Season 3: Review #16: “Sonic Lost World”


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Review, Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and y’know, I’ve been a brony for nearly two years now and I almost, kinda forgotten that “Sonic the Hedgehog” is still going on the game shelves. But, that’s mainly because the new “Sonic” games are very watered-down (as I keep saying in my reviews of the newer “Sonic” games) and not as good as the original ones that I grew up with, when I was a child. But, they do have their moments and some of them work, especially for many fans like “Sonic Generations” (even though I haven’t played it yet), “Sonic Colo(u)rs”, etc…. But, one of the many new “STH” era games that I thought was a mixture of good and bad was the one game that I got for Christmas 2013, which is of course “Sonic Lost World”. This game came out in October 18, 2013 in Europe, before coming to the US on October 29 for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. I know what you’re thinking, why didn’t SEGA just release this game onto the Xbox One or Xbox 360, Playstation 3 or 4, or any other console besides Nintendo (even though they’ve released other “Sonic” games for Nintendo consoles)? Well, in May 2013, SEGA decided to ask Nintendo, the creator of “Mario”, “Legend of Zelda”, and other well-known classics, to publish three “Sonic” games onto their Wii U and 3DS consoles.

This game was one of them, but I have to admit that SEGA’s decision was a seriously bad choice. But, it still doesn’t stop this game from being a mixture of good and bad. So, let’s see why many people have mixed reviews for this game. This is “Sonic Lost World”.

So, the game opens up with Sonic and Miles “Tails” Prower chasing (of course), their long-time nemesis, Dr. Eggman and his two robot henchmen that have been returning characters in the series, Orbot and Cubot, who have stolen animals for their badniks/Eggman’s robots. Now, you may think that this game will capture more nostalgia from the older games, but you’ll find out later. The two friends use the Tornado, their biplane, to chase after their same-old-same-old Egghead, until they spot a mysterious land named the Lost Hex, which is the home of six deadly villains named the Deadly Six (I’m not even going to make a joke about it being a parody of the Mane Six from “MLP: FIM”), who are now under Eggman’s control of a mysterious conch that forces them to do his bidding. But, Sonic’s overconfidence and arrogance strikes again when he punches the conch out of Eggman’s clutches, which (of course) causes the Deadly Six to betray Eggman and control his badniks, as well. So, as you’d guess, Sonic and Tails have to team up with Eggman to stop the Deadly Six from using Eggman’s machine that will drain all life in the world and gaining more power than ever before.

Now, you may think that because of Eggman teaming up with the two main protagonists of the franchise for the 6th or so TIME, means that you can play as both Tails and Eggman. But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Instead, Sonic is playable–:

–and so is Orbot and Cubot (only in the bonus levels), since he’s the title character and acts like the biggest-cocky hedgehog in the world who loves to steal the spotlight, like “Thomas the Tank Engine”! So, HOW IS EGGMAN TEAMING UP WITH HIS TWO MOST DESPISED ENEMIES SUPPOSED TO WORK OUT???!!! Guys, this isn’t like “Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle)”, when Eggman was playable and he teamed up with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and the rest of their friends to stop the Space Colony ARK from crashing into the Earth, along with Shadow!!! But, I’ll save that for later. Let’s get to the gameplay, here: The gameplay is that SEGA wants the players have control over Sonic’s speed, so they make it a similar concept to one of their canceled games, “Sonic X-Treme” and one of the most well-known classics, “Super Mario Galaxy”, where you walk on a 3-D piece of land in the sky (while the other sky-lands are on the ground). Also, you can both run and walk on the wall and on ledges, as well as do new parkour moves, as well as a return of the double jump and our usual homing attack, but the controls are repetitive on the GamePad. Also, the Wisps from “Sonic Colo(u)rs” return, but some are new to gameplay.

Hooray!………Sorry, but I don’t have a lot to say about the Wisps though, mainly because I haven’t played “Colo(u)rs” yet. However, unlike other “Sonic” games, if you collect 100 rings, you get an extra life, but in this game, you don’t get another life AT ALL, until you get the extra life.:

Yep, you heard me. You don’t get an extra life when you collect 100 rings.:

But, there’s one strange thing about it. When I got this game (only the bonus edition/the Deadlier Six Edition) and when I get 100 lives, I remember getting an extra life, even though I was told that I would never get any at all. It could be a glitch, or it’s just me. Anyways, you get red rings, as well as a bell that if you keep hitting multiple times, etc.. Overall, the gameplay is a little bit meh and needs some major adjustments, it isn’t like *UGH* “Sonic 06” or “Shadow the Hedgehog” in anyway!!! X( Now, onto the characters.

