Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM”: “Shining Armor and the Dreadful Legacy” Official Poster #1


“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom” Chapter #1: “Feeling Unlucky?”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom” Chapter #2: “The Legend of King Mephiles”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #3: “Chrysalis’ Secret”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #4: “Journey Through Galloping Gorge”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #5: “An Alone Journey”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #6: “The Truth Revealed”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #7: “Escape from the Shadow Kingdom”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #8: “Invasion of the Shadow Kingdom”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #9: “The Final Showdown”

“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: The 10th and Final Chapter: “The Memorial of the Shadow Kingdom”


Anyways, please proceed.

-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Post, Already in Progress-

Hello, this is The Detective Librarian, your “Inspector of the Entertainment”, speaking, here to give you an update on the finale of my first “MLP: FIM” fan-fic trilogy, “The Shadow Kingdom Trilogy”, focusing on Shining Armor and his family. As you can see, the title for the finale to “The Shadow Kingdom Trilogy” involves him and his younger sister, the Princess of Friendship, Element of Magic, and the leader of the Mane Six, Twilight Sparkle. It’s called “Shining Armor and the Dreadful Legacy”. The poster includes the shadow of Shining’s lost brother, King Mephiles’, soul and the possessed main antagonist of the previous installment, Dark Diamond/Cadence’s adoptive father, a pissed off Shining Armor from this vector,:

And even vectors of Princess Luna, Cadence, and a cut and pasted version of Ponyville, which will be in the fan-fic. We also get to see Ben Zane from “PC&TAS”, who will be making an appearance in the story.

PLOT SYPNOSIS: After King Mephiles’ banishment to the alternate dimension and Twilight’s sacrifice, Shining Armor and his Royal Guards find Twilight Sparkle the prime suspect of a homicidal case, back in their home world. He tries desperately to find out what really happened with the help of his allies, but later on, he himself becomes one of the new suspects of the mystery. More and more investigating uncovers more about his lost brother’s dark past and the truth behind the alternate world of Equestria, as well as the return of another old force from the past. It’s all up to him to not only prove Twilight and himself innocent, but to help reveal the truth and put an end to the Dreadful Legacy.

As you can see, Twiley and Shining, two sibling BFF’s forever are suspects of a murder mystery, like in a “Phoenix Wright”/”Ace Attorney” game. But, without Phoenix Wright involved, like in the “MLP: FIM” and “Ace Attorney” crossover, “Turnabout Storm”. Please note that it will wrap up all of the loose ends in the previous two installments, such as more of King Mephiles’ character and how his original Changeling body became so bitter in the first place. I will also consider making this story more longer because my last two fan-fics were WAY too short, due to them having ten chapters. Anyways, please leave a comment, like, and follow, if you want and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian, Your “Inspector of the Entertainment”, signing off!!! Toodles!!!!! ;D

Also, be sure to follow The Detective Librarian on Twitter and YouTube.:


Updates/Announcements: “I’M GOING TO FILLYCON!!!!!!!!!!!”

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian, Your Inspector of the Entertainment!!!! Now, I have very good news cause I’m going to the next “MLP: FIM” convention: “FillyCon” in Philadelphia, PA (or in “MLP”/Equestria: Fillydelphia). I’m very excited to go there cause this’ll be my second Brony convention I’m going to, after going to NYC Ponycon, earlier this year. Also, I would like to apologize for the lack of content on my blog and things will get back to the swing of things, sooner or later, especially when sharing my thoughts on the rest of Season 6 of “MLP: FIM”, the conclusion of Season 4 of my blog, and the Premiere for Season 5 on my reviews/posts. If you want to join the fun, come here on August 26, 27, or 28th, click on the link to purchase tickets, but remember, (as usual) “ASK YOUR PARENTS/GUARDIANS FOR PERMISSION FIRST, KIDS!!!!!!!” 


Please note that there will be other Bronies/Pegasisters there, including ToonKriticY2K and if you follow/subscribe to him and his videos, you would definitely be ready to see the conclusion of the CarToonZ arc, which I’ve inspired by (along with Lighting Bliss) to make “The Defective Tribrarian” character from my latest review. Here’s when Toon’s gonna be at FillyCon this weekend.:

Other than that, that’s it for today!! Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you all there at FillyCon!!! I’m The Detective Librarian and I’ll see you at “Filly”. *Ba Dum TSH!!*


-READ IT!!!!!!!-


Anyways, please proceed!!!

