Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM” Voice Reels #3

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and hope you’ve had a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever Holiday you celebrate!!!! I haven’t really uploaded another video on my Youtube account in a long time, but my Christmas break is one of the many chances I can take to upload another video about my voice acting. My third voice reel on all of the male characters of the show, “MLP: FIM”, this time include Doctor Whooves/Hooves/the ponified version of “Doctor Who”, Mr. Cake (Carrot Cake), Mrs. Cake’s husband at Sugarcube Corner, and Prince Blueblood/Bluebrat from Season 1 episodes, “The Best Night Ever” and “The Ticket Master”, who has been making cameos a few episodes before. Please excuse my crappy quality of my microphone, seeing as how it’s on my computer. But, other than that, hope you enjoy it, like, comment, and subscribe and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and stay tuned for my next review, “A Canterlot Wedding: Aftermath”!! Toodles!!!! 😉

Season 3: Review #24: “Thomas the Tank Engine”: “Shed 17”

-Now, before we start off today’s review, I would like to say is, “YES”, I have watched the current episodes of Season 19 of “Thomas & Friends” and so far, I think it’s going good. Although, there are a few bad or okay episodes so far, but some are enjoyable, like “Who’s Geoffrey”, which is one of my favorites so far. But, when this season ends with ALL the episodes being finished on either TV or DVD, I will share my official thoughts on it on my blog. Thank you and have a nice day and let’s get to the REAL review!-

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING YOU’RE ABOUT TO SEE MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!!! TURN BACK IF YOU HAVEN’T– Whatever. If you haven’t seen this fan-film, please (DON’T) do so. But, remember, it contains some language, horrifying scenes for children, nightmare fuel, dark/grim scenes, and an unsettling atmosphere. If you don’t want to watch this film, it’s probably for the best and if you want to now what I mean, please read this review NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!!!!:

Anyways, proceed!

-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled (“SPOOKY”) Review, Already in Progress-


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: But, at least it’s not as weird and freaky as the new fan-“Thomas & Friends”-film titled “Shed 17”!

RANDOM GIRL: HEY! Why not review THAT instead of this movie?!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: NO! There’s NO way I’m reviewing a movie called “Shed 17”, even though the script says I’m doing it soon.


TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Hey, Detective! Wanna review “Shed 17” right now?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: NO!!! That sounds like some type-of knock-off of a sci-fi-horror movie. But, anyways, adios, amigos!!! 😉

LINK TO PREVIOUS REVIEW: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/10/12/90th-review-specialseason-3-review-22-9-movie/

-Now, Onto the Actual Review-

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: *Knocking at Door* Hey, Detective! A new “Thomas & Friends” marathon of the classic episodes from Season 1-7 are on! Wanna come and watch it with me?…….Detective, are you there? *Slowly Opens Door*

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: *Lying on the Ground*

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: “The Detective Librarian”! Are you alright?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN (INSANE): *Rising, While Having Insane Laughter* Hey, you! I need you all to do yourself a favor and GO!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Oh, no. Detective’s going psycho again over something he just witnessed. I better go and calm him down with a “MLP: FIM” character, like Twilight Sparkle (“Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle”). Come on, Detective. Wake up with your own Twilight.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN (NORMAL): Eeee–Oh, hey Twilight “Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle” and Ted!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Detective. Are you okay–


TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: “Tobias and the Arcane Merchant”?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Of course, not! It’s not only until 2017.

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. What’s it called?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN:….It’s…Called…….”Shed 17″!!!……………….


TIMOTHY THE GHOST TRAIN: Not as scary as me?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Sorry, Timothy. But, it IS scarier than YOU!!

TIMOTHY THE GHOST TRAIN: Awww… But I wanted to celebrate with all those people who believe in me, but, screw it! I’m going back to the Internet, where I belong. So, bye! *BAM!*

Anyways, this half-an-hour long film came out last week on October 6, 2015, just in time for Halloween, which is appropriate for the spooky/scary tone AKA the most horrifying holiday of the year, according to most people. Please note that this is no ordinary fan-film, it’s just a “mockumentary”/probably a documentary-parody and what makes it so scary??!!! SO TRAUMATIZING, SO DARK, SO…SO…..EEEVIILLLLL!!!! Okay, not really, but it’s still scary to watch for younger kids!! *Sigh* I’m sure all of you curious folks out there want to know. Since the audience from my review of “9” wanted this, let’s take a look at the “HORRIFYING HORRORS” of “Shed 17″…..Are you really sure that you want to turn back, this is the last chance!!….Okay…..

