“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: The 10th and Final Chapter: “The Memorial of the Shadow Kingdom”

<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-9-the-final-showdown/

It wasn’t long until we returned to Canterlot to tell Celestia the good news about Mephiles and Chrysalis’ defeat. Celestia and Luna were waiting for us, when we arrived. “There you three are,” Celestia said. “We were chasing after Chrysalis and Mephiles, all the way to The Crystal Empire,” Cadence explained and we told Celestia and Luna the rest of what happened back at the Empire. “I can’t believe Chrysalis would be planning to betray one of her own,” Celestia exclaimed. “Yes,” Luna replied, “Even after the way Bright Sun was corrupted into Mephiles after hearing all those lies and feeling let down because of you, Shining Armor!” “Don’t worry, everyone,” I assured them, “Mephiles won’t be a problem anymore; but I’m still feeling guilty of not turning him back to the good side, once again.”

“It’s alright, BBBFF,” Twilight said, “Now that this madness is over after decades, it looks like we’ll finally be able to move on from your past.” “I guess you’re right, Twiley,” I replied, “But, there’s still a few more things we need to do.” “Like what, Shining,” Cadence asked me. “I think it’s time we honored the lives that were lost in Emerald Village and it’s dark times that made it become the Shadow Kingdom, until now,” I replied. “That’s a great idea,” said Twilight. “Same here,” Cadence said, along with Luna and Celestia. A few days later, the construction of creating a memorial/a public park of the Shadow Kingdom AKA Emerald Village was commenced.

Months later, the Dark Days of the Shadow Kingdom Memorial was open. It contained the history of Emerald Village and the Shadow Kingdom and how it was destroyed, all those decades ago. On the anniversary of the demise of Emerald Village, Twilight, Cadence, and I decided to visit the Park and see the memorial of my real family. “I can’t believe it has been all those months ever since I learned the truth about my past and the Shadow Kingdom’s existence,” I exclaimed. “I know,” Cadence said, “And it was really good of you to ask Celestia to create the Park in the first place. This is one of the many ways that would’ve made your real family proud.”

“I know,” I said, “It’s just like what you said, the past is the past.” “Exactly,” Twilight said, “I just wish your family was here to see this.” We soon reached the memorial and placed some flowers on it, with tears coming out of my eyes and saying, softly, “I’ll-I’ll-I’ll miss them so much…Always…..” Cadence, Twilight, and I hugged each other, warmly, while trying to comfort me and get over my sorrows. As we were leaving, I looked up in the sky and said, “Happy anniversary, Good Gold, Margaret, and Bright Sun…..”

My name is Shining Armor, ‘Shining’ for short, and there was a time that I was unsure about my future. But, now, I’m certain that it’ll be a great future, since, I’m now ready for a new life ahead of me. I was ready to put the past behind me and continue on with my family, friends, and Little Sister Best Friend Forever, Twilight Sparkle…….



“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #9: “The Final Showdown”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/05/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-8-invasion-of-the-shadow-kingdom/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-the-10th-and-final-chapter-the-memorial-of-the-shadow-kingdom/

After we left Canterlot, we rushed to hunt down Chrysalis and Mephiles. “Where could they be,” I wondered. We looked around to see if we could find them, while we were rushing by. “Hey, I see something,” Twilight called out. Cadence and I looked at Twilight’s direction, only to find out that it was Mephiles and Chrysalis. “THEY’RE THEY ARE,” I shouted, “AFTER THEM!!!!”

After that, we chased after Mephiles and Chrysalis, before we reached The Crystal Empire. No one was around, until we saw Chrysalis and Mephiles, who were about to disguise themselves to try to fool us. “AHA,” I shouted, “THERE YOU ARE!!!!” We charged right at our two enemies, but, only to discover that it was actually two changelings in disguise. Suddenly, a bunch of dark crystals trapped us and it wouldn’t let Twilight escape, even when she was using her teleporter spell. “WHAT,” cried Cadence, “WE’VE BEEN FOOLED AGAIN?!” Then, we heard an evil cackle, it was Chrysalis, who was walking towards us, along with Mephiles.

“Oh, no,” said Twilight, “Not again!” “Oh, yes, again,” Chrysalis said. “Now that you’re with us, you three now have a chance to surrender and join us,” said Mephiles. “You wish,” I replied, “But, we won’t join you, again! Just, let us go, alright!” “Not until you join us,” answered Mephiles in a calm way, “Since we’re brothers, Shining Armor, you and I aren’t so different. We both had negative influences in our lives and you can eliminate those bad things by making the right choice, but teaching this pathetic world a lesson!”

“Why should I accept it,” I asked, “Everything you two ever told me was a lie. A cheap lie so that I could get involved in your schemes!” “That’s right,” Cadence said, “I won’t let you take my husband away from me!” “And, I won’t let you have my brother, that has been a kind, loyal, and cheerful colt to me to this day, even after he made terrible choices that affected our relationship. The only ones, who are a pathetic excuse for any creature in Equestria are you two, Mephiles and Chrysalis!” Chrysalis and Mephiles were offended over what Twilight just said. “MY, HOW VULGAR,” Mephiles spluttered.

“You WILL join us and realize how you were blinded by the many things you call ‘true love’,” Chrysalis taunted, “After all, I was the one who came up with that plan to hunt you three down at the VERY BEGINNING!” Cadence, Twilight, and I were shocked over what we just heard. “Why didn’t you tell us at the very beginning,” Cadence asked. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to give away surprises, until the VERY END,” explained Chrysalis, “After all, I’M THE QUEEN OF THE CHANGELINGS AND I MAKE UP THE RULES AND THE PLANS FOR MY CHANGELING ARMY AND EQUESTRIA!” “AND I’VE BEEN HELPING HER, EVER SINCE WE MET EACH OTHER,” joined Mephiles.

“SHE TOLD ME THE TRUTH THAT I NEED TO AMASS REVENGE ON EVERYTHING THAT I DESPISE THE MOST!! Together, WE WILL MAKE SURE THAT EVERYTHING IN EQUESTRIA WILL FALL UNDER OUR CONTROL AND HAVE THE SHADOW KINGDOM DOMINATE AND DESTROY IT IN ONE SETTING!!!!!!!!!” “Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” Chrysalis said, suddenly. “What,” exclaimed Mephiles. “After all, you were just a pawn in my plan and you’ve been helping me for so long,” she continued, “And now, it’s time to repay you for that kindness, BY DESTROYING YOU!” Just like that, Chrysalis used her magic to stab Mephiles in the heart, with me, Cadence, and Twiley gasping in horror over the shocking death we just witnessed.

