Season 3: Review #27: “The Middle”: Season 5: Episode 5: “Halloween IV: The Ghost Story”


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled (“SPOOKY”) Review, Already in Progress-


SHINING ARMOR: Hey, Detective! What’s wrong?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, it’s nothing. But, ever since Ted got sucked into that bizarre portal, I’ve been suffering through a mental depression over him. I’m not sure where it took him and if he’s okay or not. Besides, today’s episode focuses on the new “MLP: FIM” Halloween/Nightmare Nighr special that’s supposed to be airing on TV tomorrow on Halloween Day, but came out on iTunes early on September 21, 2015!

SHINING ARMOR: Well, look at the bright side. Besides, this is your perfect chance to share your thoughts on an episode that you forgot to review, but saved it up for the end of October.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Well, I guess your right. But, I’m gonna need your help to find Ted and bring him back and discover what’s going on.

SHINING ARMOR: Really? How can I help?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Well, you can help me do research on those mysterious portals that keep randomly popping up and taking my friends/enemies to an unknown location, probably.

I’m The Detective Librarian and October is ALMOST OVER, just ONE MORE Halloween special! I don’t even care if it’s in the “Middle of Nowhere”!!

SHINING ARMOR: Did you say “The Middle”?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, no! NOT ANOTHER “MIDDLE” EPISODE!!!! By the way, did you find anything, Shining?

SHINING ARMOR: Yes, I did. There’s this weird symbol that has a circle and a dotted line in the top to the bottom.


FRANKIE HECK: ME!!! Frankie Heck from “The Middle”!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!! Guess who’s back, everybody??!!! HEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!


Season 3: Bonus Review #4: “MLP: FIM”: Season 5: Episode 21: “Scare Master”

-Now, Onto the Actual Review-


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: *DEEP SIGH* Couldn’t my first Halloween on my blog get ANY worse than this, spending my final Halloween review for this year with A TV SHOW STARRING HER IN IT????!!!!

SHINING ARMOR: I’m afraid, so. At least I made my first encounter with her during your review of “The Graduation” a few seasons back in “Finale Month” when I rescued you.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Besides, reviewing episodes from “The Middle” is really torture to me!!!!! Since, I used to enjoy this crap, until I started to grow out of it and started to like the Brony fandom instead, and it’s good thing I did!!! Besides, the Hecks are really bad characters and so are the other characters of the show, like Brick’s girlfriend, Cindy, the teachers at the Orson schools, etc…… Well, my hatred towards Frankie led to her working for the Review Master and his organization called “The Hunters” back in Season 1.

FRANKIE HECK: THAT’S RIGHT!!! Now, I couldn’t help but overhear that you and your BFF/Rival, Shining Armor, were doing some research on how to get Ted the Script Person back and figure out what happened to the Present and Future versions of the Review Master. You may want to build a portal to get to where they are at, but, there’s a “catch”! 😉

SHINING ARMOR: A “catch”? What kind of a “catch” you’re going to pull at us and since you’re a complete bossy brat, Detective and my little sister, Twilight Sparkle, have decided to call you this nickname!:







THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: HEY! DON’T COPY ONE OF PINKIE PIE’S BEST JOKES IN “MLP: FIM”!!!!!! So, what do you want me to review to end this Halloween, Frankie?

FRANKIE HECK: Well, it’s the one episode was on that very day you first became brony in late October, called “Halloween IV: The Ghost Story”.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Yeah, as you can tell, this “Middle” Halloween special that came on October 30, 2015 is about a ghost, not Timothy the Ghost Train or even “Ghostbusters”. Please note that this Season is after the events of Axl’s graduation in Season 4 and him being accepted into East Indiana State, where he started to have many rough experiences, such as his grades and what it takes to be a freshmen at college. So, what’s this ghost about? Well, you’re about to find out and I can assure you, it’s not a good one. Let’s dive right into the horrors of “Halloween IV: The Ghost Story”. <:/

So, we start off this episode at East Indiana State, where Axl Heck is playing football at the school’s football field and (because he’s a freshmen and for some stupid reason) he ends getting tied up/strapped onto the pole with another freshmen named Hutch (played by Alphonso McAuley). Now, keep in mind that he becomes Axl’s new best friend at college and roommate as well, even after they move out of college and into their new apartment/home with Axl’s other roommate, Kenny, who is addicted to “World of Warcrafts”. As they have a conversation, while being strapped as freshmen, we then cut back to the Heck house where Sue Heck and her Wrestlerettes/friend teammates for the Wrestling team in Orson High School are having a sleepover. That night, they decide to hold a seance (even though she’s a Christian and those who believe in God can’t hold seances, since ghosts don’t exist and those who die either get sent to Hell or to Heaven) to call Christopher Columbus–:

Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I’m not even kidding, Sue’s going to hold a seance to call Christopher Columbus/the man who discovered America and killed many Native Americans/Indians there. It would be MUCH spookier if she held a seance to something else, instead of Christopher Columbus!! As you’d expect, they do the seance and Sue sees a bright light, who she claims is the Santa Maria (the ship that Christopher sailed on) sailing across the family room and, yeah, that’s pretty much about it. Sue now believes in ghosts, so it’s obviously something else, so, it’s kinda stupid. The next morning, Sue tells Frankie and Mike about the seance from last night, much to their amazement that is obviously fake. Well, at least they didn’t hold a seance or even encountered a different ghost like this!:

Anyways, you’re all wondering on what about everybody’s favorite idiotic youngest child in the Heck family, Brick Heck? Well, it’s because Brick Heck has been recently been attracted to another girl named Harper and I know what you’re thinking, “This is not going to end, well.” He even tells his family about it and shows them on the family computer. Frankie and Mike decide to have Brick ask Harper to come with him to the upcoming Halloween dance, since he doesn’t have a girlfriend, until next season, which is ANOTHER CONTRIVED PLOT-POINT IN THE SERIES, AS USUAL!!!!!!! As Brick follows Frankie and Mike’s advice, Harper decides to agree to come with Brick to the Halloween party, even though she might not like Brick’s favorite book series, “Planet Nowhere”. As Halloween arrives, Sue is still obsessed over her encounter with the Santa Maria during the seance and Axl and Hutch decide to go the East Indiana State’s Halloween party, but are not allowed to enter, since they’re freshmen, OF COURSE!!!! Well, at least they don’t have to go to the party, but since Axl’s all “fun and games”, he would definitely consider going there!!

They struggle to get past the Party Guards, until a crowd of party guests carry them ALL the way to the party, which is located at their college room. As they party on, the Hecks begin their trick-or-treating, but since they NEVER prepare for anything, it turns out that Mike ate ALL of the candy!!!:


SHINING ARMOR: Come on, Detective!! Get back to reviewing this episode already!!


SHINING ARMOR:….Ya know what, YOU’RE RIGHT!!! I REALLY DON’T WANT TO WATCH/REVIEW MORE LAME “MIDDLE”-RELATED CRAP!!!!! But, if we want your friend back, you’re gonna have to continue doing this review!!




THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Okay, sorry about that. Back to the story!

As you’d expect, Brick as a Bookmark is a lame Halloween costume. I mean, what’s next: a computer, hand soap, the aliens from “Signs”, or EVEN ANY OF HIS FAMILY MEMBERS???!!! Aside from that, let’s (officially) go on, as the trick-or-treating goes on, Frankie and Mike discuss about Sue’s seance and her encounter with the Santa Maria’s ghostly spirit from the other night. They decide that Sue must have imagined it and it’s time they talked to Sue about it, but they can’t do it right now because when Brick gets home, he tells his family that his (DUMB) costume caused him to have an accident and a concussion. The doctors suggest checking Brick’s eyes EVERY hour– Wait a minute, if Brick got a concussion and if he was sent to the hospital (possibly), then HOW COME THEY DIDN’T CALL FRANKIE OR MIKE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IF SOMEONE RECEIVES A CONCUSSION AND IS SENT TO THE HOSPITAL BY AN AMBULANCE, THE DOCTORS WOULD PHONE ANYONE WHO IS FRIENDS/RELATED TO THAT SAME PERSON?????!!!!!!! Okay, you know what, at this point, I don’t even care anymore, I just want ALL OF THIS TO BE OVER RIGHT NOW!!!! Later, Frankie and Mike go to Sue’s room to talk about the seance.