So, we start off this film with the logos of the creator of this fan-film (Pauls Vids), which makes it look like the video is still buffering, as well as images of the Island of Sodor on what it REALLY and currently is with unsettling music in the background and stock footage from the original opening titles of the show. Including an odd image at Ffarquhar Station, where we see the scrap remains of an American locomotive (for some reason, probably to make the tone more scarier), before we cut to the narrator of this “mockumentary” reveal to us that the tales of Thomas the #1 Tank Engine/Blue-Screen-Stealing-Hog are lies and the REAL truth behind the Island of Sodor/North Western Railway is no ordinary children’s story and it’s VERY horrifying. Gee, this might be “Sodor: The Dark Times” all over again, except without Trainz Simulator/Sodor Island 3D, like most “Thomas” fans on Youtube, almost. Except that it also shows that the Island of Sodor was once a detention center for Germans in England, due to the Nazis lead by Adolf Hitler during World War II. It’s told by one of the human character interviewed (like an actual documentary), a former Fireman of the engines on Sodor named Keith Hartley, who mentions another human character, a German professor named Vilham Gurter, who joined Hitler and his Nazis during the war because of an image shaking hands with Hitler. When the war broke out across Europe, he, his wife, and his four-year old son named Hans fled Germany and escaped to England, but was banned there, even though citizens were friendly towards him because they were going to give him another chance, I guess, before Hans grew up and left his family when he turned 18 and studied biology at his University.

He decided to start his own facility on the Island of Sodor called Sodor Research Ltd., which was a small lab located in Arlesburgh (on Duck’s Branchline, the Little Western, and one of the locations of the Arlesdale Small Railway) in 1962. Six years later, his wife got pregnant and had a baby named (you guessed it) Thomas and you can probably guess what’s going to happen to the human version of Thomas, later, since he’s been a cheeky Tank Engine/the last survivor of the LBSC E2 tank engines in England for decades in the “RWS” and the TV series, whose had his own branchline with his two coaches, Annie and Clarabel. While growing up, the young boy named Thomas watched the railways with interest and recorded them with his first camera and used it at platforms at various stations, but one reveals that Sir Topham Hatt/The Fat Controller/President Fatlord/Fatty is a jerk after yelling at Thomas to get off his platform. Wow, I first I thought that the way he treated Thomas in “Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure” was more harsh, but THIS JUST TAKES THE CAKE and I can assure you, he’s going to act evil, instead of a stern, but kind-fatherly-figure towards the engines of the NWR. Whoever knew that Fatty was such a harsh man for everybody’s favorite controller of Sodor? He even shows that when we learn that he shut down various branchlines and stations, while pushing the NWR away!:

Yes, I swear that I am NOT joking, here! STH is a greedy moron in this alternate-universe movie!!! But (AGAIN), I digress, we then see Thomas and his father (which doesn’t look like his father called Hans) rush towards the level crossing, while being recorded on camera by Thomas. However, he fails to read the warning signs and we get our first jumpscare, everybody: When Thomas looks right and left, he then gets run over by (what it looks like) a BR diesel. I have to admit, that made me jump when I first saw that scene, even in one of the reviews of this film, NickonAquaMagna (one of the people who reviewed this film) jumped back when he first saw it, as well.:

Anyways, Thomas’ body (which would already be torn to pieces by now) is taken to the Sodor Research and inside one of the sheds called “Shed 17”. There, he gets rebuild into the blue tank engine we know and love and it gets shown to people who were invited for a presentation for Thomas’ transfer to his steam engine body, coming out of the Shed 17. As you’d expect, many people are horrified over what they’re witnessing, including Keith Hartley, who goes next to the other side of the Shed to vomit. Really though, I laughed when I first saw it and it turns into a running gag when Keith gets interviewed at various news broadcasts when they bring up Thomas being his usual tank engine self and he (you know the picture) vomits, even though he doesn’t in the present. But, I have to agree with NickonAquaMagna that he eventually got over it. We learn that Thomas’ body is inside the tank engine body, along with his organs, muscles, and bones and humans who have been transferred to engines and vehicles (like Harold the Helicopter and Bertie the Bus) are not allowed to work on the North Western Railway. Why: Because if the engine begins to start operating, its organs would start to erupt from inside his body and cause him to die/burn to death, alive.

However, many rich people foolishly decided to be turned into engines and Fatty decided to accept the offer and have other humans be turned into engines, while using a substance called biofusion, which is part of the process of engine-transformation. After they (like doofuses) get turned into engines, things start to go awry when footage of the new engine experiments are shown, including James and Edward, failing. One of the videos was about Edward filming for the TV series, when he was whistling to children and causes blood to spew out and about one of the first diesel/fuel-powered engines being tested with unseen footage. No, it’s not the well-known Devious Diesel (AKA Jasper in MilkTankerMedia’s series and given different names in other fan-series/films), it’s just Mavis this time. As she gets fueled up, things begin to go well, until it takes a dark turn, when Mavis gets caught on fire, her internal organs get burned, and she dies, too late. Wow, and I thought that Mavis’ death in “Tobias and the Half-Pariah” was her only death, but this is more grimmer because of her soulless face when the fire spreads to her and the aftermath of her.

