!! You have NOT seen more disturbing things than this!!!!

DISCORD: Indeed, Ted!!! I think it’s time we watch the infamous “Star Wars Holiday Special”!! Care to watch it with me, guys!!!!

EVERYONE ELSE: NO!!!!!!!!!!! 

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Besides, that special was one of the worst, pointless, and MOST bizarre things I’VE ever seen in my entire life, especially for “Star Wars”, one of the most well-known movie franchises ever made that has the critically acclaimed movie of the sequel trilogy, “The Force Awakens”!!!

SHINING ARMOR: Hey, Detective!!! I’VE got a challenge for you this X-mas/Decemberween!!! How about watch the “Star Wars Holiday Special” right now!!!







Season 4: Review #3: “Thomas & Friends”: “Thomas Creator Collective” #2: “The Great Snowstorm of Sodor”

-Before I start this review, I do apologize I’m going out of order for reviewing the current “Thomas Creative Collector” series. But, it would only make sense to see the first one, “Secrets of the Stolen Crown”, first, before watching/seeing the actual version and the review of today’s series. I will be reviewing it sometime soon, probably next year after Christmas or the New Year’s Eve celebrations.-

Here they are now!:

***READ IT!!!!!****


Anyways, proceed!

-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Review, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and we’ve only got a few days left until “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” officially comes!! That’s right, “Christmas”/The Holidays/Decemberween!!!! So, are you ready for one more X-mas special review as a gift, before we move onto my upcoming Christmas special????!!!!


Okay, then, before we dive into today’s special, I’ll remind you about something called the “Thomas Creator Collective”. It’s a series that involves various fans of “Thomas & Friends”/”Thomas the Tank Engine” that have their own fan-series/make their own “Thomas” videos on Youtube be involved in making their own miniseries that takes place after the events of the latest special for this year, “Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure”, that features characters, such as Ryan and Skiff (played by Academy Award winner, Eddie Redmayne, and Jamie Campbell Bower), play an important role in the story. Except that the current US/UK voice cast for the CGI series are not involved in it. This time, it’s the fans themselves, including Enterprisingengine93 (creator of “Enterprising Engines”), DieselD199 (creator of “TOMICA Thomas & Friends”), Tines Sensahthe (composer and creator of fan-films like “Tobias and the Half-Pariah”), Calebtrain, etc…. That’s right, HIT Entertainment has asked the “T&F” Youtube account to ask various well-known fans of the show that have made their own fan-work have joined forces to create their own miniseries for younger audiences. The first one was “Secrets of the Stolen Crown” (which I’ll get around to later) and the latest version of this Christmas, “The Great Snowstorm of Sodor”.

The first installment came out earlier this month, December 4, 2015, while the next three chapters were uploaded the next few weeks, December 11 & 18. Now, keep in mind, this takes place after the events of the previous series of the “Thomas Creator Collective” because this series will include some references to it. So, let’s see how the fans will do a good job, two times in a row, for making something for the official “T&F” Youtube channel, instead of doing it for other fans, kids to an adult audience. Well, let’s dive right into “The Great Snowstorm of Sodor”!!!

So, the series starts off on the Island of Sodor in EE93’s filming style (as usual), where Arry and Bert, the two BR Class 08 Shunter diesels from the Smelter’s Yard, deliver some coal trucks/cars up Gordon’s Hill in the snowy environment, a few days before Christmas. But, as soon as they reach the top of Gordon’s Hill, the Troublesome Trucks (of course) have their chance to be up to their old mischievous ways by snapping the coupling connected to Bert and the trucks as the back engine and pushing Arry down the Hill. This causes the two diesel twins to derail and into the snow, before cutting off to DieselD199’s layout, where we see Knapford Station. There, everybody’s favorite vain, red #5 of the North Western Railway, James, (played by UpsideNow/Nathan Tiemeyer) meets up with (of course), the #1 blue title character himself, Thomas the Tank Engine, (played by DieselD199) and Ryan (voiced by Calebtrain/Caleb Richardson). Ryan, however, doesn’t like snow (just like Henry, when he had his accident with the Flying Kipper in Season 1), meaning that Ryan must have a reason for disliking snow, of course.:


So, the fat man controller of the NWR himself, Sir Topham Hatt/The Fat Controller, arrives and tells Thomas and Ryan to deliver the rest of the coal train Arry and Bert were delivering, before they had their accident at the bottom of Gordon’s Hill, earlier, to each station across the Island and on the Mainline, before an upcoming snowstorm hits later tonight, as well as deliver mail vans/trucks filled with Christmas mail and parcels from the Mainland and back to the Island. You know, Fatto, this is something Percy would do, since carrying the Mail is his favorite job on Sodor, even after the Mail Train’s first appearance in the Season 3 episode, “Thomas, Percy, and the Mail Train”/”Thomas, Percy, and the Post Train”, and it’s been that way since HIT took over and ruined (almost) everything, until Andrew Brenner came and corrected (nearly) the entire franchise from that point on!! Even though we have to have the #1 Blue Puffball involved, I think Percy should play an important role in it. But, I digress, as Thomas and a concerned Ryan huff away to fetch the coal trucks and make their deliveries, they come across a patch of snow on the line. Luckily, Thomas manages to go as fast as he could to push the snow aside, while Ryan nervously pushes the snow with his snowplow. Meanwhile, we see James get coupled on with a mail truck by Stafford (played by BrendenReis10) (please remember that James is also involved in delivering parcels for the Holidays as well), while he gets surprised to see Thomas and Ryan arrive and get coupled on to their mail trucks, as well. As they go on their journey to complete the Christmas mail, the stationmaster gets a phone call, telling him that the snowstorm is going to get worse than ever before.