Mike tells Sue that the entire event must have been her imagination and if she keeps bringing up the Santa Maria-sailing thing, people might think that she’s insane, while he checks Brick’s eyes, which seems more like a few seconds/minutes to me! Not to mention, moronic, seeing as how ghosts don’t exist and they’re only in fake-paranormal photos/footage, movies, and other horror stories belonging to the supernatural. After Sue realizes that Mike is right (as always), she goes to bed and– Oh, I almost forgot about Axl. Back at college, everybody leaves the party and Axl and Hutch end up getting caught taped to the pole in the football field, ONCE AGAIN!!! As for the other Hecks, well, Mike ends the episode by going to the family room, seeing the Santa Maria’s ghost, which is actually a light coming from a car, before he goes back to bed……..Well, that was a waste of time, which I CAN TOTALLY SAY ABOUT THIS SERIES, ITSELF!!!!!

As you can tell, this is just another standard-generic old Halloween special of a generic sitcom called “The Middle” and I really don’t have a lot to say about it. The plot’s just standard, the subplots are pointless, the humor’s not funny, and even it’s means of creating suspense is totally ridiculous and nonsense. Y’know, since Sue loves America so much and summoned Christopher Columbus’ ghost, I wonder if she ever saw the animated version of it called “The Magic Voyage”, but I would sound off-topic if I discussed more of it. Aside from that, this episode is just another stupid and weak, weak, story that has to be improved, along with the series. AND THANK GOD THAT THIS IS HOPEFULLY THE LAST TIME I HAVE TO DEAL WITH ANOTHER “MIDDLE” EPISODE!!!!!


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: We’ll see about that, Frankster, Gangster!!! *Button Click*

FRANKIE HECK: *Rockets Get Attached to Frankie Heck* HEY!! WHAT THE– YOU MUST GET ME OUTTA HERE BECAUSE I’M THE BOSS AND– *Rocket Blasts Off* I SAID SOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!! *Faraway Ding and Explosion*


(Sort of a Nostalgia Critic Reference)

Anyways, since I don’t have a lot of things to say for this episode, I’ll give it a 4/10. Now that that’s settled, let’s build up our portal and gear to prepare for more enemies, just in case, and put this episode as the key for the portal to be put in its place.

SHINING ARMOR: Alright, let’s do this, Detective!

-After a Long Montage of Building, Later-

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Alright, let’s build our ship to get inside the portal and save Ted and everyone else.

SHINING ARMOR: Uh, Detective. We already built it.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.

SHINING ARMOR: Anyways, let’s get this show on the road, he’s The Detective Librarian and that was Halloween and we’ll see you next month in November! 😉


SHINING ARMOR: Well, EXCUUUSE ME!!! Let’s just get outta here!!! *Ship Starting and Going Through Portal Sound Effects*

-Location Unknown, Time Unknown-

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: *Ship Arrives Through Portal* Woah! Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

SHINING ARMOR: Oh, yeah. We’re in Outer Space!! *Space Cannon Fires* WOAH!! WHAT WAS THAT??!!!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: *Looks On Ship Computer* Uh, oh, looks like we’ve got company.



Season 3: Bonus Review #4: “MLP: FIM”: Season 5: Episode 21: “Scare Master”


We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled (“SPOOKY”) Review, Already in Progress-


THE REVIEW MASTER (PRESENT): Ugh, this again. We always have to face off against each other and as long as I’m here, I’ll have to– *Portal Opening Up* What’s that noise?

THE REVIEW MASTER (FUTURE): Hmm. Sounds like– Oh no.


THE REVIEW MASTER (FUTURE): It’s–It’s– *Sucking Both Present and Future Review Master and All Clones*


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Well, that takes care of them.

SCRIPT PERSON: Gee, I wonder where they went to now?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, don’t worry! They’ll be fine! But, the one thing I need to worry about is getting back to my office and cleaning up the mess those clones made. And to also say good-bye to the audience. As always, I’m The Detective Librarian and we’ll see you all in my next review AKA my 80th review!! Bye-bye, small childrens!

THE REVIEW MASTER (PRESENT): Ugh, where are we?

THE REVIEW MASTER (FUTURE): We’re in some sort of portal that leads us into time and space!!!





BOTH PRESENT AND FUTURE REVIEW MASTER: ALIEN MOTHERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: But, at least that the next episode will be the series’ second Halloween/Nightmare Night special, which is WAY better for October, if you will!– *Portal Opening*





THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, no!! TED, WHERE ARE YOU??!!! I need to get you back, now!!!! Where could he be????………

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: *Portal Opens and Closes, While Bringing Ted Here- Ugh, where am I?

??????: Well, you’re stuck here, WITH ME!!!!


THE REVIEW MASTER (FUTURE)???: With me, TOO, Script Person!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Actually, it’s Ted now, guys!!!

THE REVIEW MASTER (FUTURE)???: Oh, sorry, “Ted”!

??????: Anyways, GUARDS, bring him into the Conversion Chamber!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Wait, where are you guys taking me??! NO, STOP, DETECTIVE, HELP ME!!!!!!


Season 3: Review #11: “MLP: FIM: Season 3: Episode 3: “Too Many Pinkie Pies”

Season 3: Review #26: “MLP: FIM”: Season 5: Episode 20: “Hearthbreakers”

-Now, Onto the Actual Review-

-Prologue, The Detective Librarian’s Office, 5:45 PM-


SHINING ARMOR: Hey, Detective! What’s wrong?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, it’s nothing. But, ever since Ted got sucked into that bizarre portal, I’ve been suffering through a mental depression over him. I’m not sure where it took him and if he’s okay or not. Besides, today’s episode focuses on the new “MLP: FIM” Halloween/Nightmare Nighr special that’s supposed to be airing on TV tomorrow on Halloween Day, but came out on iTunes early on September 21, 2015!

SHINING ARMOR: Well, look at the bright side. Besides, this is your perfect chance to share your thoughts on an episode that you forgot to review, but saved it up for the end of October.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Well, I guess your right. But, I’m gonna need your help to find Ted and bring him back and discover what’s going on.

SHINING ARMOR: Really? How can I help?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Well, you can help me do research on those mysterious portals that keep randomly popping up and taking my friends/enemies to an unknown location, probably.

SHINING ARMOR: Alright. But, who’s going to look after my job as Captain of the Royal Guard and duty at the Crystal Empire with my wife, Cadence? After all, she’s currently handling a situation that involves a Crystal Pony getting injured, here’s footage of how the incident happened!:

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, I’m sure she’s fine! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some reviewing to do, once again, while you have investigating to do! So, adios!

SHINING ARMOR: Aye, aye, Detective!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Yeah, as you can tell, this episode is the 2nd Halloween– I mean, Nightmare Night special in the series. Even though we kinda got some sort-of Spooky episodes in the last few seasons like “Sleepless in Ponyville” in Season 3, “Castle Mane-ia” in Season 4, “Bloom and Gloom” from Season 5, etc…. Well, at least the last time we had a Nightmare Night special was in Season 2, titled “Luna Eclipsed”, where Luna returned with her new and awesome look, as well as more popular memes of the show. But, let’s put them aside for now and focus on the newest Halloween/Nightmare Night special, “Scare Master”, which was first released early on iTunes on September 21, 2015, before it comes out on Halloween tomorrow on October 31, 2015. Since it’s the end of October, I’m going to review this episode right now and guess what, it’s a Fluttershy episode and let’s just assume that this episode will hopefully be a good one, since Flutter’s one of my favorite characters, even though her episodes have been decent or bad at times. Is this episode going to be a good Fluttershy and Halloween episode/special, well, let’s find out, by taking a look at “Scare Master”!

So, we start off this episode at Fluttershy’s cottage where Flutter is hiding there because her least favorite holiday, Nightmare Night/Equestria’s version of Halloween, is today and because she’s a coward, Flutter is afraid to go outside. Well, at least Halloween isn’t that bad, even though I prefer Christmas better than you-know-what. As soon as Fluttershy is relieved that she’s found her bed the perfect hiding spot until morning, her bratty pet bunny, Angel storms in to remind her that he’s out of carrots, meaning that Flutter will have to go out into the Nightmare Night festivities in Ponyville. She nervously goes through the Nightmare Night preparations in Ponyville and encounters Big Macintosh and Granny Smith, who are preparing for their Corn Maze that the Mane Six will be going to at Sweet Apple Acres, later. As Granny Smith tells Flutter about the Corn Maze’s attractions and uses her wicked witch laughter, it (of course) scares Fluttershy and it leads her to Twilight Sparkle/”Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle”‘s castle. Gee, and I thought that everybody else in town were mean to Flutter, but Granny Smith really is a mean-scare towards Flutter. In that case, she might be added to Fluttershy’s Biggest Fears List, okay, maybe not.