-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Review/Birthaversary Special, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and today is January 31, 2016!!!!! Well, I know what you’re thinking, “Why the heck does it matter???!!!” Well, because it’s the day before Rainbow Dash’s Birthaversary from “MLP: FIM”. In case you don’t know, when the Season 4 episode, “Pinkie Pride”, aired on February 1, 2014 (which featured special guest star, Weird Al Yankovic as Cheese Sandwich), it focused on Rainbow Dash/the Spirit of Loyalty out of the Mane Six and Elements of Harmony and the rest of her friends, including Cheese Sandwich, celebrating her “Birthaversary”. It meant that it is both RD’s birthday and anniversary of moving into Ponyville!!!!:

So, in order to celebrate this wonderful occasion, we’re going to be–

-Meanwhile, Outside The Detective Librarian’s Office-

MR RANGO YETT: There he is. *Uses Walkie-Talkie* Sir, I’ve located the tracking device on our enemy’s leg.

THE REVIEW MASTER (COMPUTER) (SPEAKING THROUGH WALKIE-TALKIE): Good. Then, proceed with the plan to assassinate The Detective Librarian.

MR RANGO YETT: Wait a minute, isn’t the Detective usually at his office, when doing reviews? If so, then, why the buck did you come up with another murder plot on your enemy, instead of proceeding with the OTHER, OTHER plan?????!!!!!!!

THE REVIEW MASTER (COMPUTER) (SPEAKING THROUGH WALKIE-TALKIE): It’s just so that I can bring in my robot clone of him and have HIM lead my new robot-armor body, so that I can continue my legacy as one of the “Greatest Reviewers of All Time”!!! Now, proceed with the plan, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

MR RANGO YETT: *Sigh* Alright, then. *Points Rifle Out at the Detective*



SHINING ARMOR: What do you think you’re doing????!!!!!!

MR RANGO YETT: Uh, oh. Uh…….Pizza delivery? <:D

-Insert Fighting Scene Here-

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: As I was saying, in order to celebrate this wonderful occasion, we’re gonna be taking a look at one of the most well-known fan-episodes of the show, “Double Rainboom”!!! That’s right, a Brony named Zachary Rich from his FlamingoRich website has got around to making a fan-episode that is like a sequel to the Season 1 episode, “Sonic Rainboom”, despite an obvious copyright strike from Hasbro. But, at least he might have asked permission to do so, even though there are many bronies that have made fan-animations based off of both the show and the Brony fandom itself. It was first uploaded to Youtube on March 30, 2013, which would make it nearly three years old to this day. I know what you’re thinking, this might be as good and be like the seasons premieres/finales of the show itself, but, you’re wrong. Things are just gonna get more crazier than ever when Rainbow Dash performs two Sonic Rainbooms in Equestria, before having an insane crossover with other cartoons and franchises, including another creation from the show’s creator, Lauren Faust, on Cartoon Network called “The Powerpuff Girls”!!! So, how insane is it, well, let’s find out, by taking a look at “Double Rainboom”!!

So, the fan-episode opens with the opening logos and titles with an orchestral version of the show’s theme song that is very good one too. We then officially begin the story with everybrony’s favorite main (“mane”) character herself, Twilight Sparkle (“Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle”), at Golden Oak Library (possibly taking place between Seasons 2 & 3), her old home, while working in the basement, making some potions. As she’s about to finish filling a glass cup with the potion’s she’s making, Rainbow Dash shows up and we learn from Twilight that Twilight has been making the potion she’s currently working on, ever since she became Princess Celestia’s student at Magic Kindergarden. As soon as the finally completes the potion, a huge explosion and a giant puff of smoke comes out (as well as a cameo of the infamous “Troll Face”, representing an “EVIL” face), before it luckily goes back into the potion, leaving Twilight and Rainbow unscathed. As Rainbow examines it, she makes random guesses on what happens if you drink the potion, such as turning into a monster, turning yourself invisible, blah blah blah. But, Twilight (being a booksmart, nerdy, science, and star-student of Princess Celestia, as well as an anxiety freak) tells Rainbow that it’s actually a “Talent Enhancer”, meaning that if anypony drank it, it would give them talents that they’ve never had before. Using the entire Mane Six for example: If Twilight drank it, her magic would be as powerful as the other Alicorn Princesses and Unicorns in Equestria, if Applejack drank it: her apple-bucking strength will increase, Rarity’s love for dress-making will quickly speed up, Fluttershy’s animal communicating skills would increase almost immediately, and as for Pinkie Pie, as Twilight is about to tell about what would happen when Pinkie would drink it, Rainbow Dash interrupts and asks Twilight what would happen if SHE drank it!!