So, we partake in more footage of engines spewing their guts/blood out, when it turns out that the engines being displayed during the off-season are actually failed experiments that were either already dead or too ill to be in full operation. But, Thomas is one of the only engines that never had any problems while he was still in-service and Sodor Research began to sell their research to international countries will railways, even though they wanted to keep their work, secret. Even failed biofused engines were being displayed in public, leaving Hans shocked over what it could be: “Slave Labor” for engines that are actually humans inside their bodies. This leaves Vilham into committing suicide by shooting himself in the mouth and instead of actual blood coming out, we see what looks like sawdust from wood, which is what the humans were made out of, back when the series had the models. Well, at least it wasn’t over the top like Johnny’s (played by the writer and director, Tommy Wiseau) suicide from “The Room”, where he had a silly rampage and the usual bad acting, which lead into putting his life to an end by shooting himself in the mouth. But, let’s take a look at that scene and see how over-the-top it is, shall we?:

But, at least “The Room” is one of those movies that it’s so bad, it’s good! But (ONCE AGAIN), I digress, more footage/experiments are filmed, including Gordon the Big Engine (no surprise), when his boiler, his eyes (with blood coming out), and HIS ENTIRE BODY explodes. The other piece of footage is about Harold flying, but ending up spewing blood out and crashing to the ground, while getting killed as well, seeing as how his organ system is connected to his rotor-blades and if they spun around, vital organs would get drawn out and kill him, during the process. At this point, you might end up feeling very shocked by this, as much as I am about it or even feeling insulted by it. Remember, if kids were about to watch this, you HAVE TO STOP THEM ASAP, BEFORE THEY SUFFER THE SAME FATE TO THOSE WATCHED THIS MONSTROSITY!!!!!!!!!!! But wait, THERE’S MORE!!! JUST WHEN YOU THINK THAT THEY CAN’T POSSIBLY CREATE ANYMORE HORRORS TO THIS CREATION, THEY DECIDE TO TELL US ON WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON THE EVENTS OF HENRY’S ACCIDENT WITH THE FLYING KIPPER IN THE SEASON 1 EPISODE AND THE “RWS” STORY, “THE FLYING KIPPER”!!!!!! Here’s how the REAL story of the Flying Kipper accident is told.

One night, when Keith unlocked the doors to Shed 17, Henry took a peek inside, reversed back outside, and confronted Fatty about it. He later warned Thomas about Shed 17, before you-know-who orders Henry to take the Flying Kipper from the docks and take it one winter’s night. But, remember when the points leading to a siding were frozen and it sent Henry to crash into a goods train, before being sent to Crewe to get rebuild to have a larger firebox and a new shape, so that he can’t use special coal, again? Well, it turns out in the REAL story that Fatty sabotaged the points, by freezing the points and placing a railway spike at the points and he never liked Henry and his cheerful personality (back when Britt Alcroft got the characters’ personalities right) and the goods train that Henry crashed into was actually a train of tankers, causing them to explode, and his crew freezing to death after jumping clear in the snow. He sends Henry to Crewe to (NOT BE REBUILT INTO A BLACK 5 LOCOMOTIVE) be scrapped, while screaming.:

Oh, thank GOD that we’re almost at the end. Okay. That night, even though his crew are already gone for the night, Thomas has already enough fuel/coal/steam in his firebox to brave his way through the Sodor Research Ltd. and to figure out what’s really behind Shed 17. As he goes inside, we FINALLY learn the big, real, disturbing, and shocking plottwist!!! It’s revealed that the current Thomas is not the boy who got run over, but is actually a clone and there were many attempts to create another Thomas, but failed, while the current Thomas had the human boy’s memories and DNA.:

That’s not the only horrifying thing in this film because we finally get to see what’s inside Shed 17 after all this time and (probably) one of the SCARIEST scenes in the entire flick!! When Thomas gets closer to the tank inside Shed 17, a skeleton hand bangs the glass window keeping him inside and Thomas gets so shocked by his real-failed self, his human body starts to come out, revealing his skeletal and organ body, while screaming VERY intimidating screams. See, I told you that it beat that “Timothy” creepypasta and even these scenes could be as disturbing as this!:

But, aside from that, this scene BEATS THEM ALL!!! We finally end this SCARY fan-film with the government investigating Sodor Research Ltd. and the Island, banning Biofusion (including Europe, after the Windscale Nuclear Flask Test in July 1984), Fatty vanishing without a trace, and Thomas going through twenty-three reconstruction surgeries. However, China is only country that allows biofused-engines, where prisoners are turned into engines, while being poked by an electric-stick thingy or a taser. Just when you think you’re allowed to turn off your computer and try to recover from this creepy misery, we gotta have a post-credits scene, where we see a cruise ship sinking to the bottom of the ocean, where the camera zooms into the cruise ship’s face. *DEEP SIGH*

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN:…………..I shall never show you this film again!…

I mean it, people. It’s scary, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY HORRIFYING!! But, actually, it’s not bad. The plot was good, the acting is not bad, the suspense was carried out well, the humor was funny, and I really felt like that this is a twisted version of “Thomas” and the jumpscares are really hard to ignore, especially that “Skeleton-Engine” scene! Although, the animation is not that good and it could’ve been better and there are a few things wrong with the plot, like the big reveal about Thomas being a clone and I have to admit, it was a little weird to begin with. Seriously, what was that all about? Wouldn’t it make more sense to make a different version of Thomas, instead of doing those other tank engine clones?

But, it’s just my opinion. Overall, this film is a mixture of both scary and bizarre, I’m not saying that I don’t like or hate it or anything, I mean that it has some strange problems and explanations. I know a lot of people were traumatized when they first saw this and scared as well and they’re actually right. It may be so horrifying that you don’t want to show this to you kids (which I would do if I had kids) and make sure you show them the ONLY GOOD episodes of the show (including the Classic Series 1-7 and the revived version from Season 17 to onwards), especially Season 5, which had REALLY intense episodes. This leads me into putting my final score for “Shed 17” a 7.5/10 and let’s just hope that I don’t get forced into doing more scariness like this. I’m The Detective Librarian and I HAVE JUST SEEN THE ABSOLUTE SCARIEST FAN-“THOMAS-FILM/HALLOWEEN SPECIAL I HAVE EVER WITNESSED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Hey, Detective! Wanna play “Five Nights at Freddy’s” with me?


(Sort of a “Nostalgia Critic” Reference)


Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM” (Colt Version) Voice Reel #1

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and as you can tell, I uploaded ANOTHER Youtube video/another voice reel, today. This time, it’s on the colt version of the Mane Six from “MLP: FIM” AKA Rule 63 with Dusk Shine (colt version of Twilight Sparkle/”Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle”), Rainbow Blitz (male version of Rainbow Dash), Butterscotch (male version of Fluttershy), Applejack (colt version of same name), Bubble Berry (Pinkie Pie’s male form), and Elusive (Rarity’s colt version). Please forgive me for the terrible quality on my microphone (again), since my computer has this kind of quality on microphones and the thing I use for uploading videos, CyberLink PowerDirector. But, oh well. Tell me what you think the comments below and watch it right now!:

As always, I’m The Detective Librarian and I’ll see you next time for more reviews and other posts on my blog!!! “That’s All, Folks!!” 😉

Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM” Voice Reel #1 & 2″

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and it’s been a while since I last reminded you of a new Youtube video on my Youtube account. But, here it is, two videos that are voice reels for “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”. One I forgot to show you all and one I already uploaded today! Here they are now!:

So, let me know in the comments below of what you think and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and I’ll see for next reviews of “Rarity Investigates” and “Sonic Lost World”!! Toodles! 😉

Updates/Announcements: “Auditions for Enterprisingengine93”

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and guess what? I did an audition video for Enterprisingengine93. It’s also my (official) first upload on Youtube and I’m auditioning as “Thomas” characters, such as Porter, Sailor John, Skiff, Ryan, and Samson. EE93, if you’re reading/listening to this, I really hope you enjoy this and choose me as part of your series. It would be an honor to do so. Anyways, fingers crossed that I’ll get chosen, I’m The Detective Librarian and stay tuned for more stuff on my Youtube account and blog! 😉

Here’s the video right now!

Updates/Announcements: I GOT MY OWN YOUTUBE ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and guess what? Today, I just my own Youtube account!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can tell, it’s still currently under construction, but I managed to put some likes on some videos and make adjustments to my channel icon and channel art. Be sure to click on the link to my Youtube account, where you’ll find most of my shenanigans, etcetera.:

LINK TO MY NEW YOUTUBE ACCOUNT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW5P7Q6CYQXi6hZ-ZjHrsCg

Anyways, I’m The Detective Librarian and stay tuned for videos on my account and more reviews and posts along the way! See you next time.