He tries to stop and warn Thomas, Ryan, and James about the blizzard worsening, but it’s already too late because they already left for their journey ahead. As our heroes battle their way through the storm, an avalanche comes out of nowhere and nearly bury them alive. Also, I would like to point out that Thomas, James, and Ryan don’t have any brake vans behind them. I’m serious, just look at their trains behind them. No offence, EE93, but a brake van is supposed to keep an engine safe on the Mainline when going down hills or through runaways as extra brakes in case of an emergency. But (again), I digress, we then cut to Tidmouth Sheds (which I also forgot to point out earlier) for the second time, where Henry and Edward (played by Tardisrescue) are talking about the three engines’ absence in the blizzard, as well as make a reference to “Percy Takes the Plunge” from Season 2 (“Water’s Nothing to An Engine with Determination), before the power at Tidmouth Sheds go out, due to the storm.

Back with our heroes, as the blizzard continues, James somehow races ahead of Thomas and Ryan and mysteriously disappears in the storm. As Ryan derails in the snow and gets put back on the rails again, he and Thomas continue their journey through (that is not Henry’s Tunnel, likely) a tunnel, maybe Henry’s Tunnel, and their search for James. But, as soon as they get inside, the front of the tunnel gets blocked by a giant pile of snow, along with the back of the tunnel behind them, trapping our heroes. Ryan get so nervous that he reveals the reason why he doesn’t like snow so much, which would be interesting, seeing as how more merchandising characters like Ryan need to get more character development, just like in EE93’s series, “Enterprising Engines”. But, this could screw up the continuity issues of a project I may do sometime soon and I was thinking of doing, “1014: The Untold Story of Ryan”. So:

Sorry about that, EE93, I was only doing it to HIT Entertainment (of course). It turns out that years before Ryan comes to Sodor, Ryan used to work at a coal mine on the Mainland during the winter, only temporarily. Yes, Ryan the GNR N2 tank engine temporarily worked for a mine, instead for British Railways. One night, after the workmen went home, Ryan was sleeping on a siding, until an avalanche came and completely buried him for days. But, he was found again and dug out of the snow and has been afraid of the snow, ever since, meaning that Ryan has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) over snow. Now, it’s up to Ryan to work with Thomas in order to conquer his fear of snow (while following Gator’s advice on being brave, like Percy did) by pushing the snow bank in-front of them as hard as they can. But, the snow falls on top of them, but they luckily survived it, but can’t get through safely.

Just then, the Scottish/Caledonian twins, Donald and Douglas arrive with their snowplows and (by making a reference to “Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree” from Season 2) clear away the snowdrift for Thomas and Ryan to go on unscathed. They later find James, derailed and stuck in the snow and rescue him to continue the story, before we get an alternate version of the “We Make a Team Together” song from “SLOTLT”, but with alternate lyrics.:

Despite most musical numbers kinda waste time, it’s still here to entertain the audience and it’s still a really good song. As the three engines deliver the last of the Christmas mail, they go towards the Sodor Suspension Bridge, where more trouble laid ahead for them. As soon as they cross the Suspension Bridge, it starts to collapse, however, they manage to escape, just before it falls with them entirely and into the ravine below. So much for collapsing in the dreaded special known as “Calling All Engines” and in the Season 19 episode, “Slow Stephen” (except that “Slow Stephen” was awesome), but I would’ve preferred the bridge almost derailing Thomas, Ryan, and James. But, (ONCE AGAIN), I digress, Thomas and his two friends deliver the final package for Christmas just as the sun rises, before heading back to Knapford Station. Ryan soon realizes that he was brave today, even if it was hard for him to, before Fatty shows up and congratulates our heroes for delivering the parcels on time for Christmas. He rewards them by being a part of the Christmas party at Knapford tonight.

During the party, all the engines hear the tale of Thomas, James, and Ryan’s adventure, while ending the series by singing “We Wish You A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”!!! As for the compilation/full version of the series, just like the previous series, we end the series with bonus scenes of the characters and include credits. So, we’ll call the special quits!

And that was “The Great Snowstorm of Sodor”. Is it as good as the “Secrets of the Stolen Crown”. Well, I would say “Yes”, but a little bit better. The plot was pretty good, the filming was really well done, the music was put together nicely (as always), and I do like how Ryan got more characterization. Although, some parts felt kinda forced, especially the part of where the Suspension Bridge collapsed (for the third time in the franchise). But, at least it didn’t have some pointless subplots, like “The Polar Express” movie did, along with “Thomas and the Magic Railroad”. Besides, “TATMR” and “The Polar Express” movie can both be a guilty pleasure and like the “Thomas” version of “The Room”, one of those movies that are so bad, it’s good, even though “TATMR” was still pretty bad.

Overall, this was a really good entry to the “Thomas Creator Collective”, where many talented “T&F” fans, like Enterprisingengine93, Tines Sensahthe, DieselD199, and even Calebtrain get together and help the show’s Youtube account create their own story. I would highly recommend you go check EE93, Tines, and DieselD199’s videos and fan-works out. But, remember, some of their videos contain images and language unsuitable for younger audiences, so please view at your own discretion!