He began to gasp for air, before falling to the ground with blood spewing out and quietly saying his last words, “How..Could you…Do this……Your majesty?…………” After the final words were said, Mephiles’ dark shadowy form slowly began to fade away, revealing his former self, known as Bright Sun, lying on the ground, lifeless. “Y-You-You killed him,” I said, horrified over what we just saw, “My Celestia, HOW COULD YOU, YOU MONSTER!!!” “Oh, I wanted to do that, ever since Bright Sun told me all about his ‘terrible’ life,” replied Chrysalis, “This is what you have, my dear, a terrible life with bad-luck. Remember the offer he gave you? There’s still time, I’m sure that eliminating all those horrendous ponies who disgraced you, throughout your entire life.”

She then tried to use her mind-controlling spell on me, when she was holding my mouth with her hoof. “LET ME GO, NOW,” I demanded, “I DON’T WANT TO WORK FOR YOU AGAIN!!” “How about ‘YES’,” taunted Chrysalis and continued her spell. “You leave MY BROTHER ALONE,” shouted Twilight with a giant magic blast of rage, that caused the crystal barrier to break open like a glass door breaking apart into shards. “Then, so be it,” replied Chrysalis, before the changelings began to charge at us, and we started to fight back against them. They used their cloning techniques to fool us again, but, luckily, we defeated them as quickly as possible.

While we were fighting, I saw Chrysalis trying to get away from the fight, once again. “CADENCE, TWILEY,” I shouted, “YOU’LL DEAL WITH THE CHANGELINGS, I’M NOT LETTING CHRYSALIS GET AWAY!!!” I gave to Chrysalis once again, almost immediately and I found her at the Crystal Mountains, before trying to fly away from me. “So,” Chrysalis began, “You decided to once again go after me, while you let your family fight to their deaths, while dealing with my ‘precious changelings’!” “That’s right,” I said, “And you’re not going to get away THAT easily! Surrender now quietly, or fight.”

Chrysalis thought for a moment, over what she was going to say next. “Hmmm, okay, surrender time, CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD,” shouted Chrysalis, before shooting out her magic at me. I dodged her magic attack and then pulled a conveniently placed sword on a skeleton of another pony. I charged at her, but Chrysalis created a sword from her magic to defend herself from me. While we were sword-fighting, Chrysalis said, slowly, “You may think that you were born to defend Equestria, that doesn’t mean that YOU’LL BE ABLE TO DEFEND YOURSELF FROM YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND MANY ALLIES ALIKE FROM YOU!!” “YES, IT DOES,” I shouted back, before firing a laser from my magic, right at Chrysalis. She then collided into a board from a mine shaft, that caused boulders and all kinds of rocks to fall off at us.

One hit one of Chrysalis’ wings, that broke a bone of her wing, and another one hit my right leg. “OW,” I shouted, painfully. I tried to stand up, but I couldn’t and fell to the ground. “Well, I guess it’s payback time FOR YOU,” Chrysalis said, “Good night, SWEET PRINCE!!!!” I tried to fire back at her, but Chrysalis used a spell to defend herself and tried to cast another spell to kill me, until she got hit by another streak of magic and fell to the ground, unconscious. It was from Twilight. “Well, it looks like we’re not the only heroes again, eh, BBBFF,” she asked.

“Thanks, Twiley for saving me,” I said, “It’s time that we put Chrysalis back to where she belongs.” “In her cell,” Cadence interrupted. “HEY,” I poked up, “I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT!” “Sorry,” said Cadence, but gave a small chuckle to herself. At last, I thought to myself, It’s over………The Shadow Kingdom was no more.


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #8: “Invasion of the Shadow Kingdom”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/04/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-7-escape-from-the-shadow-kingdom/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-9-the-final-showdown/

It wasn’t long until everyone in Canterlot and Ponyville were reminded over the Shadow Kingdom’s presence. All the citizens evacuated from their homes and some other residents were forced to join the battle against the Kingdom’s army of changelings and brainwashed minions. We were waiting near the Palace of Canterlot for the army to show up. “Is everyone here,” I asked Twilight. “Almost,” Twilight replied, “We just need Lightning Cloud.” Just then, Lightning Cloud and other guards showed up. “There you are,” I said, “And just in time, too!”

“Just in time, indeed,” Lightning Cloud replied, “Look!” Up ahead of us, an army was approaching us in the distance. “That’s them,” I said, “Get ready!” Mephiles and Chrysalis were leading the army of changelings and ponies under their control and looked determined to kill us all. They stopped, right at us, when they saw our army to stop them. “Well, would you look at that, Shining Armor,” scoffed Mephiles, “An army of your own to stop me. An army of your friends, family, comrades of the Royal Guard, and citizens, as well.” “Not to mention, being prepared for our invasion ahead of time,” Chrysalis joined in.

“How cute is that,” Mephiles said, sarcastically. Well, not THAT cute, I thought to myself. “You may have been prepared,” Chrysalis said, “But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t stop our army of changelings, that can shape-shift anypony you adore so much!” “We’ll see about that,” I said, “Either you turn back and go home, or you and your army will fall as it should’ve been all those years ago!” “NO,” Mephiles snapped back, “YOU SHOULD’VE DIED ALL THOSE YEARS AGO WITH YOUR REAL PARENTS AFTER THE WAY THEY TREATED ME, ALONG WITH THOSE MISERABLE FILLIES THAT DISRESPECTED AND HUMILIATED ME THAT CAUSED ME TO BE SO UNLUCKY!!!!!!! YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT THEY’VE PUT ME THROUGH, EVER SINCE YOU WERE BORN AND MADE ME A LAUGHING STOCK, UNTIL CHRYSALIS CAME AND SHOWED ME THAT I NEED TO GET REVENGE ON YOU AND ALL YOUR THINGS YOU LOVE IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Chrysalis wants you to help HER defeat Celestia and take over Equestria, more likely,” I replied, back. “Is that so,” Mephiles asked, “Then, why did she act like she was kind to me, which I should’ve gained after I moved to that new school?! She sounds pretty trustworthy to me, the queen of all changelings that drains love, like draining out blood. Unlike MY blood! Your life, Shining Armor, is NOTHING, BUT WORTHLESS!!!!!!! AFTER ALL, I SENT ALL THOSE SPIES OUT TO SPY ON YOU AND EVERYONE IN EQUESTRIA TO FIND YOU, BEFORE I MADE MY DECISION TO LURE YOU TO OUR KINGDOM AND JOIN US AND WE DISCOVERED THAT YOU HUMILIATED YOURSELF, IN-FRONT OF EVERYPONY YOU ADORE AND ALL THOSE CITIZENS OF EQUESTRIA!!!!!!!” “THAT’S NOT TRUE,” I yelled, “I’ve put my past, behind me and me alone!”