Anyways, Fluttershy continues her search for carrots inside Twilight’s Castle, where a shadow comes towards her, which is actually Spike the Dragon in a Two-Headed dragon costume, with him as one of the heads.:

Whoopity, hoopity, another scene where Spike does something stupid that the fans would just ignore him and focus on the Mane Six and other characters of the show! This time, it’s on a double-headed dragon, but, Spike, a MUCH better costume for you would definitely be your stereotypical Western movie suit from “Owl’s Well That Ends Well”!:

But, I digress, Spike tells Flutter that every year on Nightmare Night, she spends most of her time, locked up in fear in her cottage and she has to celebrate this holiday with her friends. Fluttershy decides to take Spike’s advice and join the rest of her friends at the Castle library, where they’re telling each other scary stories (and pretty generic and silly ones at that) and if I were here, I would definitely tell them BETTER scary stories like “Shed 17”, “Sonic EXE”, bad movies like “Food Fight”, “Mac & Me”/the rip-off of “E.T.”, etc… She tells her idea of partaking in celebrating Nightmare Night and everyone is delighted over it and they get to the Carousel Boutique, where Flutter chooses her Nightmare Night costume. The Mane Six’s costumes for this year are:

1.) Twilight Sparkle as a Spartan

2.) Pinkie Pie as a Disco Skater

3.) Applejack as What looks like the Cowardly Lion from “The Wizard of Oz”, which means that it could be a sign that she may act as a lion, but whatever!

4.) Rarity as a mermaid/Merpony

5.) Rainbow Dash as a astronaut/similarity to Buzz Lightyear from “Toy Story”

6.) Fluttershy as a simple black dress/a party girl, but without a party mask on

Well, why not go as your Vampire Fruit Bat form, “Flutterbat”, oh wait, it may bring back memories from Season 4 and cause many bronies and pegasisters to go wild over your Flutterbat form! So, the dressed-up Mane Six get to Sugarcube Corner to play some Nightmare Night/Halloween games, such as put the horn on Nightmare Moon/Luna’s evil form after a thousand years/moons ago, bobbing apples, and getting a free candy bag with our heroes’ faces crayon-drawn on them. But, Flutter’s fears sadly ruin the fun and feels terrible for doing so. This gives Twilight the suggestion to have Flutter come up with her own kind of spooky-scaring and Fluttershy agrees to do that and have it take place at her cottage. She does it when the Mane Six arrive at her cottage and it’s kind of a fail-scare and how does it go?:

I have to admit, the reference to ponies being in anime was kinda funny and it makes me chuckle when I see it. As you can tell, the Mane Six are impressed over Flutter doing her best to make the tea party seem scary, but they weren’t frightened at all. So:

As her friends leave to get to the Haunted Corn Maze from earlier, Fluttershy decides it’s finally time to take BIG steps, instead of baby steps and she decides to have her and Angel to come up with an “EVIL” plan to impress her friends. Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends arrive at the Corn Maze, where Granny Smith greets them with her “Horse meme” costume and they go inside the maze. Hopefully, they won’t make a reference to the corn field scenes in the movie, “Signs”, *UGH* and I can just smell a reference to a “Homestar Runner” cartoon, like “Most in the Graveyard” or even missoliverandblossom/DaWillstanator’s “Thomas”-parody series, “T&F”, Halloween 2009 special, “Lost in the Scrapyard”.

SHINING ARMOR: Actually, they don’t!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, good, but “Lost in the Scrapyard” was funny, but, (AGAIN), I digress.

As they go through the Corn Maze with a bunch of tricks and traps of fake bones, fake eyeballs, and getting a funny scene of Big Macintosh pretending to be a mummy and failing to do so when he does his usual “Eeyup” quote, they realize that someone/something is watching/following them. Suddenly, a pair of glowing ghosts pop up and chase them into an underground tunnel/cave, where they are trapped inside. As they venture through the tunnel, AJ gets scared by a skeleton that represents Granny Smith and she reveals that the scary things they’ve encountered weren’t actually the things that she and the Apple Family actually planned in the Corn Maze, leaving that someone else planted those tricks and traps in the first place. This causes the Mane Six to get really intimidated by it and then a sea monster comes out of nowhere and chases them into a spiderweb, where they get stuck, but Twilight uses her magic to escape and lead them to the edge of a cliff and the end of the tunnel. Just then (oh, you’re gonna go crazy for this), Fluttershy’s Vampire Fruit Bat form, “Flutterbat”, returns and scares our heroes! Since Flutterbat is back, let’s play some heavy metal/rock music to suit her theme, guys!!!:

As Flutterbat notices the Mane Six’s scared faces, she snaps out of her act and apologizes for scaring them, while revealing that she made Flutterbat as a costume in this scene. It’s revealed that Fluttershy created the scary adjustments  to the maze with the help of Granny Smith and had her animal friends like her pet bear, Harry, be the sea monster, her spider to create the spiderweb, and have her fireflies to be the ghosts. The Mane Six praise Fluttershy’s excellent attempts to make the Corn Maze even scarier, but Flutter admits that she doesn’t like to see her friends in grave danger and still, Nightmare Night isn’t her “Cup of Tea” and her friends accept her opinion and they go home. At her cottage, Fluttershy realizes that hiding under bed, reading is what she’s always wanted to spend Nightmare Night and her animal friends agree with her. Well, at least she’s not afraid of it anymore, but she’s always afraid, but still a great character. 😉

So, that was “Scare Master” and is it a good Halloween/Nightmare Night episode and better than the last special? Well, even though this episode was very predictable, I actually enjoyed it. Although, it is good, but not my favorite, it’s still predictable but a good watch. The plot was predictable, the humor was well done as always, the animation has gotten better as usual, and of course “FLUTTERBAT” came back, but only for a short while, which is disappointing. Also, if I was in charge of making the Corn Maze in this episode, I would make the adjustments out of the following:

1.) Have it a mixture of both showing stuff from “Shed 17” and “Five Nights at Freddy’s”, even though kids would pee/poop in their pants, even though ponies are always naked and would do it on the ground

2.) Make it take place at the Everfree Forest or a cemetary/graveyard, even though it can be dangerous

3.) Make it seem like an actual horror movie

Gee, I wonder how other people would think of it? But, I can speculate, overall, when the story was predictable, this episode was predictable as well. But, it doesn’t stop me from liking it, it does show a good moral that something your friends do doesn’t have to be your “Cup of Tea” and just do what you want to celebrate and enjoy. It leaves me from giving this episode a 6/10, it could’ve been a little bit better, but the humor and everything else was still well done. I’m The Detective Librarian and October is ALMOST OVER, just ONE MORE Halloween special! I don’t even care if it’s in the “Middle of Nowhere”!!

SHINING ARMOR: Did you say “The Middle”?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, no! NOT ANOTHER “MIDDLE” EPISODE!!!! By the way, did you find anything, Shining?

SHINING ARMOR: Yes, I did. There’s this weird symbol that has a circle and a dotted line in the top to the bottom.


FRANKIE HECK: ME!!! Frankie Heck from “The Middle”!! HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!! Guess who’s back, everybody??!!! HEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!


Season 3: Review #24: “Thomas the Tank Engine”: “Shed 17”

-Now, before we start off today’s review, I would like to say is, “YES”, I have watched the current episodes of Season 19 of “Thomas & Friends” and so far, I think it’s going good. Although, there are a few bad or okay episodes so far, but some are enjoyable, like “Who’s Geoffrey”, which is one of my favorites so far. But, when this season ends with ALL the episodes being finished on either TV or DVD, I will share my official thoughts on it on my blog. Thank you and have a nice day and let’s get to the REAL review!-

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING YOU’RE ABOUT TO SEE MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!!! TURN BACK IF YOU HAVEN’T– Whatever. If you haven’t seen this fan-film, please (DON’T) do so. But, remember, it contains some language, horrifying scenes for children, nightmare fuel, dark/grim scenes, and an unsettling atmosphere. If you don’t want to watch this film, it’s probably for the best and if you want to now what I mean, please read this review NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!!!!:

Anyways, proceed!