Other than that, I would recommend seeing “Secrets of the Stolen Crown” first, before seeing this really good series with some really good things about it. Hope you keep up the good work, guys! 🙂 This gives me into giving this series an 8/10. Stay tuned for my Christmas 2015 special on my blog tomorrow on Christmas Eve, and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Holidays everyone!!!! 🙂



Season 4: Review #2: “The Polar Express” Movie

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-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Review, Already in Progress-


*Cues “Christmas Time is Here” from “A Charlie Brown Christmas”*

Yes, guys, it’s that time of year again!!! The Holidays/Christmas time!!! That means that we get to spend time with our loved ones, celebrate Jesus from the Bible, and spread kindness to one another!!–

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Oh! And don’t forget the cookies and all sorts of sweets!!!!!!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Well….Almost. It’s also a time to review and see well-known and bad Christmas specials for this year!!!! So, in order to start off my second X-mas/Decemberween on my blog, let’s take a look at one of the most well-known cult classics of the Holidays, “The Polar Express”!!! It came out in theaters on November 10, 2004 and was based off of the children’s book of the same name. Now, even though this movie gained mixed reviews at the box-office, it became well-known for it’s realistic, yet surprisingly cool (but somewhat odd) CGI animation, even for a family/kids’ movie. Since, in most animated kids/family movie, it includes unrealistic designs (but some of them are greatly animated), but this was a mixture of both real and a little bit bizarre. But, at least the current episodes of Season 17 and onwards of “T&F” has some animation that has gotten realistic over the years thanks to Arc Productions and is better than Nitrogen Studios!:

But, anyways! Let’s see how bizarre CGI animation makes for a cult classic, by hopping on-board the train ride called “The Polar Express”!

So, we start off this movie on Christmas Eve where our narrator (played by Tom Hanks) narrates to the audience about how magical the night of Christmas Eve before Christmas Day is–Blah Blah Blah! After this, we then get introduced to our main character, a human boy who has no name, so we’ll call him John (played by Daryl Sabara), get tucked into bed by his parents to wake up on you-know-what in the morning, along with his younger sister, Sarah (played by Isabella Peregrina). During the night, John hears the sounds of an engine’s pistons pumping that might be Gordon the Big Engine from “T&F” with the express from the Island of Sodor known as “The Wild Nor’ Wester” (not counting WildNorWester from Youtube). Actually, the sounds and the shakes are coming from a mysterious engine/locomotive that just stopped outside his house and neighborhood that nobody seemed to be awakened by or questioned on why an American locomotive is still standing in the middle of the neighborhood and in the middle of the night! He then examines the train outside and encounters the train’s Conductor (played by, also, Tom Hanks), which I’ll call, Conductor Baldwin (reference to Alec Baldwin’s role as Mr. Conductor from “Thomas and the Magic Railroad”/”Shining Time Station and Thomas Crossover”). He asks John if he’s coming along because “WHY TO THE NORTH POLE, OF COURSE!!! THIS IS THE POLAR EXPRESS!!!!!!!”:

So, Conductor Baldwin allows John on-board the (obviously, “Stranger Danger”-like) Polar Express and meet the other kids who are excited to come along the magical journey to the North Pole. The other kids include a Know-It-All Kid, which I’ll nickname “Sheldon” (played by Eddie Deezen) and the black Hero Girl, which will be named “Margaret” (voiced by Nona Gaye). Really, guys, if we’re gonna remember these characters, then WHY THE BUCK DIDN’T YOU GIVE THEM NAMES AND STUCK THE SAME NAMES YOU DID AS IN THE BOOK THIS MOVIE WAS BASED UPON???????!!!!!! I MEAN, SWEET CELESTIA, THIS MOVIE HAS REALLY DISTURBING, BUT REALISTIC, ANIMATION WITH TOM HANKS IN THIS!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Don’t worry, Detective. There’s another kid that’s coming up now that HAS a name!!


TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: REALLY and his name is Billy!!!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Well, that settles it! Sort of. 😐

So, we do get introduced to another character, a lonely boy named Billy (played by Jimmy Bennett) when he doesn’t board the train. This forces John to pull the emergency brake to stop the train and pick up Billy. This (of course) pisses off Conductor Baldwin and scolds John for pulling the emergency brake, but somewhat forgives him when he’s explained on what happened and tells him that “Emergency Brakes Are Only Used In Emergencies”!!! Well, at least (again) “Thomas & Friends” showed that in the Season 18 episode, “Thomas and the Emergency Brake”, and even Ken Friedel did a parody video of it and this movie!!:

But, I digress, Billy, at first, refuses to go join the journey, which is what I would do when a random express train out of nowhere offered me to go along to God knows where. But, he reluctantly changes his mind and then randomly, all the kids on board the train ask for refreshments, so we get into this very strange musical interlude where the chefs are serving hot coco/chocolate to them. Seriously, we’re into this now??!?!! This isn’t a “Polar Express” movie, it’s a Broadway and Disney musical knock-off!!!! As Margaret and Conductor Baldwin give one cup of hot chocolate to Billy in the observation car/coach, John discovers that Margaret’s ticket is unpunched. But, he accidentally loses the ticket in the air vents and it flies outside the train and gets hurt around the wind and animals like wolves and a hawk, before it goes back to the train. Meanwhile, Margaret finds out about her losing her ticket and Baldwin suggests ejecting her, meaning kick her out of the train.