“It’s finally time you put all your pain, rage, and sorrow, behind you and move on,” I explained, “It’s not worth it of being in this state of evil and horribleness, that you’ve been through for all those years!” “NO, I WON’T,” Mephiles snapped back, “I WON’T AND WILL NEVER LET IT GO! I SHALL SEND ALL YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND ARMY, STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!!!!” “ATTACK,” Chrysalis shouted, and just like that, the Shadow Kingdom army charged at us. Our battle for Equestria had, at last, begun.

The changelings used their abilities to clone themselves as us and it would eventually lead to a very hard battle to go through. “HOLY CRAP,” I said, “THERE’S SO MANY CHANGELINGS!!!!” “I know, BBBFF,” Twilight replied, “You should’ve seen on how many changelings we had to fight against, last time they invaded Canterlot.” “I would not wanna know,” I said to Twiley, and we continued fighting against the army. After many hits and misses, the mind-controlled ponies, soon returned back to normal, feeling very dizzy and not knowing where they were. After that, they fled Canterlot in panic to get away from the area. Soon, the changelings were defeated, but there were more coming to Canterlot.

I then noticed Chrysalis and Mephiles flying away, while the changelings were coming towards us. “TWILEY, CADENCE,” I shouted, “COME WITH ME! WE HAVE TO STOP MEPHILES AND CHRYSALIS BEFORE THEY GET AWAY! RAINBOW DASH, PINKIE PIE, APPLEJACK, FLUTTERSHY, AND RARITY, YOU STAY HERE, WHILE WE TRY AND CATCH CHRYSALIS AND MEPHILES!!” “Why can’t we come with you,” Rainbow asked. “DON’T ASK QUESTIONS,” I shouted, “YOU’RE THE ONLY ONES AVAILABLE TO DEFEAT THE REST!!!” “Okey, dokey, lokey,” said another one of Twilight’s friends, Pinkie Pie. As the rest of Twilight’s friends stayed at Canterlot, Cadence, Twilight, and I immediately gave chase, after Mephiles and Chrysalis.


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #7: “Escape from the Shadow Kingdom”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/30/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-6-the-truth-revealed/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/05/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-8-invasion-of-the-shadow-kingdom/

After we sneaked out of our cells, we tried to find all of Twilight’s captured friends and Cadence, as well; but, to no avail. “I can’t find them,” whispered Twilight to me. “Neither can I,” I replied. However, our main objective to find our friends would soon be over, when we heard some footsteps nearby. “Hide,” I said, quietly, to Twilight, and we did, only to find the devastating aftermath over our other friends. Twilight’s other friends got brainwashed too and were after us next. “Not my friends,” whispered Twilight, “But, where’s Applejack?”

“Well, it’s a long story,” I replied, “But, now, let’s get outta here, quickly.” Twilight agreed and we tried to move quietly and quickly as possible. But, as we were leaving the Palace, a changeling guard spotted us and shouted, “ALERT, TWO PRISONERS ARE ESCAPING!!!!! I REPEAT, TWO PRISONERS ARE ESCAPING!!!!!!!” “Oh, Celestia,”I exclaimed. “GO, GO,” Twilight shouted at me, before guards of the Shadow Kingdom chased after us.

We were nearing the village of the Kingdom and noticed two ways to go. One way lead to an alley, while the other way lead to the other part of town. That gave Twilight an idea. “We’ll take a shortcut and head them off,” she said. “Good idea,” I replied, “But, let’s hope this works.” So, we took the alley, but, it lead us into another army of brainwashed ponies and changelings, surrounding us like a fire.

“Now what,” Twilight asked, “There’s too many of them and I can’t cast my spells due to the crystals in my horn!!” “What we do know,” I began, “Is fight!” So, that’s what we did, as the army charged at us, we tried to fight back by charging back at them like a bull, until we reached the gates, leading to the outside of the Kingdom. As we were just leaving the Kingdom, Twilight realized something. “What’s wrong,” I asked. “We forgot about Cadence and my friends,” she told me, “We have to go return them back to normal!” “But, Twiley,” I said, “It’s too late, now, we have to warn Celestia about Mephiles and Chrysalis’ plan, even though I told Applejack to warn everyone in Ponyville about it.”

“We can’t leave them behind,” exclaimed Twilight, “GO, SHINING, GO! IT’S YOUR JOB TO REMIND THE ROYAL GUARDS OF CANTERLOT, CELESTIA, AND THE OTHERS OF WHAT IS GOING ON! I’LL GO AND FIND THE OTHERS, HURRY! JUST, GO!!!!!!!” Reluctantly, I did what Twilight asked me and left, heading towards Canterlot. When I arrived at Canterlot, I waited for Twilight to return. It’s been so long, I thought, I hope she’s okay and made it out, alive.

Just then, Twilight returned, along with the rest of her friends and Cadence, who returned back to normal. “Cadence,” I asked. “Shining,” began Cadence, “MY SHINING ARMOR!” “CADENCE,” I yelled with joy, “YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!” We raced to each other to hug ourselves with plea, that we were finally reunited after our argument. “Oh, I’m so sorry that we fought, Shining Armor,” apologized Cadence. “I’m sorry, too,” I apologized back. “But,” began Fluttershy, one of Twilight’s friends, “What about Applejack?”

“Don’t worry,” said Twilight, “I’ll go get her in Ponyville!” “Count me in,” said Rainbow Dash, another one of Twilight’s friends. After Cadence healed our horns from the crystals from Mephiles, the two friends flew to Ponyville to find Applejack, while Cadence, the rest of my sister’s friends, and I went inside the Canterlot castle to find Celestia, to warn her about Mephiles. We found Celestia inside the throne room, signing some papers. “Shining,” Celestia said, “You’re back, along with the others, but where’s Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack?” “Don’t worry,” said Cadence, “they’re fine and back to normal already.”

“What about Mephiles,” asked Celestia, “Did you kill him?” “No,” I replied, “We didn’t defeat him, he’s still alive and preparing his army to invade Canterlot and wanted US to be part of his army, including me.” Then, I told her, the rest of Mephiles and Chrysalis’ plan and the real truth about Mephiles. “Before I first heard about my real past, I doubted myself for being a real ruler or a Captain, due to my bad-luck. My sister changed my mind; she, Mephiles, and I weren’t that different. We BOTH have had humiliating mistakes in the past and wanted to be respected for something real! But, now, Twilight decided to get over it, but, Mephiles is still angered by his past on how he was humiliated after I was born.”

