Fan-Art: “Enterprising Engines”: “Culdee Fell” Fan-Poster (Dedicated to Enterprisingengine93)

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and some of you may have remembered my fan-art of a fan-character named “Red Knight” from “Enterprising Engines”, created by a Youtuber/Thomas-fan called Enterprisingengine93, as well as an audition for him on my Youtube channel. Well, here’s another fan-art that I was working on for a while and finished today! This time, it’s on the previous episode of his series called “Culdee Fell”. But, before I go into detail about this poster, I highly recommend you go and check out EE93’s videos. He’s a very talented guy with a really great fan-series that combines the TV series and “RWS” together with very impressive sets, locations, characters, acting, etc….. But, please be sure to watch the episodes in order to understand/catch up with the series because some events are mentioned from previous episodes of the series and may leave you confused by it. Also, the series may contain some content that may be disturbing for younger audiences, such as action, drama, intensity, and some language, so please view at your own discretion. So, enjoy!!

Anyways, here’s the poster itself. On the top, it includes Walter Richards/the Culdee Fell Mountain Railway Controller having a serious look on his face to the left, the Hitman working for the series’ main human antagonist named Sir Frederick Aura next to him, and a Shepherd with his cane and a mysterious, magical headlamp belonging to Proteus, the words “Enterprisingengine93 Presents” on the middle, and Culdee’s faithful coach, Catherine, next to him. In the middle, we have Culdee, Ernest on the left, and Patrick/Lord Harry/#6 on the left with his eye-patch that EE93 placed to not get the Wooden Railway models of Culdee and Patrick mixed up!:

Oh, shut up, Rainbow Dash!!! No offense, EE93!! <:D Anyways, the bottom includes the episode’s title, “Culdee Fell”, and one of the episode’s main locations of the Culdee Fell Mountain Railway, the Poll-ny-Chrink Bridge with the Shepherd on the top of the poster dangling to his doom with the staff holding onto the Bridge with Proteus’ magic lamp activating it’s magical powers and causing chaos. I know that I may have not done the best job at it, seeing as how I’m decent at drawing, but I’m pretty content of what I got overall. Be sure to see the episode the poster is based off of right now, if you haven’t and let me know in the comments below of what you think of it, the series, and the poster itself!!!!:

As always, I’m The Detective Librarian and stay tuned for more reviews on my blog and you’ve had an excellent start to the new year of 2016!!!! Toodles!!!! 😉

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