He takes her dangerously on-top of the train for a walk. Uh, dude, AREN’T YOU GONNA GET FIRED FOR DOING THIS LIKE AN IDIOTIC MANIAC?????!!!!!! SO, SCREW, PHYSICS!!!!! 😡 Anyways, John finds the lost ticket and chases after them, before losing them. He then encounters a Hobo (played by, you guessed it, Tom Hanks) that is unrealistically setting a campfire on-top of the train, which would set the roof on fire in real life. The Hobo claims that he’s the owner of the Polar Express and is “King of the North Pole”, which is obviously not the case, since he looks NOTHING like a ruler to me because hobos usually have dirty clothes and we even see them in stereotypical old clothes, hats, and beards. Even though the Hobo is a jerk, he helps John catch up to Margaret and Baldwin, by using some conveniently placed ski’s he has and John skis his way to the train’s coal tender, where the engine’s drivers/crew, Smokey and Steamer (both, voiced by Andre Sogliuzzo) are with Margaret, who (big shock) is driving the train.

Also, it’s a good thing that this isn’t “Old Iron” from Season 2 of you-know-who & what where some boys messed around with James the Red Engine’s controls and made him a runaway, while Edward the Blue Engine had to come and rescue him, since he was insulted by James and called “Old Iron”!! But, WHY WOULD MARGARET CONTROL THE TRAIN, EVEN THOUGH SHE’S TOO YOUNG TO DRIVE ONE ANYWAY?????!!!! If you really think about it, it doesn’t make any–It doesn’t matter anymore. As soon as Steamer and Smokey replace the train’s light, they see something unusual ahead and John applies the train’s brakes, causing it to stop, almost immediately. Conductor Baldwin notices a reindeer/caribou crossing and John pulls Smokey’s beard, which causes him to kick in his animal sound effects and the caribou to move, making the line clear. As journey continues, the train increases speed, (again) dangerously, and it becomes possessed by a demon, before falling off the edge of a cliff and killing everyone– No, no, wait, that actually happened in the “Timothy the Ghost Train”/”Ghost Train” AKA “Percy’s Ghostly Trick” Deleted Scene Creepypasta.

Instead, the drivers accidentally cause the train to go out of control while speeding along and turning the entire movie into a roller coaster ride. Yep, it’s officially clear: “The Polar Express Has Turned Into an Amusement Park Ride, Especially for Parks Like Six Flags, Dorney Park, Disney World/Disneyland, LEGOLand, etc….” During the roller coaster ride, the Hobo then vanishes and the train rides along a frozen lake, where the cotter pin that caused the runaway falls on the icey lake and somehow cracks and causes probably the most intense scene in the film.:

I have to admit, this is something that Britt Alcroft would’ve written in Season 5 of “T&F”, IF she was still involved in the show that is, seeing as how she made unrealistic, but still fun and intense episodes such as “Rusty and the Boulder”, “Duncan Gets Spooked”, “Haunted Henry”, etc… But (again), I digress, after John returns the ticket to Margaret, Conductor Baldwin punches the ticket and foolishly leaves the kids inside a room with a bunch of abandoned toys. This (of course) gives the Hobo from earlier the perfect opportunity for him to act like a jerk again, by using puppets and a puppet of Ebeneezer Scrooge from “A Christmas Carol” to scare the living crap outta John. I have to admit, it was pretty pointless to begin with and it would definitely be something you see from “Five Nights at Freddy’s”, but, “FNAF” seems more scarier than this and it would definitely cause your kids to runaway or hide, screaming, seeing as how it’s a teenage/adult-aged game. Anyways, John runs away back to the observation coach/car and finds Margaret and Billy singing another song called “When Christmas Comes to Town”. I have to admit, it’s an okay song for Christmas, but wait, the other song is better than this and I’ll show you later.:

After the song is finished, the Polar Express finally arrives at the North Pole. When they arrive, the children create lines, while John and Margaret find Billy all alone and depressed again, inside the Observation car/coach. As they persuade Billy to come along with them, the coach gets uncoupled when John accidentally steps on the latch, causing it to roll down the town street hill and into a turntable (unlike “Tenders and Turntables” from Season 1 and “Oliver Owns Up”/”Resource and Sagacity” from Season 3 and the “RWS”). Our heroes explore the busy area of the North Pole (including footage of kids who are on the Nice and Naughty list), until they fall on a pile of presents that are placed inside a giant bag that is being carried by a blimp, where Sheldon/the Know-It All Kid is somehow there. YEAH, HE’S IN THIS BUCKING THING TOO, REMEMBER??!!! 😉 The giant bag is put on (you guessed it) Santa Claus’ sleigh and the elves get the kids out of the bag of presents, while the reindeer prepare to fly and Santa arrives. But, one bell from the sleigh breaks and falls to the ground. John grabs it and when he rings it, it doesn’t make a sound and when he realizes that he needs to “Believe”, the bell rings in his ear.