-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled (“SPOOKY”) Review, Already in Progress-


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: But, at least it’s not as weird and freaky as the new fan-“Thomas & Friends”-film titled “Shed 17”!

RANDOM GIRL: HEY! Why not review THAT instead of this movie?!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: NO! There’s NO way I’m reviewing a movie called “Shed 17”, even though the script says I’m doing it soon.


TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Hey, Detective! Wanna review “Shed 17” right now?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: NO!!! That sounds like some type-of knock-off of a sci-fi-horror movie. But, anyways, adios, amigos!!! 😉


-Now, Onto the Actual Review-

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: *Knocking at Door* Hey, Detective! A new “Thomas & Friends” marathon of the classic episodes from Season 1-7 are on! Wanna come and watch it with me?…….Detective, are you there? *Slowly Opens Door*

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: *Lying on the Ground*

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: “The Detective Librarian”! Are you alright?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN (INSANE): *Rising, While Having Insane Laughter* Hey, you! I need you all to do yourself a favor and GO!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Oh, no. Detective’s going psycho again over something he just witnessed. I better go and calm him down with a “MLP: FIM” character, like Twilight Sparkle (“Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle”). Come on, Detective. Wake up with your own Twilight.

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN (NORMAL): Eeee–Oh, hey Twilight “Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle” and Ted!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Detective. Are you okay–


TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: “Tobias and the Arcane Merchant”?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Of course, not! It’s not only until 2017.

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. What’s it called?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN:….It’s…Called…….”Shed 17″!!!……………….


TIMOTHY THE GHOST TRAIN: Not as scary as me?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Sorry, Timothy. But, it IS scarier than YOU!!

TIMOTHY THE GHOST TRAIN: Awww… But I wanted to celebrate with all those people who believe in me, but, screw it! I’m going back to the Internet, where I belong. So, bye! *BAM!*

Anyways, this half-an-hour long film came out last week on October 6, 2015, just in time for Halloween, which is appropriate for the spooky/scary tone AKA the most horrifying holiday of the year, according to most people. Please note that this is no ordinary fan-film, it’s just a “mockumentary”/probably a documentary-parody and what makes it so scary??!!! SO TRAUMATIZING, SO DARK, SO…SO…..EEEVIILLLLL!!!! Okay, not really, but it’s still scary to watch for younger kids!! *Sigh* I’m sure all of you curious folks out there want to know. Since the audience from my review of “9” wanted this, let’s take a look at the “HORRIFYING HORRORS” of “Shed 17″…..Are you really sure that you want to turn back, this is the last chance!!….Okay…..

So, we start off this film with the logos of the creator of this fan-film (Pauls Vids), which makes it look like the video is still buffering, as well as images of the Island of Sodor on what it REALLY and currently is with unsettling music in the background and stock footage from the original opening titles of the show. Including an odd image at Ffarquhar Station, where we see the scrap remains of an American locomotive (for some reason, probably to make the tone more scarier), before we cut to the narrator of this “mockumentary” reveal to us that the tales of Thomas the #1 Tank Engine/Blue-Screen-Stealing-Hog are lies and the REAL truth behind the Island of Sodor/North Western Railway is no ordinary children’s story and it’s VERY horrifying. Gee, this might be “Sodor: The Dark Times” all over again, except without Trainz Simulator/Sodor Island 3D, like most “Thomas” fans on Youtube, almost. Except that it also shows that the Island of Sodor was once a detention center for Germans in England, due to the Nazis lead by Adolf Hitler during World War II. It’s told by one of the human character interviewed (like an actual documentary), a former Fireman of the engines on Sodor named Keith Hartley, who mentions another human character, a German professor named Vilham Gurter, who joined Hitler and his Nazis during the war because of an image shaking hands with Hitler. When the war broke out across Europe, he, his wife, and his four-year old son named Hans fled Germany and escaped to England, but was banned there, even though citizens were friendly towards him because they were going to give him another chance, I guess, before Hans grew up and left his family when he turned 18 and studied biology at his University.

He decided to start his own facility on the Island of Sodor called Sodor Research Ltd., which was a small lab located in Arlesburgh (on Duck’s Branchline, the Little Western, and one of the locations of the Arlesdale Small Railway) in 1962. Six years later, his wife got pregnant and had a baby named (you guessed it) Thomas and you can probably guess what’s going to happen to the human version of Thomas, later, since he’s been a cheeky Tank Engine/the last survivor of the LBSC E2 tank engines in England for decades in the “RWS” and the TV series, whose had his own branchline with his two coaches, Annie and Clarabel. While growing up, the young boy named Thomas watched the railways with interest and recorded them with his first camera and used it at platforms at various stations, but one reveals that Sir Topham Hatt/The Fat Controller/President Fatlord/Fatty is a jerk after yelling at Thomas to get off his platform. Wow, I first I thought that the way he treated Thomas in “Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure” was more harsh, but THIS JUST TAKES THE CAKE and I can assure you, he’s going to act evil, instead of a stern, but kind-fatherly-figure towards the engines of the NWR. Whoever knew that Fatty was such a harsh man for everybody’s favorite controller of Sodor? He even shows that when we learn that he shut down various branchlines and stations, while pushing the NWR away!:

Yes, I swear that I am NOT joking, here! STH is a greedy moron in this alternate-universe movie!!! But (AGAIN), I digress, we then see Thomas and his father (which doesn’t look like his father called Hans) rush towards the level crossing, while being recorded on camera by Thomas. However, he fails to read the warning signs and we get our first jumpscare, everybody: When Thomas looks right and left, he then gets run over by (what it looks like) a BR diesel. I have to admit, that made me jump when I first saw that scene, even in one of the reviews of this film, NickonAquaMagna (one of the people who reviewed this film) jumped back when he first saw it, as well.:

Anyways, Thomas’ body (which would already be torn to pieces by now) is taken to the Sodor Research and inside one of the sheds called “Shed 17”. There, he gets rebuild into the blue tank engine we know and love and it gets shown to people who were invited for a presentation for Thomas’ transfer to his steam engine body, coming out of the Shed 17. As you’d expect, many people are horrified over what they’re witnessing, including Keith Hartley, who goes next to the other side of the Shed to vomit. Really though, I laughed when I first saw it and it turns into a running gag when Keith gets interviewed at various news broadcasts when they bring up Thomas being his usual tank engine self and he (you know the picture) vomits, even though he doesn’t in the present. But, I have to agree with NickonAquaMagna that he eventually got over it. We learn that Thomas’ body is inside the tank engine body, along with his organs, muscles, and bones and humans who have been transferred to engines and vehicles (like Harold the Helicopter and Bertie the Bus) are not allowed to work on the North Western Railway. Why: Because if the engine begins to start operating, its organs would start to erupt from inside his body and cause him to die/burn to death, alive.

However, many rich people foolishly decided to be turned into engines and Fatty decided to accept the offer and have other humans be turned into engines, while using a substance called biofusion, which is part of the process of engine-transformation. After they (like doofuses) get turned into engines, things start to go awry when footage of the new engine experiments are shown, including James and Edward, failing. One of the videos was about Edward filming for the TV series, when he was whistling to children and causes blood to spew out and about one of the first diesel/fuel-powered engines being tested with unseen footage. No, it’s not the well-known Devious Diesel (AKA Jasper in MilkTankerMedia’s series and given different names in other fan-series/films), it’s just Mavis this time. As she gets fueled up, things begin to go well, until it takes a dark turn, when Mavis gets caught on fire, her internal organs get burned, and she dies, too late. Wow, and I thought that Mavis’ death in “Tobias and the Half-Pariah” was her only death, but this is more grimmer because of her soulless face when the fire spreads to her and the aftermath of her.