“If it weren’t for her,” I continued, “I would’ve been still doubtful about my life and the many ways it gave my life a negative influence! And now, it’s my turn to repay that kindness and the kindness YOU gave me, Celestia, when you saved my life, when I was younger on the day Mephiles killed my real parents. We may have to get all the ponies we can get, along with any guard we have to fight back against the Shadow Kingdom. I can’t do it alone. I need your help, please……”

Celestia thought for a moment, wondering what she was going to say to me, next. “Don’t worry, Shining,” she said, “I’ll warn the others about Mephiles’ approach and they have to risk their lives to save Equestria!” “Thank you,” I replied, before turning to Cadence and everyone else, “Chrysalis and Mephiles won’t know what hit them because our battle for Equestria has only just begun!”


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #6: “The Truth Revealed”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/29/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-5-an-alone-journey/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/04/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-7-escape-from-the-shadow-kingdom/

While I was out, unconscious, I had another nightmare. This time, it showed memories of me getting attacked by my bad-luck, including Ms. Peachbottom flirting with me, being brainwashed by Chrysalis, embarrassing myself at my sister’s coronation by pretending that my tears were liquid pride, etc… Then, I could hear laughing from other ponies and enemies that I have faced in the past. I tried to escape the laughter, until I was being carried by a giant-changeling-like hoof that was holding me, stuck like a bug. Then, a giant crystal ball appeared, that was carrying Twilight, Cadence, and the rest of my family and friends. In other words, they were being held captive.

I tried to rescue them after I heard their cries of “help”, but, I was still stuck to the hoof, which belonged to none other than Mephiles. “LET ME GO,” I snapped at him. He just laughed and said, “Oh, I’LL let you go, by eliminating YOU FIRST!!!!!!!!!!” After that, he decided to place a magic spell that would exterminate me and everyone else. The spell aimed right at me, until I slowly started to wake up and found myself in dark cave/dungeon/cell. “Ugh,” I moaned, “Where am I?”

“Well,” said a voice, “Why you’re at our dungeon of the Shadow Kingdom.” The voice came from Mephiles, who showed up, along with, much to my horror, Queen Chrysalis. “WHAT,” I exclaimed, “CHRYSALIS?! HOW DID YOU–” “How did I escape from that rotting prison,” interrupted Chrysalis. “Well, Mephiles came and disguised himself as Celestia, before freeing me and my changelings by making the guards guarding me forget of what they were witnessing with our usual mind-controlling spells.” “Hello, Shining Armor,” said Mephiles, “It’s SO good to see you again after so long!”

“Mephiles,” I said, “I should’ve known that you and Chrysalis tricked me again. But, does that mean that you used one of your changelings to disguise yourself, when me and Cadence interrogated you?” “Of course, it does,” Chrysalis replied. “I’m so glad that you finally decided to send yourself onto our doorstep and join our army,” Mephiles gloated. “What do you mean ‘join our army’,” I asked, confused. “When I said, ‘Join our Army’,” Mephiles began, “I meant bring YOU here to be the captain and ruler of our army, just like YOU being Captain of the Royal Guard and ruler of The Crystal Empire!”

That gave me a shocking look on my face. “I can’t believe it,” I started, “This was ALL a trap, so that I could be involved in your army?! I WON’T ALLOW YOU TO CORRUPT ME, LIKE YOU DID LAST TIME, CHRYSALIS!!! SAME TO YOU, MEPHILES, CELESTIA AND CHRYSALIS HAVE TOLD ME ALL ABOUT YOUR PAST!!! YOU KILLED YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, JUST BECAUSE YOU FELT LONELY AND DEPRESSED, PROBABLY BECAUSE OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

After that, I tried to create a magic spell to escape from the cell, but, I soon found out that my back hoof was chained to a rock and my horn was blocked by crystals, once again. “Uh-uh-uh,” said Chrysalis, “You’re not going anywhere!” “Isn’t that right, Cadence,” said Mephiles, who was using magic. “Mmhm,” Cadence replied, hypnotically. “What you said about my past, that wasn’t it,” said Mephiles, “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT MY FAMILY AND ALL THOSE FILLIES THAT I WENT WITH AT SCHOOL PUT ME THROUGH, EVER SINCE YOU WERE BORN!!!! ALL THE EMOTIONS I HAD TO GO THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I poked up with concern, “I can tell that you’re in anger,” I said. “I need to know why you did something so dark to my REAL family. TELL ME, MEPHILES! I NEED TO KNOW: WHY DID YOU KILL MY PARENTS?! TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Mephiles paused for a few moments, before saying, “Chrysalis, Cadence, leave us. I think it’s time to tell Shining Armor about MY history.”

After that, the other two left us alone, before I noticed that Twilight was held captive, too. Before I could call her, Mephiles interrupted. “Now, pay attention, this time, brother,” he snapped. “Okay,” I slowly, said, before Mephiles started his story.:

“You see, back when I was a colt, I was known to be the luckiest pony in Emerald Village. I had a lot of friends, who would often treat me like an idol, due to me not having bad-luck ever in my life. Even my parents appreciated me and treated my kindly, all the time. Even if I gained a few friends, I considered being lucky one of the biggest things to ever gain and never lose in my entire life. But, what I did not know was that after my old elementary school closed down, due to bankruptcy, my pride and faith in who I was would be gone and my life would change forever. After you were born, I moved to a new school and was treated, badly by other fillies.”

“How bad were you mistreated,” I asked. “Well,” Mephiles replied, before continuing.:

“At my new school, other fillies would think I’m ugly and started to make fun of me, that resulted me from being a star-student and luckiest pony alive, all the way to being a flat-flunking failure and the most unlucky pony to ever exist. Even my parents started to be obsessed with YOU! Because of it, I was SO ANGRY AND EMBARRASSED, that I immediately fell into a deep depression and a major grudge against everyone in town. A few weeks before their anniversary, I tried to be respected again by trying to frame you for breaking a very valuable and expensive vase that Good Gold and Margaret Ruby loved so much, like an idol. However, they caught red-handed and yelled at me for being so cruel, before giving a punishment by doing chores for weeks. At this point, I was so upset and enraged, that I began to snap back at them and want to have a better life with a different family, before running away, sobbing in tears.”