Santa tells John that he just gave out “The First Gift of Christmas”, before leaving on his sleigh and with his reindeer and the band celebrates, while the kids head home. On the train ride home, John finds out that he lost the bell he rang from earlier in his pocket, much to his dismay. But, his Christmas spirit returns when Billy is dropped off back home and everyone says goodbye to him when he returns home. The next morning, Sarah, John’s sister from earlier, wakes him up to remind him that today’s Christmas Day and it’s time to open presents. One of the presents is actually the bell John lost earlier, but his parents don’t hear the bell ringing and he leaves it out on the desk, before our Tom Hanks narrator returns once again. He tells the audience that the bell still works, but to those who truly “Believe”.

And that was “The Polar Express” movie! Is it a bad adaptation of a Christmas children’s book, a good one, or an average one. Well, I’m gonna say average for many, many, MANY, MANY reasons why!!! Although, I’ll give this film credit for trying to make a good adaptation of a well-known kids’ book and make it longer for the big screen in time for the Holidays, a little bit for the realistic animation (even if it pretty creepy), the action scenes, the songs, and the music as well. But, the problems with this movie are the creepiness of the animation matched up with it, the pointless subplots, confusing plot, disturbing scenes for a family-Christmas flick, and it feels a bit mean-spirited. I’m not giving this film a negative review, it’s just that I didn’t find it interesting. But, I’ll give the movie a few points for some parts that were funny and one of my favorite Christmas songs being in this movie, “Believe”. I highly recommend you go check that song out, it’s really beautiful.:

All in all, this movie was okay, the plot was kinda cluttered, the animation is somewhat disturbing, but really realistic, and it felt really odd and out of place for a Christmas movie. But, I’ll give the movie points for the “Believe” song, the other songs, and the action scenes. It’s up to you if you want to see this movie or not. If you’re into strange, but somehow good and realistic animation with an extended adaptation of a well-known Christmas classic on paper, this movie is for you! This leaves me into giving my final score for this movie a 4.5/10. It’s a good thing that it’s not as scary as that really disturbing, but fun, fan-film/Creepypasta called “Shed 17” by Pauls Vids, but I’ve already reviewed and really enjoyed it. I’m The Detective Librarian and Christmas, here we come! Toodles! 😉


Season 3: Review #26: “MLP: FIM”: Season 5: Episode 20: “Hearthbreakers”




-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Review, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and as you can tell, we’re going to do another Halloween review!! This time on–


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: What is it this time, Ted? Am I doing another “Comparison”, “Top List”, or anything other than a review that I could think of?

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Well, not exactly. It’s not a Halloween review.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: What? Come on, there’s not been much Halloween reviews this month, due to delays and the fact that Season 5 of “MLP: FIM” is still going, until next month in November, the anniversary of my blog!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Oh, speaking of “MLP: FIM”, today’s episode is, well, *Whispers into Detective’s Ear*

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: This years Hearth Warmth’s Eve/Christmas in Equestria of “MLP: FIM” is today on October 24, 2015, WAY early before December??????……………………………………WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Reference to a Nostalgia Critic joke at the beginning of his review of “Thomas and the Magic Railroad”)

Trust me, many bronies like me were as shocked as you are! How the crap did the 2nd Christmas special of “MLP: FIM” get wounded up to be released early this year, instead of December????!!!!! Besides, Hearth Warmth’s Eve is Equestria’s own version of Christmas and 4th of July because during Hearth Warmth’s Eve, Equestria was founded and it’s literally explained in the Season 2 episode of the same name, three seasons and three and-a-half years ago!!! Oh, never mind, let me get the title out of the way, “Hearthbreakers”, first aired today on October 24, 2015 on the Discovery Family Channel. Before we get into the actual episode, let me get into detail over last season because this is important to the story, in the episode, “Pinkie Apple Pie”, the theory of the fact that Pinkie Pie, the Spirit of Laughter of the Elements of Harmony, and Applejack were actually related cousins began when Pinkie discovered her name in a family tree of the Apple family in Twilight’s Golden Oak Library that is now destroyed and at first it seemed canon and interesting, but it lead into a big misunderstanding, but the two of them still have that theory and it’s shown in this episode. So, let’s see how AJ and PP show their “conspiracy theory” for the 2nd time in the series, this is “Hearthbreakers”.

So, we start off this episode in Ponyville at Twilight Sparkle/”Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle”‘s castle, where we see her and Spike decorating and preparing the castle for Hearth Warmth’s Eve/the Equestrian version of Christmas. Then, Pinkie Pie pops up through the fireplace (like Santa Claus) and wishes her a “Happy Hearth Warmth’s Eve” and Applejack arrives as well because they’re about to head off on the train to Pinkie Pie’s family at the Rock Farm. Why: Because Pinkie Pie and Applejack are going to have their families spend the holidays at the Rock Farm where Pinkie used to live at, before she moved to Ponyville and made friends with the Mane Six and everybody in town. As AJ and PP leave to catch their train and into the Rock Farm, we see Spike and Twilight opening of their presents (which is their tradition of opening presents the night before Hearth Warmth’s/Christmas Day), which is what Twilight loves, “A BOOK”!!!!:

Speaking of explanations, during the train ride to the Rock Farm, Apple Bloom buys Hearth Warmth’s Eve sweets, but AJ reminds her that Hearth Warmth’s Eve is not about sweets and presents. It’s about how Equestria was made because years before the series began, the threes races of ponies known as Unicorns, Earth ponies, and the Pegasus had a bitter relationship with each other and wanted their own land for themselves. Their bitter arguing led the entire land to be covered in snow by mystical creatures called the Windigos (creatures that feed off hatred and fighting/arguing, which causes everyone and everything to freeze in ice and snow, like cold, cold hearts), which lead them into settling their differences and working together, causing the Windigos to fade away, and the main country location we know and love today to be born as “Equestria”!!! Gee, Applejack, thanks for summing up Equestria’s backstory from the last Christmas– Oh I’m sorry, “Hearth Warmth’s Eve” in a nutshell!!! Again–:

This explains on why they celebrate their ancestors on how Equestria was born and I told you that Hearth Warmth’s Eve is the Equestrian version of Christmas and 4th of July, except that it’s similar to England and 4th of July/Independence Day is an American holiday!! So after we get a funny copycat game with AJ and PP (the obvious or not-so-obvious cousins), the train arrives at the Rock Farm train station, where Pinkie Pie’s sister, Maud Pie, is seriously waiting for them. She takes them to the Rock Farm that is covered in rock/crystal decorations for the (EARLY) holidays, where Pinkie Pie introduces AJ and the rest of the Apple family to her family. They include Pinkie’s other sisters, Limestone Pie (Pinkie’s sour sister that has a negative attitude) and her younger sister, Marble Pie (a mixture of both Fluttershy and Big Macintosh), as well as her parents, Igneous Rock Pie, her father, and her mother, Clouded Quartz. As Pinkie makes her announcement on a giant egg-shaped boulder named “Holder’s Boulder” (the rock that no one is allowed to stand on, according to Limestone Pie), she announces that as soon as the Apple family settles in with the Pie family in their rooms upstairs, it’ll be time for the Hearth Warmth’s Eve dinner, which is basically Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. Later, the Hearth Warmth’s Eve dinner starts and guess what they’re serving!! Well, it’s “PUZZLE TIME”!!!

PUZZLE #001: “What is the Pie Family Serving for HWE dinner?”

A.) Normal Christmas/Thanksgiving/Easter Food at Dinner

LINK TO ANSWER A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cb-CtP8JKk

B.) Rock Soup

LINK TO ANSWER B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyLkP8GcEk0


LINK TO ANSWER C: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9yAHKuMnBo

So, the answer is NOT A & C!!! You would expect them serving normal food, but NOOOO!! Since their family tradition is rocks, since they live at a “Rock Farm”, and they do EVERYTHING with rocks, they’re serving, B: “Rock Soup”!!!!! For those who didn’t realize that Pinkie Pie’s family has a rock tradition, while she has a “Party and Goofy Tradition”, didn’t see that coming, did ya? 😉 As the Apple family uneasily eat their Rock Soup with the Pie family, they go down to the mine caverns to use some rocks to make their traditional Hearth’s Warming Eve dolls (like Christmas dolls), which is–:

–Using rocks with a pickax to carve the rocks into shapes of themselves. But, the Apple family continues to struggle making their own rock dolls, including AJ’s rock doll to be a lumpy rock with a frowny face!!! 😦 TOO BAD, APPLEJACK, THE SPIRIT OF HONESTY OF THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY OF THE MANE SIX!!!!!!:

After this, Pinkie Pie cheerily continues onto the next event of tradition, finding the Equestrian flag– Uh, I mean, a drawing of a volcanic rock that isn’t hot! She splits the entire family into teams to find the flag/drawing (even though she doesn’t explain on what’s going on, until halfway through, but only on what to do) and the first team to find the flag wins and gets to raise it onto Holder’s Boulder/a flagpole. Inside the rock mine, near the quarry of the Rock Farm, AJ is still surprised that Pinkie’s family celebrates Hearth Warmth’s Eve differently, but with “ROCKS”!!!!! Well, at least they’re not doing any racial insults to people who celebrate the holidays differently in this episode, no offense, though. We then get a pretty cute scene with Big Mac and Marble Pie, which proves that they could be a cute couple, compared to those shipping bronies who ship Big Mac and Fluttershy and Big Mac and Ms. Cheerilee, along with a scene of Granny Smith getting more info about how Pinkie’s parents actually met, which is basically following their own rock tradition, of course. Meanwhile, inside the mines, AJ and Pinkie continue to find the flag, until Pinkie discovers that it’s actually a drawing, which we didn’t know– Oh, wait, I already gave it away, aw, crap, I just gave away spoilers!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: You sure did, Detective!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: No sheep, Sherlock!!!



Anyways, now that that’s settled, Pinkie’s next traditional activity is to hide the Hearth Warmth’s Eve presents and then find them and they sometimes find them and sometimes don’t find them. Now, Pinkie realizes that the tradition isn’t fun at all, which would explain why she left the Farm and moved to Ponyville, in the first place and AJ tells her family about it and how she wants to celebrate both her Apple and Pie family traditions together that night. They come up with a plan to do so the next morning, when everybody wakes up. But, when Pinkie’s family comes outside to see the new decorations for the holiday, they are very displeased over it, including Limestone Pie and things REALLY begin to start going wrong when it turns out that they planted the flagpole for the Equestrian flag on a fault line, which causes the entire ground to crack and the Holder’s Boulder to fall down to the quarry. Consequently, the Apple family is forced to leave the Farm and take the train back home and Applejack and Pinkie are upset over it that they privately cry inside the crystal-cave mine by a giant coincidence and AJ apologizes for contriving her traditions over her family’s traditions and after Pinkie wishes her a “Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve”, she and her family catches the train to back home. During the train ride home, we get an explanation from Granny Smith on why the Holder’s Boulder was so important to the Rock Farm.