So, we partake in more footage of engines spewing their guts/blood out, when it turns out that the engines being displayed during the off-season are actually failed experiments that were either already dead or too ill to be in full operation. But, Thomas is one of the only engines that never had any problems while he was still in-service and Sodor Research began to sell their research to international countries will railways, even though they wanted to keep their work, secret. Even failed biofused engines were being displayed in public, leaving Hans shocked over what it could be: “Slave Labor” for engines that are actually humans inside their bodies. This leaves Vilham into committing suicide by shooting himself in the mouth and instead of actual blood coming out, we see what looks like sawdust from wood, which is what the humans were made out of, back when the series had the models. Well, at least it wasn’t over the top like Johnny’s (played by the writer and director, Tommy Wiseau) suicide from “The Room”, where he had a silly rampage and the usual bad acting, which lead into putting his life to an end by shooting himself in the mouth. But, let’s take a look at that scene and see how over-the-top it is, shall we?:

But, at least “The Room” is one of those movies that it’s so bad, it’s good! But (ONCE AGAIN), I digress, more footage/experiments are filmed, including Gordon the Big Engine (no surprise), when his boiler, his eyes (with blood coming out), and HIS ENTIRE BODY explodes. The other piece of footage is about Harold flying, but ending up spewing blood out and crashing to the ground, while getting killed as well, seeing as how his organ system is connected to his rotor-blades and if they spun around, vital organs would get drawn out and kill him, during the process. At this point, you might end up feeling very shocked by this, as much as I am about it or even feeling insulted by it. Remember, if kids were about to watch this, you HAVE TO STOP THEM ASAP, BEFORE THEY SUFFER THE SAME FATE TO THOSE WATCHED THIS MONSTROSITY!!!!!!!!!!! But wait, THERE’S MORE!!! JUST WHEN YOU THINK THAT THEY CAN’T POSSIBLY CREATE ANYMORE HORRORS TO THIS CREATION, THEY DECIDE TO TELL US ON WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON THE EVENTS OF HENRY’S ACCIDENT WITH THE FLYING KIPPER IN THE SEASON 1 EPISODE AND THE “RWS” STORY, “THE FLYING KIPPER”!!!!!! Here’s how the REAL story of the Flying Kipper accident is told.

One night, when Keith unlocked the doors to Shed 17, Henry took a peek inside, reversed back outside, and confronted Fatty about it. He later warned Thomas about Shed 17, before you-know-who orders Henry to take the Flying Kipper from the docks and take it one winter’s night. But, remember when the points leading to a siding were frozen and it sent Henry to crash into a goods train, before being sent to Crewe to get rebuild to have a larger firebox and a new shape, so that he can’t use special coal, again? Well, it turns out in the REAL story that Fatty sabotaged the points, by freezing the points and placing a railway spike at the points and he never liked Henry and his cheerful personality (back when Britt Alcroft got the characters’ personalities right) and the goods train that Henry crashed into was actually a train of tankers, causing them to explode, and his crew freezing to death after jumping clear in the snow. He sends Henry to Crewe to (NOT BE REBUILT INTO A BLACK 5 LOCOMOTIVE) be scrapped, while screaming.:

Oh, thank GOD that we’re almost at the end. Okay. That night, even though his crew are already gone for the night, Thomas has already enough fuel/coal/steam in his firebox to brave his way through the Sodor Research Ltd. and to figure out what’s really behind Shed 17. As he goes inside, we FINALLY learn the big, real, disturbing, and shocking plottwist!!! It’s revealed that the current Thomas is not the boy who got run over, but is actually a clone and there were many attempts to create another Thomas, but failed, while the current Thomas had the human boy’s memories and DNA.:

That’s not the only horrifying thing in this film because we finally get to see what’s inside Shed 17 after all this time and (probably) one of the SCARIEST scenes in the entire flick!! When Thomas gets closer to the tank inside Shed 17, a skeleton hand bangs the glass window keeping him inside and Thomas gets so shocked by his real-failed self, his human body starts to come out, revealing his skeletal and organ body, while screaming VERY intimidating screams. See, I told you that it beat that “Timothy” creepypasta and even these scenes could be as disturbing as this!:

But, aside from that, this scene BEATS THEM ALL!!! We finally end this SCARY fan-film with the government investigating Sodor Research Ltd. and the Island, banning Biofusion (including Europe, after the Windscale Nuclear Flask Test in July 1984), Fatty vanishing without a trace, and Thomas going through twenty-three reconstruction surgeries. However, China is only country that allows biofused-engines, where prisoners are turned into engines, while being poked by an electric-stick thingy or a taser. Just when you think you’re allowed to turn off your computer and try to recover from this creepy misery, we gotta have a post-credits scene, where we see a cruise ship sinking to the bottom of the ocean, where the camera zooms into the cruise ship’s face. *DEEP SIGH*

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN:…………..I shall never show you this film again!…

I mean it, people. It’s scary, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY HORRIFYING!! But, actually, it’s not bad. The plot was good, the acting is not bad, the suspense was carried out well, the humor was funny, and I really felt like that this is a twisted version of “Thomas” and the jumpscares are really hard to ignore, especially that “Skeleton-Engine” scene! Although, the animation is not that good and it could’ve been better and there are a few things wrong with the plot, like the big reveal about Thomas being a clone and I have to admit, it was a little weird to begin with. Seriously, what was that all about? Wouldn’t it make more sense to make a different version of Thomas, instead of doing those other tank engine clones?

But, it’s just my opinion. Overall, this film is a mixture of both scary and bizarre, I’m not saying that I don’t like or hate it or anything, I mean that it has some strange problems and explanations. I know a lot of people were traumatized when they first saw this and scared as well and they’re actually right. It may be so horrifying that you don’t want to show this to you kids (which I would do if I had kids) and make sure you show them the ONLY GOOD episodes of the show (including the Classic Series 1-7 and the revived version from Season 17 to onwards), especially Season 5, which had REALLY intense episodes. This leads me into putting my final score for “Shed 17” a 7.5/10 and let’s just hope that I don’t get forced into doing more scariness like this. I’m The Detective Librarian and I HAVE JUST SEEN THE ABSOLUTE SCARIEST FAN-“THOMAS-FILM/HALLOWEEN SPECIAL I HAVE EVER WITNESSED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Hey, Detective! Wanna play “Five Nights at Freddy’s” with me?


(Sort of a “Nostalgia Critic” Reference)


Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM”: “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul” Halloween Poster


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Post, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and as you can tell, here’s another poster for “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul”, the upcoming sequel to my first fan-fic, “Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom”. But, it’s a poster I made for Halloween, last night, since it’s October and Halloween’s coming on. In order to celebrate this spooky holiday, it includes King Mephiles/Bright Sun in a dark atmosphere with a black background on the bottom with Chrysalis’ eyes, the moon with an eye (resembling Nightmare Moon), dark clouds resembling evil, me ponified in a Changeling cocoon, Evil Cadence/Chrysalis with flames next to her on each side, Twilight Sparkle petrified (as seen in “Stare Master”), Hypnotized/Brainwashed Shining Armor on the right, and the words from top to bottom “The Horror Shall Return, AGAIN!!!…”, “Happy Halloween”, and the date for the fan-fic, “November 13, 2015”!

PLOT SYPNOSIS: “Ever since after King Mephiles’ defeat and the fall of the Shadow Kingdom, Shining Armor has been feeling very confident of himself, now that he can put his past aside and move on with his life. However, Cadence gets concerned that this isn’t the last time they’ve seen Shining’s dark brother, even Twilight has doubts. Shining soon figures out that Cadence and Twilight are right about being worried when Mephiles returns in his evil, cursed spirit after he was killed by his former ally, Chrysalis. Things go from bad to worse when the truth about Mephiles’ dark presence and plans are revealed and Cadence’s own past starts to resurface. Now, everybody in Equestria now has their lives on the very line and it’s up to Cadence to face her past, while trying to prevent her own life from being claimed by the Angered Soul.”

Please note that after all this time (big freaking shock) that I’ve been copying and pasting other postures of the characters from “MLP: FIM” off of DeviantArt and the “MLP: FIM” Wikia and I feel like that from now on, I shall give credit to the ones who really made these images. So, please sue me for that! Anyways, tell me what you think of this poster and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and I’ll see you next time, have a happy and safe Halloween, and look out for “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul”, as well as my next review, the new fan-“Thomas the Tank Engine”-film known as “Shed 17”! Toodles! 😉

90th Review Special/Season 3: Review #22: “9” (Movie)


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled (“SPOOKY”) Review, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and as you can tell, it’s my 90th review today and to celebrate it, we’ll be continuing in more reviews in October for Halloween!


