Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM”: “Life of Darkness”: Official Poster #3: (CREDIT TO j5a4 from DEVIANTART) & “GOING TO NYC PONYCON, NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!”

Please note that before starting this post, I would like to apologize to a DeviantArt guy named j5a4 for using his “Luna Scared” vector, without his permission. Even though I don’t have a DeviantArt account, I’m really sorry for using it for my poster. Hope you’ll forgive me. Anyways, please proceed!


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Post, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and I’m really excited to announce that I’m going to PonyCon in NYC/New York City!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!! THIS IS NOT ONLY THE FIRST TIME I’M GOING TO A BRONY CONVENTION LIKE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN, THIS IS ONE OF THE MANY WISHES I’VE EVER WANTED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, EVER SINCE I’VE HEARD ABOUT BRONYCON AND OTHER BRONY CONVENTIONS FROM THE “BRONY DOCUMENTARY”!!!!! Please note that it’ll take place during the Valentines Day/Hearts and Hooves Day and Presidents Day weekend from February 13-15 3 2016 and many bronies and pegasisters will attend and in order to get more details, check out the website and purchase your tickets now! But, hurry, the tickets might get sold out soon and remember, kids, ask your parents for permission first, before going online and letting them purchase the tickets to go there.:



Also, be sure to stick around where other popular bronies are hosting their own panels there, including ToonKriticY2K and here are more details about his panel, if you haven’t checked it out yet.:

Anyways, I really hope I see you all there and it’s really gonna be (as said in Season 1 finale) “THE BEST NIGHT EVER”— I mean (as Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would say) “THE BEST DAY EVER”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 Aside from that, let’s get to the REAL post.

As you can tell, my newest poster is for my upcoming fan-fic focused on Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon in “Life of Darkness”. I made this poster (probably) a long time ago and it includes Princess Luna having a scared look on her face when she looks behind her shadow that reflects Nightmare Moon in the Everfree Forest at night with an eye-shade on it. The words include “Your Life Has Been Shadowed By the Darkness That Made You Feel UNAPPRECIATED!! But, It’s Time to Get Away from the Loneliness And Join Me And We Can No Longer Have Your Life Trapped In Darkness!!..”

PLOT SYNOPSIS: One thousand years ago, when the land of Equestria was still under construction, Princess Celestia and her younger sister, Luna, have just been coronated as the Princesses/rulers of the country. However, as Celestia receives all of the attention, Luna starts to have signs of envy and loneliness and feels unimportant. But, it soon changes when somepony else tempts her into joining her into bringing down Celestia and changing Equestria into a new nation and with a new identity that may cause Luna to have anxiety. But, as time progresses, things go from bad to worse when her anger continues and it may not only harm Equestria and her older sister, Celestia, but it would only bring light to her Life of Darkness.

Before I go, for Luna’s scared posture, YES, I used j3a4’s Luna’s scared vector from DeviantArt and (again), j5a4, if you’re reading this, I’m really sorry I used this image without your permission. If you haven’t seen the real image of it, here’s the link to it.:


Also, here are a few soundtrack entries that I may put in the Official Soundtrack of “Life of Darkness”.:

So, let me know in the comments of what you think and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and I hope to get and see you all at PonyCon NYC next month, more posts/reviews, fan-fics, and more stuff from “Life of Darkness”. Toodles!!! 😉