It turns out that one of the Pie family ancestors, Holder Cobblestone, found the boulder from a dragon’s nest and decided to build the farm around the egg-shaped rock that has given them good luck for all those years/moons. Now, AJ realizes her mistake and when she realizes it, a present from Pinkie Pie that was hiding in the baggage the entire time falls on her head and it’s to Applejack. This gives her an idea on how to solve the problem; she decides to force the train back to the farm and help the Pie family push the Boulder back up to the place it once stood upon. She apologizes for her trying to get both traditions together and Limestone decides to forgive her, proving that she is quite caring for a sister that has an attitude problem. Later, both the Apple and Pie family celebrate Hearth Warmth’s Eve together, as well as more shipping between Big Mac and Marble Pie, and AJ opens up her present, which is actually a rock, just like the Pie’s normal rock tradition. So, the episode ends with Maud reading her songs/poems of Hearth Warmth’s Eve, which are about rocks…..Of course………

Y’know, after reviewing this episode, I actually changed my mind about it. Instead of looking it as a mixture of good and bad, I actually thought it was pretty decent. I do appreciate the fact that the Pie family got more character development after getting a few seconds of screentime in Season 1 episode, “The Cutie Mark Chronicles”, including Marble Pie, which means more shipping in the Brony fandom and for Big Mac and more similarities to Fluttershy. Although, the plot was a bit quick and slow (as sort-of usual, but it’s often in a good or bad way) and it felt boring, but the humor was actually well done. Another problem it has is that the fact that this episode aired WAY before Christmas aired in October, instead of December, which is basically what most Christmas stuff gets sold before the holidays officially begin and it’s really out of place to be in the month of October/Halloween, instead of the usual holiday spirit in the Winter season. Well, at least the next episode that came out on iTunes early last month is more fitting for this month, but I’ll save that for later.

Overall, this episode is a hit or miss for me. The plot was a bit boring and the pacing could’ve been better. Although, the positive things about it are the humor in it, the animation getting better, and the Pie Family getting more character development, which is currently happening to ALL of the characters in this season, so far. Even if it wasn’t as good as the last Pinkie Pie episode, I actually thought it was a nice early Christmas/Hearth Warmth’s Eve present for us all to have an episode focused on Applejack and Pinkie Pie. It’s only going to be a 5/10 or a 4.5/10 because I can’t decide which rating I should choose because it wasn’t that good, but it’s still a good watch. But, at least that the next episode will be the series’ second Halloween/Nightmare Night special, which is WAY better for October, if you will!– *Portal Opening*





THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, no!! TED, WHERE ARE YOU??!!! I need to get you back, now!!!! Where could he be????………


-Epilogue: Location: ?????, Time: ??????-

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: *Portal Opens and Closes, While Bringing Ted Here- Ugh, where am I?

??????: Well, you’re stuck here, WITH ME!!!!


THE REVIEW MASTER (FUTURE)???: With me, TOO, Script Person!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Actually, it’s Ted now, guys!!!

THE REVIEW MASTER (FUTURE)???: Oh, sorry, “Ted”!

??????: Anyways, GUARDS, bring him into the Conversion Chamber!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Wait, where are you guys taking me??! NO, STOP, DETECTIVE, HELP ME!!!!!!


2014 Christmas Special: “The Real Story of Twas the Night Before Christmas”

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and Today is Christmas Eve and the Day I Share You My First Christmas Special Called “The Real Story of Twas the Night Before Christmas.” It’s what I think should be in “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Please Comment of What You think of it. I’m The Detective Librarian and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Everyone and See You Next Time.

Season 1: Review #6: “A Garfield Christmas (Special)”


Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian, and I like to say to everyone’s favorite feline, Garfield. Now, we all know that Garfield first appeared in the newspapers in June 1978 & as you can imagine, it first occured 36 years ago. Not to mention that Jim Davis created Garfield. However, since the movie (in which I don’t plan on watching anytime soon), the CGI movies, “The Garfield Show,” and the new comics came, I thought the franchise went crappy. But apparently, audiences who grew up in the classic version of the franchise, they still prefer the 2-D animation with Lorenzo Music as Garfield instead of the CGI animation with Frank Welker as you know who. But, I’m not gonna talk about that right now.

Today, we’ll be taking a look at one of Garfield TV specials that had Lorenzo Music voicing Garfield since 1982-1994, which is from “Here Comes Garfield” to the TV series from 1988-1994, “Garfield and Friends.” This is “A Garfield Christmas.” It first aired on December 21, 1987. The special begins with Jon Arbuckle waking up Garfield with the house all decorated with the biggest gift of all,……..THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING, which is a robot that looks like Santa Claus with a Toys bag. How does it work? It reads your mind of what you really want and it comes to reality.