Anyways, today’s movie well has a pretty interesting concept. But, it does contain parts that you would see in a video game, like “Fallout” (unlike “Fallout Equestria”, the “MLP: FIM” and “Fallout” crossover), “Borderlands”, etc…. What is the interesting concept of a film you may ask, well, it’s Shane Acker’s feature-length film, “9”. It first came out on September 9, 2009–:

–And it was loosely based off of the 2005 animated short-film of the same name, but the short was only ten minutes long, while this movie is an hour and a half long. It’s like other movies when the director or writers decide to have it be put into an actual flick, but includes more story, filler, characters, locations, etc… Those movies like “Pixels” ended with negative results, but in this movie, it’s not really that bad. Is having a cool anmated short-film be directed by Tim Burton(director of “Nightmare Before Christmas”, “Frankenweenie”, etc..) and Shane Acker worth it? Well, let’s find out, by taking a look at “9”.

So, we start off this movie with a montage of a human Scientist (played by Alan Oppenheimer) give out a speech about how humanity is ending in an all-time low, due to overusing technology (which makes sense, seeing as how technology can give positive and negative consequences), while making a doll called a “Stitchpunk” that he’s going to use as the heroes of the movie, before placing a device called the Talisman in-front of the screen, before we cut to his workshop, left in an empty state. The stitchpunk wakes up and his number is 9 (played by Elijah Wood) and he wanders off into the world, left in an apocalypse-like state because this movie is in the apocalypse, while taking the Talisman with him. As 9 explores the wasteland, he encounters another doll named 2 (voiced by Martin Landau). Well, since he’s an inventor, he notices that 9 can’t talk, so he fixes his voice box, revealing his Elijah Wood voice and the Talisman. But, after this, a machine called the Cat-Beast attacks them and captures 2, while injuring 9, causing him to pass out, and waking up in a Cathedral, where we get introduced to John C. Riley’s character, 5, a cyborg-like doll that lost his left eye, before the events of the movie. He heals his injuries and we get introduced to more dolls, like the arrogant and oldest leader named 1 (played by Christopher Plummer), 8, the bodyguard, who is strong and dimwitted (voiced by Fred Tatasciore), and the crazy doll (who is basically giving information to the audience and the hero of the film) named 6 (portrayed by Crispin Glover). Now that 2 has been kidnapped, 1 immediately labels him “dead”, but 9 wants to go out and save him because of him surviving his abduction. However, he’s not allowed to because he can’t go into the factory where 2 is being held captive and he (including us) gets a backstory of the main characters of the movie.

When the stitchpunks woke up in the world, it was in a complete war against humanity and machines and it’s probably one of the best scenes in the movie.:

As you can tell, they escaped through a war against “War of the World”-like machines and humans and hid inside the cathedral as a Sanctuary and they’ve been hiding there ever since. After the pretty long and beautifully animated flashback, 9 and 6 sneak out of the Sanctuary to go into the factory and rescue 2 and along the way there, they come across a dark war tunnel and decide to create a man-made light bulb-staff (which appeared in the short film that this movie is based on and in most of the posters), by taking a light bulb from an old car, one of 5’s tools, a stick from a blade, and a small battery. They soon get inside the factory and discover 2 being kept inside a bird cage, where the Cat-Beast is guarding it and we’re introduced to the only female member of the Stitchpunks, a warrior named 7 (played by Jennifer Connelly). She helps our heroes slay the Cat-Beast and defeat it by chopping its head off, as well as rescue 2, and to answer your question, No: there is no blood involved in this, mostly because it’s just a machine with mechanical skeletal parts. But, they come across more trouble when 9 curiously (and idiotically) connects the Talisman to a holder-type thingy and it accidentally opens up and sucks 2’s soul out, killing him in the process. Well, it looks like “Curiosity ‘Killed’ the Cat”! *BA DUM TSH!*

AUDIENCE: *Cricket Noises*


THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: *Sigh* Why do my puns always have to bore the audience? >:|

Anyways, this causes ANOTHER machine called the Fabrication Machine (B.R.A.I.N.S.) that is supposed to be the main villain of the movie and the creator of ALL the machines (SPOILER ALERT), who chases after 9, 5, and 7, but they easily escape from the factory, leaving the Fabrication Machine stranded. He decides to build the bird-like machine called the Winged Beast to go after our heroes, which will happen later. Meanwhile, we see 9, 5, and 7 go inside a library and we encounter silent-speaking twins named 3 & 4, who use flashing lights in their eyes to communicate with each other and it’s probably a very cute scene here.:

At the library, the twins show our heroes the origins of the Fabrication Machine, including in a projector-like way, which it turns out was created by a Chancellor (not Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious/the Emperor from “Star Wars”), a dictator that is voiced by Tom Kane. The Chancellor forced the Scientist from earlier to create the Fabrication Machine/B.R.A.I.N.S. to create an army of “War of the Worlds”-like machines to fight back against his enemies. But, the Machines had other plans; they fought back against humanity, resulting in the world plummeting into chaos and into its current state. 9 tries to explain to the twins about the Talisman’s strange symbols on it, much to their confusion, but, 5 realizes that they’re the EXACT same symbols that 6 drew on his drawings. 9 and 5 return to the Sanctuary to find more information, but 8 catches them red-handed and they’re forced to tell 1 everything on what happened, including 2’s death. The two of them have a face-off/one-on-one confrontation over being a coward and a blind-man, but are interrupted when the Winged Beast crashes in and sets the room on fire. They try to escape by using the bowl-like elevator, but 9 escapes through the window and on top of the Sanctuary.

The dolls are forced to fight back against the Winged Beast, along with 7 who injures herself. The battle continues on a severely damaged airplane (that was used in the war) and 5 & 6 use wires from the plane to reactivate its propellers to kill the Winged Beast. The plan works when the Beast grabs hold of 1’s cape and is forced to let go of the cape, causing it to fall to the propellers and die. Hopefully, we’re not getting an early reference to the “Let It Go” song from “Frozen”. :/ After the Winged Beast gets killed, our heroes escape from the burning and destroyed Sanctuary and head to the Library, where 7 is healed and 8 goes outside to guard the Library and drug himself with a magnet.:

Yes, 8 uses a magnet on his head and it looks like he’s drugging himself. Good to know that this is a PG-13 rating because younger kids who might have seen this would be intimidated by it and would want to the same thing 8 did with that magnet. But I digress, back at the factory, one of the Fabrication Machines’ minions shows the villain the remains of the Winged Beast. As you’d expect, the Fabrication Machine is enraged by it and decides to make another evil plan to bring the dolls to him, he decides to use 2’s corpse in the new machine. Meanwhile, we see the dolls get more information about the Talisman, but 1 once again criticizes the research and we get the big (disturbing) shocking twist; it turns out that 1 purposely sent 2 out to die at the beginning of the film. Well, since he’s a MAJOR schmuck, 1 insults 2 by calling him “old” and “weak” and want to know what I would do to insult him back? THIS!:


Anyways, as 1 leaves the group, he discovers 2’s corpse who uses flashing lights to hypnotize him and it belongs to the Fabrication Machine’s latest creation, a cobra-like body with a doll head called the “Seamstress”!!! The Seamstress sews 1 to capture him and he did the same process with 8 earlier. I have to admit, it’s probably one of the freakiest-looking machines in the movie because of its doll head (same one from “Toy Story”) and scary sounds that are nightmare fuel for kids. Besides, I said that rating this movie PG-13, but, (AGAIN) I digress. The Seamstress uses its hypnotic lights on 2 on 5 and 9, but 9 (somehow) doesn’t get affected by it and he tries to free 1, while 7 cuts 2’s body out of its tail. But, she gets captured by the Seamstress as well, but 1 luckily isn’t and he snaps out of the trance. A funeral is held for 2 and its a pretty emotional (like most funerals) and they send his body through the drain from a fountain in the library.