Well, it looks like I’m not the ONLY one to have bad-luck, I thought to myself, while Mephiles was telling his story.:

“I ran all the way to a volcano, where Chrysalis and her changelings were held captive. I then joined her and was determined to get revenge on my parents and all those PONIES WHO LAUGHED AT ME AND MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL!!!!! EVEN YOU, SHINING ARMOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soon, the changelings began to invade Emerald City, as a part of my revenge plot. I went inside my old home and saw my parents hanging to their doom over a gulf of flames, below them. I refused to listen to their pleads to help them and I shouted my last words to them, ‘Time to go STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ Before I pushed them to their deaths and tried to kill you next with my hatred, anger, and pain, until Celestia came and flew you away to Canterlot.”

“After the invasion was over,” Mephiles continued, “I converted the damage done to Emerald Village and turned it into MY image, ‘The Shadow Kingdom!'” “So, that’s why you went into this evil, horrifying freak, ever since,” I said. “Yes, and my bad-luck will finally go away, when you join us and send all those miserable lives to their proper time to die.” “NO,” I exclaimed, “I WON’T ALLOW YOU TO DO SO! YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I tried to pull away from the chain as hard as I could, but to no avail.

“It’s no use, now,” taunted Mephiles, “It looks like you’re not so special anymore. You’re now the ‘Unluckiest Pony Alive’! Now, if you’ll excuse me with your sister, I have to send one of my guards to take you to the Converting Room, where you’ll finally change your mind and join us, again.” Mephiles laughed the evilest laughter I’ve ever heard in a long time, before leaving the room with me feeling very upset over his taunt. Tears began forming in my eyes, after I felt so heartbroken and enraged.


“Heck, you’re not the only one who had doubts about yourself, I doubted myself after me and my friends went and accidentally caused chaos at ‘The Grand Galloping Gala’. Did I get obsessed over it, NO! I went on and got through it. Listen, Shining, this isn’t you, you’re not unlucky and a doubtful pony. You’re VERY special, we even shared those special talents when we were younger. Don’t put yourself down because of some crazy superstition, anymore and start believing in yourself!”

“But, how can I let the past beside me, when I’m not special,” I asked. “Because,” Twilight began, “The past is the past and don’t let your past get the better of you and start moving on! You will stop Mephiles and Chrysalis and save my friends and Cadence….And I believe in you……..”

After Twilight gave that speech, I felt foolish for being so doubtful because of some “bad-luck” and realized of what I had to do. I then noticed a metal pole on the floor, along with the dungeon guard carrying the keys that unlocks the cells, keeping me and Twiley inside. That gave me an idea, I pushed the pole in the middle of the floor with Twilight watching. “What are you doing,” she asked, with a curious look on her face. “I’m finding a way out, little sister,” I replied.

The guard slipped on the pole and fell, face-first onto the floor with the keys falling right beside Twilight. “Unlock it, now,” I whispered. Twilight did so and unlocked the two cells keeping us both inside and then picked up a sharp crystal that destroyed the piece of wood that was carrying the chain on my back hoof. “Way to go, Shining Armor,” Twilight congratulated. “We can’t celebrate yet,” I began, “We have to get outta here and save the others!” Soon, we sneaked out, hoping to escape from the Shadow Kingdom.


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #5: “An Alone Journey”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-4-journey-through-galloping-gorge/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/30/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-6-the-truth-revealed/

Soon after I was determined to save my family and friends, I later began to feel upset and sorry for myself, after having an argument with Cadence for the very first time in my life. I would soon go on with the journey and face the dangers ahead, all by myself. Maybe, I thought, Cadence was right that accidents happen and sometimes, it’s best to let it slide and move on. Just then, I heard footsteps that sounded like they were coming straight towards me, along with some-weird buzzing noises that I recognized. CHANGELINGS, I thought.

Quick as a wink, I immediately hid inside a cave, in order not to get detected by the changelings and the others, and wait for them to pass by. A few minutes later, the buzzing and the footsteps went away and as I was just leaving the caves, a few other changelings and some brainwashed ponies showed up; including Cadence. “CADENCE,” I shouted, “WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?!” Cadence didn’t reply, before she and the others lunged straight towards me. I immediately tried to defend myself and was able to escape them with a magic spell to get them off me. I raced as fast I could to get away from the changelings and my hypnotized wife and other ponies.

But, they following right behind and started chasing after me. “I can’t believe Mephiles would do this to YOU,” I said to Cadence. Cadence, still, said nothing and continued to chase after me. Along the way, I came across another rope bridge, just like from earlier. I crossed the bridge, but then I was cornered by Cadence and an army of changelings and mind-controlled ponies. What do I do, What do I do, I thought, nervously to myself. Suddenly, an idea came to me in order to get out, unscathed.

“I SURRENDER,” I shouted and put my hooves up into the air. After that, the army slowly started to walk towards me, until I cut the bridge in-half, sending them all to the bottom of the ravine below, with me as well. Luckily, I hid inside a small hole to not get seen, again. When the army started to look for me, I quickly hid under a small hole that was large enough for me to fit inside. When they used a light spell to check inside the cave and was nearing my spot, I slowly crawled under, further, and hardly dared to breathe. Moments later, the coast was clear for me and I started to climb up the mountain onto the other side of the bridge.

“Phew,” I said, “Thank, Celestia that I didn’t die again. Well, it looks like I’m getting closer to finding Twiley and my friends again, now that I know what happened to Cadence, and it’s not a pretty sight because I think I see some buildings far away in the distance.” It wasn’t long until I slowly walked towards an old sign, saying “WELCOME TO EMERALD VILLAGE, THE HEART OF RICH AND JOY!” Well, it isn’t a heart of “rich and joy” anymore, I thought to myself, It’s now a kingdom of darkness with a corrupted brother that I have not seen or known of for a very long time, ever since I was very young. I stopped at the top of a hill near a kingdom that was near the Emerald Village sign.

“That must be the ‘Shadow Kingdom’ that Mephiles is currently residing at, along with those other kidnapped ponies,” I muttered, quietly, “There are guards, everywhere, I’m going to have to be REAL careful.” I heard more clopping behind me and I hid behind an old, oak tree. The clopping came from the army that I encountered earlier, the army came and were allowed to proceed through the gates in-front of them, leading to the Kingdom. How am I going to get past those guards, if they know who I am, I thought. Suddenly, another brainwashed pony came by with a cart filled with food for Mephiles. Now’s my chance to hop on, I thought.