As Twilight gives RD her theory on what would happen if she drank it, Rainbow steals the potion, without TS noticing, until the last moment, when Rainbow drinks ALL OF THE POTION, LIKE A DOOFUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, THAT IS A LOT TO DRINK AND BUY, RAINBOW, A LOT TO DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, Twilight decides to record every data on Rainbow, in case of terrible side effects (“THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT, THINKING AHEAD”), but, Rainbow flies so fast that she smashes through the ground at Golden Oak Library and flies at lightning speed across Ponyville, while also seeing various cameos of the rest of the Mane Six, the CMC, and other background characters like Derpy Hooves and Bulk Biceps (“YEAAAH”). She then travels through outer space, while performing a Sonic Rainboom, realizing that she could perform a “DOUBLE RAINBOOM” as she travels back down to Equestria/Earth. This, of course, impresses everyone in Ponyville (including the CMC, Big Macintosh, Dr. Whooves, Lyra and Bon Bon, etc..), until the rainbow colors from the Sonic Rainboom reaches her speeding body and causes a GIANT SONIC RAINBOOM THAT NEARLY DESTROYS PONYVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

After the nearly destroying Sonic Rainboom, Twilight Sparkle goes to the Everfree Forest to investigate where Rainbow Dash went after the Rainboom, only to find a hypno-like vortex, which means that Rainbow’s gone somewhere else. Where: Do you ask? Well, guess what, “PUZZLE TIME”!!!!!

PUZZLE #001: “WHERE DID RAINBOW DASH GO TO NOW?” Click on the following links and choose wisely.

A.) “The Human World from ‘Equestria Girls'”

LINK TO OPTION A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uC3-dTzZJM

B.) “Townsville from ‘The Powerpuff Girls'”

LINK TO OPTION B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAk3EzIuZws

C.) “Beyond the Fourth Wall”

LINK TO OPTION C: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAO2TgRE1po

All those choices here are obviously random (even though the first “Equestria Girls” film wasn’t released yet, until three months in theaters after this video was uploaded, and five months later on DVD and Blu-Ray). But, the answer is the main location in “The Powerpuff Girls”, “TOWNSVILLE”, like I said, this is a crossover between two of Lauren Faust’s creations, “MLP: FIM”, “The Powerpuff Girls”, and other random nerdy franchises that everyone knows and adores!!! In Townsville, trouble strikes when a giant red, Godzilla-like monster attacks Townsville, but, (of course) the Powerpuff Girls (Buttercup, Blossom, and Bubbles) are here to obviously save the day, as usual. However, the monster fights back and knocks the PPG’s unconscious, until Rainbow Dash uses the potion she drank to perform another Sonic Rainboom and defeat the beast to it’s knees. The monster gives up and Rainbow Dash lets him free, until the Powerpuff Girls mistaken the monster for escaping and decide to chase after and beat the living crap outta it, much to RD’s shock. But, didn’t you actually witness Rainbow letting it go, oh right, you were still unconscious, never mind. Then, the PPG’s notice Rainbow Dash and come towards her (not to defeat her too, but) to play with her and when they notice that RD talks, they decide to keep her and we get a little chase scene between Rainbow Dash and the Powerpuff Girls.

But, the chase scene ends unexpectedly when Rainbow Dash’s wings suddenly stop flying and causes Rainbow to crash to the ground, but she can’t fly again. As she takes a recap on what Twilight said about the potion containing negative side-effects, RD immediately realizes that the potion wore off, meaning that her flying talents are gone, leaving her stranded when the Powerpuff Girls are about to catch her. As things look bad for Rainbow, RD out of nowhere hears the voice of Pinkie Pie calling her, before she takes Rainbow home through another vortex and all the way back to Equestria/Ponyville, much to the Powerpuff Girls’ dismay. As soon as Rainbow and Pinkie reach home at the Golden Oak Library, Twilight Sparkle is–:

–Disappointed at Rainbow for her actions in this episode and she shows her the aftermath of Ponyville after the Double Rainboom, much to Rainbow’s surprise. She eventually realizes the error of her ways and writes her Friendship Report to Princess Celestia about what she learned. The moral is that it’s a sin to steal/take things that are not yours, while we figure out how Pinkie Pie saved RD’s life at Townsville because when she drank the potion, she had the ability to go through time and space, which both taste like snozzberries. After this, we end this episode with a cameo of Bloo from “Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends” when Pinkie carries Bloo, much to the unease of Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow, before we move to the end credits.

So, that was “Double Rainboom”. Is it really that good? Well, it’s pretty obvious. “Double Rainboom” was a mixture of both good and random with one of the best franchises/fandoms of all-time “MLP: FIM” having a crossover with a bunch of other fandoms that we don’t need to mention!! The plot was crazy, the animation matches the show perfectly, the music was good, the acting was slightly similar to the characters’ voices from the show itself, and the moral could’ve been something else, such as “Remember Kids: Don’t Try to Use So Much of Something You Want So Badly, Otherwise, It’ll Harm Your Friends!!!!!” Other than that, this was actually a pretty good fan-episode from one of my favorite shows of all time, “MLP: FIM”. I gotta say, this was very impressive, Zachary Rich and I would rate this fan-episode a 7.5/10. I’m The Detective Librarian and Happy Birthaversary, Rainbow Dash, who will always be “AWESOME”!!!! 😀