Well, at least they didn’t bury him, otherwise, another machine created by the villain would’ve found it and used it again! After the funeral scene, our heroes decide to (of course) rescue 8 and 7, by going to the factory, where they’re being held. 9 is sent to sneak inside the factory, but watches 8 as he is brought in by the Seamstress and killed by the Fabrication Machine with the Talisman. He uses his light bulb staff to disguise it as himself to lure the Seamstress to the factory’s gears and kills it, while he saves 7’s life. The two of them escape from the factory and the rest of our heroes lit a fuel barrel on fire and blow the factory up, much to their delight. They celebrate by using an old record player to play “Over the Rainbow” from “The Wizard of Oz”, which makes it more of a 1930’s/1940’s feel, instead of a 1910’s/1920’s feel. But, as 5 chases after a record disc, he discovers that (since we can’t end the movie there) the Fabrication Machine is still alive and it chases after, grabs, and kills him.

We then get ANOTHER chase scene where the Fabrication Machine chases them to an unstable bridge. 6 finds out that 5’s soul is being held inside the Talisman (which is what most the souls are in this movie) and he convinces everyone to not destroy the machine and the Talisman and get back to the “source”, before he gets captured and killed as well, causing the bridge to collapse. It turns out that the “source” is the Scientist’s workshop and well, speak of the devil because 9 decides to go to there to find the REAL truth. He goes to the workshop and discovers blueprints of the Machine and himself, as well as a box that contains a holographic message of the Scientist and we have a brief explanation of everything. It turns out that the dolls/Stitchpunks are actually parts of the Scientist’s soul and they’re ALL of the remains of humanity and the Fabrication Machine was actually a thinking machine and it was corrupted when it lacked a human soul. But, the Chancellor forced him to convert it into the current state and the Talisman can be used to go against it to free the souls of the dolls. Wow, it really does explain a lot, but it really does raise the question of how the Scientist survived the war, but, whatever!

9 rushes to find the remaining dolls to tell them the REAL truth and on how to defeat the Fabrication Machine. He finds them firing a cannon at the Machine, but it gets destroyed after they hide inside the war tunnel. 9’s plan is to sacrifice himself by having the Machine kill him, while 1 (instead of 7 or 3 & 4) goes and gets the Talisman to destroy it. He begins the plan after their hiding place gets destroyed, but 1 redeems himself by sacrificing HIMSELF, forcing 9 to grab the Talisman himself, unlock, and use it to rescue the souls trapped inside and finally defeat the Machine, once and for all. After this, 9, 7, and 3 & 4 create a memorial to free the souls of 8, 6, 2, 5, and 1, who has now changed his ways. The souls fly to the sky, free, and cause it to rain bacteria, which means that life on Earth is returning and humanity is being reborn. Wow, at first I thought that bacteria is bad, but it looks like its good for human life in this movie.

But, at least its in other products, but to me, bacteria is BAD!!!! Well, at least that this movie isn’t THAT bad. The animation is colorful, but is a bit outdated, the characters are decent, the plot was okay, the pacing (however) is a annoyingly slow, some parts don’t make sense, it’s a bit underrated, and it’s a little too short. The soundtrack, however, is really one of my favorite parts of it and it’s probably one of the best soundtrack pieces I’ve ever heard in any movie. Instead of looking this film as a sci-fi flick, I’m instead going to look at it as a thriller/horror movie because the machines are really cool and the Seamstress is really creepy. But, at least it’s not as weird and freaky as the new fan-“Thomas & Friends”-film titled “Shed 17”!

RANDOM GIRL: HEY! Why not review THAT instead of this movie?!

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: NO! There’s NO way I’m reviewing a movie called “Shed 17”, even though the script says I’m doing it soon.


Overall, this movie is, well, not bad. I did enjoy the characters, the concept, animation, and how the soundtrack was handled. It’s not the best or worst animated film (unlike some other piece of horrifying crap I know), but it needed some adjustments that could make this movie better. With that said, I’ll be giving this movie an 8/10, instead of an actual “9/10”, like the movie, itself and when it was released. So, that was my 90th review and hope you enjoyed it and as always, I’m The Detective Librarian and happy 90 reviews on my blog!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Hey, Detective! Wanna review “Shed 17” right now?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: NO!!! That sounds like some type-of knock-off of a sci-fi-horror movie. But, anyways, adios, amigos!!! 😉


Season 3: Review #21: Roald Dahl’s “The Witches”


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled (“SPOOKY”) Review, Already in Progress-

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Ahh! Yep! October is finally here!! That means that it’s time to review spooky movies or Halloween-related content, just in time for “Halloween”!



Anyways, I’m The Detective Librarian and as all of you may know, October has arrived one week ago! That means that I’m going to review the one movie that I’ve been planning to review for a long time, but I’ve been saving it up for this moment. Remember Roald Dahl (or as I like to call him “Stephen King Jr.”), the creator of well-known children stories like “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “James and the Giant Peach”, “Fantastic Mr. Fox”, “The BFG”, etc… Well, today’s movie that is based off of one of his stories is going to be my new review to start off October/Halloween-Month, “The Witches”. This film came out in theaters in 1990 and as you can tell, this movie is “VERY” old by now and what surprises me on how everybody enjoys this movie, even though it was a box-office failure. But, I’m not on that ban wagon. To me, it’s not well animated with it’s stop-motion, not well written, and it’s not “pleasant”, okay? So, let me enlighten you on how “unpleasant” this movie is, this is “The Witches”.

So, we start off this movie with the late Mai Zetterling as our main character’s Norwegian grandmother, Helga, whose name is an American boy named Luke Eveshim (played by Jasen Fisher) instead of British, tell her grandson about myths of creatures named the Witches. The Witches are are demonic women who despise children and disguise themselves as human females, by having wigs on top of their heads to hide their bald heads, gloves for their long and bumpy fingers that have sharp claws on each, and have dark purple/demon-possessed eyes, which they idiotically don’t hide. One incident that the Witches attacked against children occurred six decades before this story begins, when Helga was younger and was close friends with a girl on her neighborhood. One day, she mysteriously vanished (thanks to a Witch) and for six weeks, she was never seen again without a trace, even if the authorities and the residents tried to find her, but to no avail. At her parent’s house, there was a painting discovered that had the image of the girl trapped inside and year after year, she changed physically (as well as her age) day after day, until she disappeared from the picture permanently. Why?: Because the Witch cursed her into to live inside the painting, until she reaches the day that she dies. Oh no, this movie’s gonna cause nightmares for the audience and me!!!.. <:( Be careful, everybody, WE HAVE MANY MORE MINUTES, SENTENCES, AND PARAGRAPHS FOR THIS CRUELTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, Helga also tells Luke about the time that she encountered a witch, herself, which resulted in her getting one of her fingers getting burned off for reasons that will be revealed later. Then, tragic news strikes when we learn that Luke’s parents died in a car crash and as a result, Helga has to take Luke with her and move to a village located in the countryside in England. Well, I’m surprised they didn’t just stay in Norway or move to America, but it’s just for the sake of having this story take place in Roald Dahl’s original hometown, before he passed away years ago, so it doesn’t really matter. Luke gets his first Witch encounter when he sees a bizarre lady in a black dress outside his home where he’s playing in his treehouse with his toy cars (probably “Hot Wheels” or “Matchbox”). She offers him to take a snake in her hands and some chocolate, which would raise the question on how Tom Smith from “Spongebob” would react if he saw that Witch right now.:

Luke knows that it’s a Witch due to her demon-purple eyes that she fails to hide (along with the other Witches) and now he’s afraid because of her knowing his name somehow. But, the Witch goes away when she abandons her plan to lure Luke to her, when Helga arrives and asks him to come inside. SEE KIDS, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SAY NO TO STRANGERS AND EVEN STEPHEN KING’S “IT” SHOWED THE SIMULATION OF IT AS WELL WHEN PENNYWISE (PLAYED BY TIM CURRY) KILLED GEORGIE!!!!! The movie then cuts to Luke celebrating his 10th birthday, where Helga gets sick because she gets diagnosed with diabetes, probably after eating cake or something “sweet”. They take her to a doctor, where the doctor comes with the answer to our first puzzle of the review!

PUZZLE #001: “What Does the Doctor Say That Would Help Make Helga Feel Better to Cure Her Diabetes?”