After that, I sneaked inside the cart to where the food was. After the cart went through the gates, I knew that I was in the Shadow Kingdom, and I hopped into an alley without being noticed. “Okay,” I whispered, before going out of the alley, quietly, “I’m coming for you, Twiley.” The cart with food was going up on a flight of stairs and into a temple on a mountain, before disappearing into the darkness. That must be where Mephiles is currently at, I thought to myself, But, there’s gotta be a way on how I can get there, without anyone catching me.

I, then, noticed another cart coming straight towards the palace, which gave me another idea. I hopped behind the cart, but that was one bad move because a changeling noticed me hopping onto the cart. “INTRUDER ALERT,” he shouted, “I REPEAT, THERE’S AN INTRUDER ON THE CART FILLED WITH PRISONERS, HEADING TOWARDS THE KING’S PALACE!!!!!!” Then, came the alarm, warning everyone in the Kingdom about my presence. “I gotta get out of here,” I said to myself, but, before I could do that, it was already too late. A humongous army of Mephiles’ subjects surrounded me and then sprayed me with a gas spell to knock me unconscious. “I..Have..To. Stay. Awake,” I said, with a cough and wheeze.

The last thing I could remember seeing and hearing before passing out was Mephiles’ evil laughter and dark cloud approaching towards me and ordering his guards to lock me up in the Palace prison.


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #4: “Journey Through Galloping Gorge”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-3-chrysalis-secret/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/29/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-5-an-alone-journey/

Over the next few days, we traveled across Equestria to go to the Shadow Kingdom and save Twiley and her friends from Mephiles. However, things were bound to go awry when we were nearing Galloping Gorge. “Are you sure we’re heading in the right direction,” asked Cadence. “Of course, I’m sure,” I replied, “We’ve marked almost the places we’ve been on the map. So, we’re getting close, I think.” “I hope so, too,” said Cadence. However, unbeknownst to us, we were being watched by a mysterious spy, who was hiding in the rocks.

When we were approaching the other side of Galloping Gorge, the spy lunged at us. “LOOK OUT,” cried Cadence, and then we dodged the Spy’s attack. The Spy looked at us with his green-evil eyes, and it was Twilight’s southern-speaking, farmer friend, Applejack, an earth pony of the Apple family. “Applejack,” I asked, “Is that you?” Applejack, however, didn’t answer and looked at us, very strangely. “AJ, snap out of it,” snapped Cadence.

Applejack replied in a hypnotic voice, “You’re not going anywhere. You’re going with me to him!” She then charged at us, but luckily, we tried to escape. However, Applejack chased after us and then bucked some trees to kill us. But, we used our magic to stop some of the trees from falling, crashing down, and killing us both. “Something is wrong with Applejack,” Cadence suggested. “You’re right,” I replied, “Someone must have put her under a–“. Just then, we realized something. “–A MIND-CONTROL SPELL,” Both, me and Cadence said in shock.

“Alright, Apple,” I started to say, “You leave us no choice.” We then fought back against her, until we pushed her into an apple tree, which caused a bunch of apples to fall down, hit Applejack in the head, and knock her unconscious. She then woke up a few seconds later, with her head spinning with confusion. “Where am I,” she asked, “Last thing I remember was that me and my friends were captured and taken hostage like a jackrabbit. Then, Mephiles forced you, Shinin’ Armor, and Cadence to come to us, before brainwashing us into workin’ for him!”

“Hmm,” I wondered, “Something tells me that this went from an abduction to a corruption.” “I agree,” Cadence said, “But, we have no time to waste. We better go and rescue Twilight and the others, before it’s too late!” “I’ll go back to Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville and warn the others,” replied Applejack. AJ went racing to the nearest station to go on a train to return to Ponyville, while me and Cadence continued our journey. “Let’s just hope that we don’t encounter more surprises along the way,” said Cadence. “Same here,” I agreed.

And more bad-luck, I thought to myself. It wasn’t long until we reached the Frozen North, but, we came across a fork on the trail. It lead to three ways to go, but, we didn’t know which way to go. “Let’s go right,” Cadence suggested. “Right,” I said. We then came across an old rope bridge that looked dangerous, as most rope bridges are. “Brace yourselves,” I said, “This bridge looks unstable.” “I can see that,” Cadence said, “But, you’re right. We SHOULD be careful, again.”

I decided to lead the way across the bridge, but, I would end up in more trouble than I thought I would. We ventured slowly and carefully on the old rope bridge, then, disaster struck. As I went into the middle of the bridge, one of the boards holding me broke, causing me to dangle, dangerously over the deep ravine below. “HELP,” I screamed, “I CAN’T HOLD ONTO THE SIDES OF THE BRIDGE FOR MUCH LONGER!!!” Luckily, Cadence flew me to safety, until we saw a giant bolt of magic firing right at us.

We found out that it was from more brainwashed ponies, along with changelings. They chased after us, but, we hid inside a cave, in order to not get noticed for the time being. “HOLY CELESTIA,” Cadence yelled after the ponies and changelings were gone, “THEY WERE BRAINWASHED TOO AND ARE TRYING TO KILL US!!!!!!!!!!!” “I also nearly got myself killed,” I replied, “That means that my bad-luck struck again! I really am bad-luck prone, I don’t think we’ll able to go on and get ourselves in MORE bad-luck–”

“SHINING, ENOUGH,” Cadence snapped, “Seriously, get over it already! YES, YOU’RE A RULER! YES, YOU’RE CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD, BUT, IF YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN USE YOUR ACCIDENTS AS EXCUSES THAT YOU CAN’T BE ANY OF THOSE THINGS, THINK AGAIN!!!!!!!” “Oh, is that so,” I poked up, “Then, why are you letting them slide, like nothing happened?!” “Because,” Cadence began, “It’s already in the past, now, You should’ve known that already, and YES, MAYBE YOU AREN’T FIT TO BE A RULER OR A CAPTAIN! MAYBE, YOU SHOULD GO ON WITHOUT ME BECAUSE OF YOUR ‘SO-CALLED-BAD-LUCK’!!!” “FINE,” I said, “Then, GO ON WITHOUT ME!!!” We soon avoided each other and continued on without each other.

But, deep down, we both felt upset and guilty inside our hearts over being so rude to each other. As I was walking through the rest of the mountains and into the Crystal Mountains, I then heard a loud scream in the distance. I know that scream, I thought, It must be……I gasped in shock over who it belonged to. “CADENCE,” I shouted, “OH, NO!!!” I raced to find Cadence, but only to find her crown, lying on the ground, along with some changelings taking her away in the distance.

“What have I done,” I said to myself. “How could I have been so foolish?” I then continued on my journey, determined to find Cadence and everyone else, and save them from the Shadow Kingdom.