Jon wishes for a Santa helper’s hat or Robin Hood’s hat. Garfield wishes for diamonds, jewels, rubies, and ANYTHING ELSE I COULD THINK OF!!!!!!!!!!!!! The opening titles roll and soon we find out that it was just a dream sequence. Jon wakes up Garfield because Jon, Garfield, and Odie are going to Jon’s family at the farm for Christmas by packing up their presents and belongings. The gang then goes inside Jon’s car and remembers the good times when Jon used to live with his family before he met Garfield, Odie, and Lyman.

We get to witness a song sequence about what happened when his family celebrated Christmas. After this, our heroes arrive at the farm and get a happy family reunion, including Grandma, Jon’s mother and father, and Doc Boy, Jon’s brother. While Grandma prepares Christmas dinner which is putting chili powder on the sausage gravy like an evil old lady, our heroes go outside in the snow with Garfield not having a clue where he’s going due to the deep snow. Odie meanwhile is preparing a little Christmas surprise of his very own. Sudden foreshadowing………… Meanwhile, Garfield tries out the sausage gravy that obviously evil Grandma placed chili powder in and to his surprise, IT’S HOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I saw this in a “Garfield and Friends” quickie and the comic that the show is based on.

The Arbuckle family says grace and has dinner at the table. Grandma suspiciously gives the potatoes to Garfield and Odie, who are under the table. Now that’s over, it’s time to decorate our good old green bush, uhh I mean Christmas tree, heh heh. Garfield however, is chosen to put the star on top of the tree and as you can imagine: “Once a cat who ate lasagna was climbing a Christmas tree to place the star on top of it. He jumped and jumped but did not flee, he luckily found that he easily placed it on top of the tree.” Anyways I wasn’t expecting to write a poem or a nursery rhyme folks, continue.

Just as Garfield places the star on top of the tree, he falls back down but not flee. Oh wait, I just rhymed, uhh, Hi-Hit Entertainment and The Engine Inspector reference?

-At the Doctor’s Office-

DR. VICK NEWTON: Detective, you have rhymeitus, a rare disease while reviewing a classic or modern cartoon special, movie, or a sucky episode.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: That’s what I get for being like other reviewers like the Nostalgia Critic, The Engine Inspector (SkarloeyRailway01), arglefumph (Michael Gray), etc….. But I have to finish the review, PLEASE LET ME CONTINUE, DOC! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEEEASSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!…….

(Reference to a Nostalgia Critic Gag called the Arnold Schwarzenegger Baby from “Junior”)

The tree is soon light up and we witness Doc Boy then Granny playing the piano like a crazy lunatic. Oh and I forgot to mention this earlier. When the tree was being decorated, Grandma was petting and talking to Garfield and after the piano scene, Grandma is seen petting Garfield for the 2nd time while looking out the window and we hear once again sudden foreshadowing involving her husband AKA Grandpa who died years ago. It turns out the family didn’t have much money. In other words, the Arbuckle family was poor before Jon was born. Jon’s father is then forced to read a Christmas book called “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” oh wait I mean “Binky the Clown Saves Christmas.”


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: AHHHHHHH!!!! Binky, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to go to your next show for the circus or do your “Screaming with Binky?” Oh wait it was in “Garfield and Friends” and is over now.

BINKY THE CLOWN: I JUST WANNA SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU, DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Do you mind? I’m reviewing the special you’re mentioned in. BINKY THE CLOWN: OH SORRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Thank you. Let’s try to continue this review despite a–


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: SHUT UP, BINKYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about that folks. Let’s continue, shall we folks? Ok.

Odie then sneaks out of the house while everyone is asleep so that he can continue what he’s up to. Garfield sneaks out to where Odie is (inside the barn shed) and makes a surprising discovery. He finds old Christmas letters that were from Jon’s grandparents. Garfield realizes that the letters he found are five decades old. The Arbuckle boys wake up their father to ask if it’s time to open up their presents, even though it’s 1:30 in the morning and are sent back to their room. Gees, sometimes I think Jon and Doc Boy miss their childhood and refuse to grow up and move on.

The family wakes up on Christmas Day morning and the boys are desperate to open their presents first. Garfield then reveals his discovery last night to the entire family. Grandma explains that they’re love letters that her husband sent to her 50 years ago. Grandma is glad to discover those letters again after so long and thanks Garfield. Odie then shows Garfield what he’s been working on the entire special. It’s revealed to be a backscratcher with a fork scratching the back. Garfield enjoys the gift and gives out a speech of what Christmas is really about: “Christmas, It’s not the giving, it’s not the getting, it’s the loving.”

Awww, that’s so sweet and heartwarming, Garfield and plus, that shows that Christmas is about joy, spending time with your loved ones, giving, happiness, and Jesus’ birth in the Bible. The special ends with everyone having a splendid one last song that concludes the special.



This is a good special. It’s nice to see Garfield and Odie prove that they care about each other. Even though they don’t get along at times and treat each other like brothers, friends, or rivals. I have to admit, I’m impressed with the special itself and again it was really good. Everything moves along nicely and it has it’s moments, especially the heartwarming and emotional ones. It’s a shame that newer “Garfield” related content from Jim Davis are not as nearly as good as the older productions. It definately brings back nostalgia for the fans.

Overall, this special is a good one and I would recommend it to any Garfield or Christmas special fan. I give “A Garfield Christmas (Special)” a 8.5/10. I’m The Detective Librarian and be prepared for a big surprise on a few days before Christmas. Stay tuned! In Loving Memory of Lorenzo Music (May 2nd, 1937 – August 4th, 2001).