A.) Medication (Of Course)


B.) The Seaside


C.) Exercise


Now, you think that the answer is “Medication”, right? Well, that’s what most diabetic victims would do if they’re afflicted with diabetes. But, NOOOOO!! Since this a movie based off of a Roald Dahl book, the answer is B: “The Seaside”!:

Yeah, that’s about it. I wonder why the Doctor didn’t suggest going on a diet or taking pills to lower the diabetes? But, I digress, Luke and Helga go on holiday/vacation, by staying at a beach in Cornwall, England in the Excelisor Hotel and as they settle down for dinner/tea, they come across a rich boy named Bruno Jenkins (played by Charlie Potter) that is our usual rewrite of Augustus Gloop from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” who loves sweets/candy, while Augustus loves chocolate. But, this time, they turn into good friends and it leads him into A LOT OF TROUBLE, when the hotel owner, Mr. Stringer (played by Rowan Atkinson) catches him red-handed over playing with his pet mice, William and Mary, and tells him that mice are forbidden in the Hotel. But, he allows Luke to keep his mice, as long as they’re kept inside the cage, but Luke secretly breaks his promise when he teaches his mice in a quiet corner, without Mr. Stringer finding out and catching him for the second time. Boy, this guy really knows how to act sly and do secretive things when it comes to hearing rules that may be disappointing to him, unless if he becomes a secret agent like James Bond. 😉 But (again), I digress!!

But, the corner that Luke is hiding in belongs to a ballroom, where an organization called the RSPCC (“Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children”) are using it to have a yearly meeting and speaking of, they arrive at the ballroom. Now, this organization is obviously an EVIL organization and (as Big Macintosh would say)– “Eeyup”, I was right because the purple eyes on the members are the EXACT same eye color as the Witches (including the same one Luke encountered earlier) and they’re bald, have intimidating sharp teeth, AND have long claws and bumpy fingers. To make matters worse, the ballroom doors are already locked, trapping Luke inside and the German chairwoman named Evangeline Ernst is revealed to be the nightmarish-looking leader of the Witches named the Grand High Witch!!!! She scolds all the Witches for failing to kill EVERY children in England and here’s another frightening scene for kids when the GHW uses her finger to have her incinerating powers to kill a Witch asking a question to her. Yeah, “Lighting a Witch on Fire for Asking a Question” and “Having Ugly-Looking and Horrifying Looks of the Witches” will be your child’s next nightmare, when they run away from the theater, screaming on the top of their lungs!! 😉 So, we hear the Grand High Witch’s evil plan to kill children once and for all, which is have a her latest creation, “Formula 86”, which is a formula that with one drink, it can turn its drinker into a mouse in two hours.

She demonstrates it to everyone when it turns out that she put the formula onto a chocolate bar that she gave to Bruno earlier, who is lured into the ballroom as a promise for chocolate. Alright, folks. Prepare for more “NIGHTMARE FUEL” in one of the scariest scenes in any children’s movie!!!!!!!!!!:

So, watch “A Canterlot Wedding” much, when Queen Chrysalis, who was disguised as Princess Cadence/Mi Amore Cadenza, imprisoned Twilight Sparkle (“Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle”) into the Canterlot Caves at the end of Part 1 of the same episode?:

Heck, I bet this was many parents and kids’ reactions when they first saw those two scenes!:

Back with the story, as you can tell, Bruno has turned into a mouse, much to Luke and everybody’s shock, and as the meeting of the RSPCC is called to a close, one of the Witches smell Luke (which I forgot to mention, Witches hate children because they smell like dog crap/dogs droppings) and they chase after him into outside the Hotel. More horror for kids occurs when Luke spots the Grand High Witch pushing a baby in its prim down a hill and is about to head straight into the ocean, when Luke jumps out just in time to save the baby and goes back to his Hotel room. He tries to wake up Helga, but she won’t wake up or respond, probably due to her diabetic issues and I’m surprised they didn’t call an ambulance to bring her to the hospital, just in case. As you’d expect, the Witches catch him and drag him to the ballroom (without being noticed, somehow, and having someone call the police) to take a drink of the Formula and it turns Luke into a talking, horribly done stop-motion mouse, as well. The two of them escape, reunite, find Helga, and tell her the situation, which gives them an idea on how to stop the villains, by dropping the Formula and into the Witches’ food for tonight. While Luke risks his life as a mouse to get the Formula from the Witches’ black cat, Liebschen, (like most stereotypical witches), Helga tries to get Bruno and his family out of the Hotel, in case stuff goes wrong, but Bruno’s parents–:

–Don’t believe her and claim that she’s crazy. As dinnertime arrives, Helga helps Luke sneak inside the kitchen, where he learns that the Witches have ordered cress soup and it’s up to Luke to put the Formula 86 in soup to turn them into mice. As he does, the kitchen staff spots him and attempt to kill him, but he hides inside the head chef’s trousers/pants and everyone is forced to search for him inside by pulling his trousers off. While that’s going on, Bruno’s father is disappointed with his cock-a-leekie soup and orders a cress soup instead, which is only for the RSPCC (Witches), but is stopped just in time by Helga, who (I’m mean it, this time) finally tells them about Bruno as a mouse, which (OF COURSE) scares the living crap outta them. Then, the mice-transformation suddenly kicks in on the Witches and I swear that it’s also terrifying, here!:

As you could tell, the Witches turn into hideous-looking mice and it’s more nightmares for your little childrens!! 😀 This leads into Mr. Stringer killing the Grand High Witch as a mouse (unbeknownst to him) once and for all with a knife. While the chaos is occurring, Bruno is returned to his parents and the two of our heroes pack up and head home. That night at their home, Luke shows Helga a pile of cash and a diary that belongs to the GHW that Luke received earlier, meaning that they’ll continue their mission to kill EVERY SINGLE WITCH IN THE WORLD FOR GOOD!!! But, that won’t be necessary because there won’t be a sequel to the book it was based off of and the movie of the same name and I know if this movie gains a sequel, it will truly S-U-C-K, “SUCK”!!!!!! Now, I know what you’re thinking, what happens to Luke now that he’s still a mouse? Well, the GHW’s former assistant, Ms. Irvine, is now a good Witch and quit her job, due to being constantly mistreated by her ruler and had to stay upstairs during the dinner and didn’t turn into a mouse at all.

Yeah, a Good Witch is in this now! She arrives at the cottage and uses her powers to turn Luke back to a human and get his belongings back (including his glasses). We finally end this scareness-of-a-child’s-film when it’s shown that Good Witches have human hands and REAL hair and she leaves to do the same thing to Bruno too, which means show the credits in-front of the audience and call the film quits! Wow, I CANNOT believe that the GHW’s sidekick just decided after being abused to be a hero instead and– OH, FORGET IT!! THIS MOVIE IS BAD!!!

I’m sorry, guys! But, this movie is unpleasant!! I never understood why so many people enjoyed it! It’s miserable, not fun, TOO SCARY FOR MANY KIDS, disgusting, has many plotholes (like the REAL origin of the Witches and where they came from), and it’s really mean-spirited. Although, I do praise the make-up of the Witches, but I feel like the graphics are choppy, since this movie’s 25-years old, but I really didn’t like this film (AT ALL) when I first saw it and it really gave me an uneasy and an uncomfortable feeling because it’s obviously NOT for kids! The other problems I have with this film is how some parts of it have nothing to do with the book, like the ending and how Luke is American, instead of British, but I do like how they named the main character in the film, unlike they did in the book. However, it still doesn’t save it from being good!

All in all, this is one of the worst movies I’ve not only reviewed, but I’ve EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! The story is okay, the graphics are cheesy, it’s very uncomfortable, TOO FRIGHTENING FOR MANY KIDS, and has many things unexplained!! I’m sorry I’ve been so harsh on it, but if you like it, that’s fine because it’s just an opinion. But, I give this film a 3.5/10 for such a really uncomfortable flick. *Sigh* Hopefully, I won’t have to deal with it again. I’m The Detective Librarian and–

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: *Burps and Transforms into a Mouse*

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN (MOUSE LANGUAGE): What the– Oh, great! Now I’ve turned into a mouse like the movie!!

TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Hey, Detective! “The Simpsons” is on, come on and watch it with me!…Detective? DETECTIVE, where are you?!


TED THE SCRIPT PERSON: Huh? What was that? *Home Simpson Scream* IT’S A MOUSE!!! NOT “MICKEY MOUSE”, KILL IT!! KILL IT!!! KILL IT!! KILL IT!!! KILL IT!! Here, I’ll take you down with my “Mouse-Terminator”!!