Season 3: Bonus Review #2: “Shaun the Sheep: The Movie”


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Review, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and remember Aardman Animations? Yes, the one company that continues making stop-motion for their well-known projects, such as “Wallace and Gromit”, “Chicken Run”, “Flushed Away”, etc…. Well, they also made another well-known TV series that is known as “Shaun the Sheep”, a stop-motion series that is about a farmer that owns a dog and a flock of sheep that can cause trouble and panic and are up to mischief, which can sometimes land them into trouble. Sadly, I’ve seen only a few episodes of the show, years ago and I remember bits and pieces of it. But, aside from that, we’ll be taking a look at the movie based off of the show called “Shaun the Sheep Movie” AKA “Shaun the Sheep: The Movie”. It first came in cinemas/theaters on February 6, 2015 and in the US, six months later on August 5, 2015. Here’s the funny thing, I wasn’t interested in seeing this movie, even though I found humor from the trailer of this flick funny, until I saw it in theaters.

So, just like my reviews of “Jurassic World” and “Inside Out”, I’ll be doing a spoiler-free review, even though it’s already out on DVD in the UK and when a movie’s already out on DVD, Blu-Ray, or on a VHS or if there was an episode that recently or already aired on TV, I would usually give away spoilers. But, I digress, is this movie worth watching, even if you’re new to the show? You’re about to find out, let’s take a look at “Shaun the Sheep: The Movie”.

The plot of the movie is that Shaun the Sheep (played by Justin Fletcher) gets bored of his daily life at Mossy Bottom Farm, so, he decides to have a day off and he and his fellow sheep create a plan in order to have a day off. But, the plan goes awry when their Farmer (played by John Sparkes) has an accident at the Big City and loses his memory. Now, Shaun and his family of sheep, along with the Farmer’s dog, Bitzer (also voiced by John Sparkes) have to make it to the Big City and get the Farmer and his memory back, as well as get back home before they get caught by the evil Trumper, a member of an organization that catches animals called the Animal-Control Service, (voiced by Omid Djalili). Now, you may think that the plot is a replacement of the usual story that would be in every-single, solitary movie that is based off of every kids’ movie, including saving the world from chaos, but no. Instead, we get the plot that is just like a feature-length “Shaun the Sheep” episode, but in a tolerable way.

The positive things I can say about this movie are that I do like the stop-motion/animation that was taken nicely, the way that the writers decided to have body language (even though it would be kinda confusing after a while and confusing for children), even though I like dialogue better, the humor, and the way that they decided to make it stick to the original show, itself. However, there other things I don’t like about this movie. The plot was a bit complicated and it left me a little bored, but I did manage to sit through it all the way, the pacing felt very slow, and I felt like a little bit of dialogue could’ve been added. But, a movie having or no having dialogue is fine. But, that’s just my opinion. But, I also forgot to add that this scene is probably my favorite scene in the entire movie.:

Now, onto my final thoughts. Overall, I have nothing else to say about this movie because it was alright. The plot was decent (even though it got written a little clumsy), the animation was good, the jokes were amusing, but the pacing was a bit too long, and a bit of dialogue could’ve made this movie a little bit better. Don’t get me wrong, it was an enjoyable movie, but there were a few problems that needed serious adjustments. Now, I know a lot of you enjoyed this movie and not a lot of you are going to agree with me because it’s just my own kind of taste, even though I’ve seen bits and pieces of the show. On a scale of a one to ten, I give this movie a 6.5/10 for not the best, but still good to watch. It’s up to you if you want to watch this movie or not. But, if you’ve never seen the show itself, you would probably not enjoy it.

And that’s my review of “Shaun the Sheep: The Movie”. I hope you enjoy it and, as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and I’ll see you in my next review and other posts!! Toodles!!


4 thoughts on “Season 3: Bonus Review #2: “Shaun the Sheep: The Movie”

  1. Not sure I would like “stop-motion” as a feature length. I have not seen this movie or the series. Your review does give me a good idea of pros and cons of this movie and this type of movie. As usual, you have a great spoiler-free review !


    1. But to me, I wasn’t too satisfied over my review of “Shaun the Sheep: The Movie”. I prefer making my reviews longer, by giving away the story and making jokes, etc… But, it’s a good thing that everybody enjoys stop-motion, before it was replaced with CGI and cartoon animation.


  2. I agree with your assessment. The movie was mildly entertaining with some amusing moments, but it was a bit slow. However, it is amazing that the animators are able to inject real personalities into these clay figures. I also like this review of yours–it’s straight and to the point.


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