The Deadly Six AKA the Zeti were pretty okay villains and they are Zavok, the leader of the Deadly Six, Zazz, an insane Zeti, Zomzom, a fat and food-loving member, Zeena, a green, flirty, and sexy Zeti, Zor, a pessimist who possesses a blue rose like an emo, and Master Zik, the elderly member who created the Deadly Six. They’re not the best villains, but they do serve as good bosses in the game and some of them can be hard, like Zavok, for example. All in all, there’s not much to be praising for them. But, they’re still okay, not bad. Aside from that, let’s get to the plot.

The plot is pretty slow and it has holes in it. First off, Eggman teaming up with Sonic and Tails again was not that important to the story, all Eggman did was just did a few minor parts and just became bad again in the end, and THAT’S IT!!! So, what’s the point of having the main antagonist team up with our heroes and only give them a few details of what’s going on and such, but then do nothing for the rest of the game and act lazy? Another thing, I felt like Tails acted completely out of character and the subplot involving his feud with Sonic was mostly filler and it only was resolved when Tails was captured and was turned into a robot and was faking it the entire time (*SPOILER ALERT*). That’s what the Eggman subplot was, “FILLER, FILLER, FILLER, FILLER, FILLER, FILLER, FILLER!!!!!” Also, Knuckles and Amy Rose were only in this game for a few cutscenes and I would’ve preferred them doing an important role in this game. That could’ve been interesting, but it was just mostly here to keep some of the main characters involved in the story for the fans.

Also, at the end when Tails and Sonic restored their friendship, he said “You know you never needed Eggman, right? I could have turned this thing off myself.” Well, WHY DID SONIC HAVE TO TEAM UP WITH EGGMAN TO BEGIN WITH, WHEN TAILS SAID THE ENTIRE PLOTHOLE IN A NUTSHELL????!!! CRAP, THIS GAME DOES A GOOD JOB OF DOING FILLER!!!!:

Thank you, Nostalgia Critic!!!! Anyways, I find the plot, overall, a bit stupid and it really had a lot of problems with it that needed to be removed from the story. But, that’s just me. Although, the graphics and the music were well-done (as usual, except for some OTHER GAMES I KNOW) and that’s a good thing. The voice acting, however, is still cheesy and Roger Craig Smith is still doing a bad job of voicing Sonic (making sound a little too old) and Tails sounding a bit too young. Finally, the dark content and drama that was put into it was still silly and it really wasn’t that necessary, but I would’ve preferred it turning into something REAL, while the humor was okay, but not as good as the older humor in the old games. But, here are my final thoughts.

Overall, this game was both bad and okay, I didn’t really have a fun time playing it. Although, the graphics and music are nice, but the gameplay itself is terrible, the controls are repetitive, the new characters are pretty bland but are okay, the plot was bumpy and mostly “filler”, like I said, the humor was alright, and I forgot to point out that there’s multiplayer in this, but I didn’t really feel like doing it or having a buddy play the game with me in story mode or in the multiplayer mode, since it was a bit unnecessary. Other than that, there’s not much to be praising, I understand that SEGA is trying hard to make a GOOD “Sonic” game for once, but it tries too hard to make the game sound fun, instead of feel fun. It’s not the best “Sonic” game yet and I didn’t really think that it wasn’t that good, meaning that the only fun thing in this game is that what a fun disaster it gave us in the end! For a really predictable game, you always have to point out the filler. So, I first this game a 6/10, but now that I’m doing my recap of this game, I’m instead going to give it a 4.5/10.

Now, my advice is to skip this game, so that you can look forward into something better than this FUN-LOAD-OF-CRAP!!!!! Now, we really need the old “SA” gameplay back, SEGA! Please, if you’re reading this, I beg you, I know you don’t want to suffer the same fate as “Sonic 06” did, but I beg you to please bring the “SA” gameplay back!!!! We’ve had enough of the other gameplay and the terrible decisions you’ve made to the franchise!!! I’m The Detective Librarian and, I’m off to play “Super Monkey Ball” to get a more nostalgic feel. But, at least that it was made by SEGA too and it was well-received!!!!!


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