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #3: “Chrysalis’ Secret”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/23/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-2-the-legend-of-king-mephiles/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-4-journey-through-galloping-gorge/


While we were on our way to meet Queen Chrysalis at the Prison, where Twilight and her friends kept her, last time they faced each other, we were busy discussing on what Mephiles was after and my bad-luck as well. “I just can’t believe I’m related to Mephiles,” I said to Cadence. “I couldn’t believe it, either,” she replied, “After being left in the dark for so long, you finally know now the truth about your past.” “Well, not yet at least,” I replied, “There’s something about him that doesn’t add up and that’s why we’re going to see Chrysalis to get some answers on why my long lost brother would ever do something so dark. Unless, if something bad happened to me again.”

“What,” began Cadence, “You’re still obsessed over your obviously not-so bad-luck, Shining Armor?” “I’m sorry, Cadence,” I replied, “But I tried so many times in a row to stay out of trouble. But, look what Chrysalis, Sombra, and everyone else came and did!” “Relax, Shining,” Cadence said, “Those were accidents and you didn’t mean to cause them.” “I know but, those accidents were much more than that and it would’ve gotten me and my family and friends killed,” I said. “Shining, remember what I said, the past is the past and sometimes, it’s good to forget about your accidents and move on,” answered Cadence. “Again, I’m sorry, dear; but, I can’t let it slide, not yet at least,” I replied, just as we arrived at Chrysalis’ Prison.

Queen Chrysalis was resting, until we approached her. “Oh, hello my dear, Shining Armor,” said the Queen, “Long time no see. Have you come to join me again, along with my other changelings?” “NO! That happened once and I won’t fall for your lies again,” I snapped. “After all, you nearly killed my sister-in-law and everypony in Canterlot and Equestria,” continued Cadence. Chrysalis smiled an evil smile that I would expect from a villain like her.

“Oh, that surely brings back memories over what could’ve been one of the best days of my life,” she went on. “Anyway,” I began, “Mephiles has kidnapped my little sister, Twilight, and her friends at his Kingdom in the mountains miles away from The Crystal Empire, recently.” “Is that so,” asked Chrysalis, “Then, why are you bringing me the news over something I didn’t even get involved in?” “That’s because Mephiles is actually my brother, Bright Sun,” I answered, “Do have anything to do with it, because you started a fire at my old house that would’ve completely burned me to death?” “Bright Sun,” asked Chrysalis.

“Yes,” I answered. “Hmmm…..Sounds familiar,” she pondered. “Oh yes, now I remember! It goes back decades ago!” “Me and Shining Armor want to know, Chrysalis,” started Cadence, “Why did Bright Sun kill his family?! TELL US!!” “Woah, geesh, Cadence, relax,” replied Chrysalis, before explaining on how Bright Sun met Chrysalis. “Here’s how it goes:

“Years ago, Bright Sun was walking angrily and sadly from Emerald Village and into the volcano that sealed me and my changelings. All I heard from him was, before we were released, ‘I WANT MY MOM AND DAD TO LOVE ME, ALONG WITH ALL THOSE PONIES IN TOWN!!!!!’ I heard his sobs and then made a plan to use him as a new king to get revenge on everyone in Equestria and help him build his own kingdom. ‘Hello, dear,’ I said to him. Bright Sun was startled by the voice, ‘Who said that,’ he asked. ‘I did, from behind that volcano,’ I answered. I convinced him to cast a spell so that he could see me and my other boys.”

“Hold on,” I interrupted, “Let me get this straight, you tempted my brother into releasing you from that volcano that I’ve never heard of before?” “Well, sort-of,” answered Chrysalis, before continuing her story.:

“After I convinced him, he reluctantly agreed, due to having a fear of talking to strangers. That’s because I gave him the option to either release me, or not get something great and something….More! Sun explained to me that his family, friends, and fillies at his school didn’t appreciate him anymore and focused only on their newborn brother.”

“That, would be me,” I told Chrysalis, “But, I was way too young to even know that or even remember back then.” “I can tell, my dear,” Chrysalis replied, before she went on again.

“I lied to him that I was unappreciated as well and explained to him that I could help him get revenge on all those miserable ponies he hated so much and form his own colony to spread it across Equestria. Because he was so angry and upset, he agreed to help me and himself. While he prepared to release me, I used my usual mind-controlling spell to make him all mine to use, until we brainwashed that dragon that was guarding the volcano that kept me and all the changelings inside. The brainwashed dragon let us go and we flew all the way to Emerald Village, attacked it, until it was completely destroyed and almost everyone in the Village were killed upon impact. Ever since then, I’ve asked Bright Sun, or should I say King Mephiles, to rule his own kingdom called the ‘Shadow Kingdom’.”

“Well, aren’t you gonna tell us more,” asked Cadence. But, all could Chrysalis say was, “Oh, I wouldn’t like to spoil the rest of the story for you two. Besides, you would have to find out for yourselves!” “But, we need to know,” I said. “I’m sorry, but, venture deeper into the Kingdom and find out for yourselves, as I said,” Chrysalis replied. “Oh, fine,” I answered in a moody way, “But, let’s just hope you’re telling the truth, this time.” “Yes, I am, ‘Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a needle in my eye’,” Chrysalis swore.

“Come on,” said Cadence, “We can’t just stay here, we’ve only got a few days until the deadline of rescuing Twilight and the others ends!” “My Celestia, you’re right, Cadence,” I realized, “We’ve got to go!” “Now,” Cadence said to Chrysalis, “Let’s just hope it’s not another one of your big tricks to trick us into risking our lives to our deaths, Chrysalis.” ” He he he,” sniggered Chrysalis, “I look forward to it.” We were annoyed on what Chrysalis said, but not for long. It was officially time to go into the Mountains and save my sister from any means of harm, whatsoever. However, what we didn’t know was that we were about to meet our doom and soon find out that it was much more than just a kidnapping, and that would eventually lead into something big!


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom” Chapter #2: “The Legend of King Mephiles”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/22/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-1-feeling-unlucky/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-3-chrysalis-secret/


I was still feeling very embarrassed after I made a fool out of myself at the restaurant earlier. It made me even more worried about my bad-luck than ever. “I really am bad-luck prone”, I said to Cadence, as we were about to go to sleep that night. “Don’t put yourself down because of an accident”, Cadence said. “I mean, it happens to us ALL the time.” “I don’t know if that’s true, sweetie”, I replied. “I sure hope you realize that, see you in the morning”, Cadence answered. “Good-night, love you”, I replied, and went to sleep.