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Now, I gotta show this to Rainbow Dash for her Birthaversary!!! *Sends the Review As an E-Mail to Rainbow Dash*

-Again, Outside TDL’s Office-

MR. RANGO YETT: *Under Camouflage* Now, it’s time for your life to be on the line, Detective. *Points Rifle at Detective and Shoots Gun, But Nothing Happens* *Pulls Lever Numerous Times* Hey, what the– HOW DID I RUN OUT OF BULLETS SO QUICKLY?????!!!!!!!! 😡 I have to load more bullets and– *Notices That Detective Is Gone*


MR. RANGO YETT: Uh, I, uh, GOTTA GO!! *Throws Smoke Bombs at Shining, Ted, and Everyone Else and Disappears*

SHINING ARMOR: Seriously, who was that guy?

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: I dunno, but, I gotta tell Detective about it. But, let’s go celebrate Rainbow’s Birthaversary anyway!! *BAM!*

-Epilogue, Dr. Vick Newton’s Office, The Secret Review Master Room-



THE REVIEW MASTER (COMPUTER): Well then, if we can’t get rid of Detective without being noticed, we’ll have to eliminate his friends, first, while we rebuild my body with those mechanical parts from around the world.

DR. VICK NEWTON: That’s precisely on what I was thinking. I’ve hired other people/characters that would perfect for helping us carry out our plans without fuss.

THE REVIEW MASTER (COMPUTER): Good!! Now, “Operation: Review Master Resurrection…Is go!!!!”

-To Be Continued-


Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM”: “Life of Darkness”: Official Poster #3: (CREDIT TO j5a4 from DEVIANTART) & “GOING TO NYC PONYCON, NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!”

Please note that before starting this post, I would like to apologize to a DeviantArt guy named j5a4 for using his “Luna Scared” vector, without his permission. Even though I don’t have a DeviantArt account, I’m really sorry for using it for my poster. Hope you’ll forgive me. Anyways, please proceed!


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Post, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and I’m really excited to announce that I’m going to PonyCon in NYC/New York City!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!! THIS IS NOT ONLY THE FIRST TIME I’M GOING TO A BRONY CONVENTION LIKE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN, THIS IS ONE OF THE MANY WISHES I’VE EVER WANTED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, EVER SINCE I’VE HEARD ABOUT BRONYCON AND OTHER BRONY CONVENTIONS FROM THE “BRONY DOCUMENTARY”!!!!! Please note that it’ll take place during the Valentines Day/Hearts and Hooves Day and Presidents Day weekend from February 13-15 3 2016 and many bronies and pegasisters will attend and in order to get more details, check out the website and purchase your tickets now! But, hurry, the tickets might get sold out soon and remember, kids, ask your parents for permission first, before going online and letting them purchase the tickets to go there.:



Also, be sure to stick around where other popular bronies are hosting their own panels there, including ToonKriticY2K and here are more details about his panel, if you haven’t checked it out yet.:

Anyways, I really hope I see you all there and it’s really gonna be (as said in Season 1 finale) “THE BEST NIGHT EVER”— I mean (as Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would say) “THE BEST DAY EVER”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 Aside from that, let’s get to the REAL post.

As you can tell, my newest poster is for my upcoming fan-fic focused on Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon in “Life of Darkness”. I made this poster (probably) a long time ago and it includes Princess Luna having a scared look on her face when she looks behind her shadow that reflects Nightmare Moon in the Everfree Forest at night with an eye-shade on it. The words include “Your Life Has Been Shadowed By the Darkness That Made You Feel UNAPPRECIATED!! But, It’s Time to Get Away from the Loneliness And Join Me And We Can No Longer Have Your Life Trapped In Darkness!!..”

PLOT SYNOPSIS: One thousand years ago, when the land of Equestria was still under construction, Princess Celestia and her younger sister, Luna, have just been coronated as the Princesses/rulers of the country. However, as Celestia receives all of the attention, Luna starts to have signs of envy and loneliness and feels unimportant. But, it soon changes when somepony else tempts her into joining her into bringing down Celestia and changing Equestria into a new nation and with a new identity that may cause Luna to have anxiety. But, as time progresses, things go from bad to worse when her anger continues and it may not only harm Equestria and her older sister, Celestia, but it would only bring light to her Life of Darkness.

Before I go, for Luna’s scared posture, YES, I used j3a4’s Luna’s scared vector from DeviantArt and (again), j5a4, if you’re reading this, I’m really sorry I used this image without your permission. If you haven’t seen the real image of it, here’s the link to it.:


Also, here are a few soundtrack entries that I may put in the Official Soundtrack of “Life of Darkness”.:

So, let me know in the comments of what you think and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and I hope to get and see you all at PonyCon NYC next month, more posts/reviews, fan-fics, and more stuff from “Life of Darkness”. Toodles!!! 😉