But, later that night, I had a terrible dream. It was about a baby-filly that looked like me, witnessing a unicorn that looked a little bit like me, but with a different mane color and skin color, who was pushing two ponies into their deaths into a batch of flames below them. Next, there came an army of Changelings, creatures that drain the love of somepony you love and can do shape-shifting and mind control, with their ruler, Queen Chrysalis, leading them like a swarm of ducks flying south. Finally, I saw the older pony that looked like me earlier try to kill me with a magic spell, before I woke up with a gasp and Cadence calling me. “SHINING”, she called. “PRINCESS CELESTIA NEEDS US AT CANTERLOT ASAP!”

“Ugh, why not Twilight and her friends”, I asked. “Get this,” started Cadence, before explaining the situation. “Twilight and her friends have gone missing and there’s no other pony available, except us!” “What,” I asked, “Did she get killed by someone who looked like me?” “No, we’ll find out why when we get to Canterlot,” Cadence answered. “Wait, who will look after our post at the Crystal Empire, while we’re gone”, I asked. “Don’t worry”, she replied, “Celestia’s asked her younger sister, Luna, to look after the Empire, while we’re gone.”

Gee, I wonder how Luna will manage the Empire, while we’re away, I thought to myself. Soon, we made it to Canterlot, where Celestia and a bunch of other guards were waiting for us. “Thank goodness, you two are here,” said Celestia, “We need any help we can get.” “Don’t worry, I told Shining the details you gave us, before we left,” Cadence said. “Alright, Twilight and her friends are missing, why’s that,” I questioned Celestia. “Well,” started Celestia, “I sent Twilight and her friends to go and face a kingdom that I’ve been keeping as a secret for a very long time, and it goes back many decades ago.”

Then, she pulled out a book of myths that occurred in Equestria many years ago, that would explain on why she sent my sister and the rest of her friends to risk their lives to go to who-knows-where. “The story goes something like this,” began Celestia, and she read the story. “Once upon a time, there was a small kingdom called Emerald Village. It was well known for mining emeralds, diamonds, and jewels for rings, necklaces, etcetera. It was a peaceful village with friendly ponies alike; but, that was about to change over 40 years ago. Forty years ago, the ruler of the town, Good Gold, and his wife, Margaret Ruby, had their son, Bright Sun, born.”

“Bright Sun was a grumpy, but kind unicorn who was prone to get angry when things didn’t go his way, was teased and made-fun of, or something upset him personally. But, his life would be thrown into a major change when his brother was born. His name was…….,” Celestia paused. “Who,” asked Cadence. “His name was what,” I joined. “His brother was actually, YOU, Shining Armor,” Celestia replied. After I heard the answer, Cadence and I were shocked over what we just heard.

“Shining, what’s wrong,” asked a worried Cadence. “It’s….It’s just like that dream I had last night,” I answered nervously. “I’ve been having those dreams for days and they really don’t feel like normal ones, they feel like memories!” “I’m sorry, but, it’s true,” Celestia continued. “You ARE related to Bright Sun.” “Please, continue,” I said. “Alright, Celestia said, and she continued the story.

“One night, Bright Sun’s parents were celebrating their anniversary and everything was going well. Until, a fire broke out in their house that was caused by Chrysalis and her changelings, that were invading the village. They tried to escape and tried to find you and Bright Sun. However, it seems that Bright was jealous because when they were escaping through the emergency exit, the exit was blocked with burning wood. Bright Sun arrived to help his parents, but then betrayed by pushing them into their deaths into the flames below. He then tried to kill you, until I came and rescued you from the fire, along with other guards, and when I saw Bright Sun, he was already corrupted into a twisted, vengeful, and evil freak named King Mephiles. He then vowed to use the village, in order to create his own kingdom, before I flew you to safety.”

“Wait, you mean to tell us that Shining Armor here was the brother of King Mephiles and he was saved by you,” asked a surprised Cadence. “Yes, Princess Cadence, but we don’t know for sure why Sun would go into such dark lengths to kill his only parents,” Celestia replied. “Wait, so, you handed my as a baby to my parents that adopted me,” I asked. “That’s right,” replied Celestia. “Why didn’t you tell me,” I asked. Celestia took a deep breath before she answered, “It’s because you wouldn’t be haunted by it for so long.” “Well, now I know and let’s just hope I won’t be haunted by it again,” I said, “Not to mention get bad-luck while I go find my friends and little sister,” I muttered, quietly.

“Wait, started Cadence, “If you haven’t heard of Mephiles ever since, then why didn’t you send anyone earlier?” “Every time I sent a Royal Guard or any student to where Mephiles was, they all disappeared,” Celestia answered. “That must mean that Mephiles has kidnapped them and he’s after us next,” I deduced. Just then, a giant flash of lightning struck and a set of mysterious dark eyes appeared in a dark shadow. The figure laughed in an evil way and stared at me, coldly.

“Shining Armor,” replied the eyes. “It’s been so long, my brother.” “King Mephiles,” I replied, “You ARE my brother!” “Yes, I am and that’s not all,” replied Mephiles, before he showed a picture of Twilight and her friends, being held captive. “OH NO,” said both me and Cadence, shocked over what we were seeing. “Shut up, either you come to me in my Shadow Kingdom in 5 days, or both YOU, your sister, family, and ALL YOUR FRIENDS DIE, AND I RULE EQUESTRIA ANYWAY,” said Mephiles in a threatening tone. “DON’T DO IT,” replied one of Twilight’s friends, Rainbow Dash, “DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!”

“QUIET, RAINBOW,” I snapped. “How far is it from here?” “Well, it’s only on a distant island FAR AWAY FROM WHERE YOU LIVE, CURRENTLY,” Mephiles answered. “Alright, I’ll do it,” I decided. “NO, SHINING, NO,” yelled Twilight. “Twiley, stay calm, Cadence and I are going to save you, just stay calm.” “Remember,” Mephiles continued, “DON’T TAKE THE TRAIN, JUST SHOW YOU AND CADENCE ALONE!!!!”

“Okay,” I said. After that, Mephiles disappeared along with the darkness at Canterlot. “Are you really sure this is the right decision,” asked Cadence. “I’m not sure, but it seems to be the right choice,” I answered. “Besides, it’s the perfect chance to find out what Mephiles is up to and why he’s responsible for all those disappearances after all this time.” “I sure hope so,” said Celestia, “But, be careful.” “Don’t worry, we will,” I said, before leaving Canterlot and deciding to get answers at the prison where they were keeping Queen Chrysalis. But, secretly, I wasn’t so sure about my decision.