Season 3: Review #15: “MLP: FIM”: Season 5: Episode 14: “Canterlot Boutique”


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Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and remember Rarity, the Spirit of Generosity out of the Mane Six, who is a Victorian speaking fashion designer and a jewel collector (like Rouge the Bat) that can be a drama queen (like Frankie Heck from “The Middle”), but she still cares for her friends, though. Please note that I’m not a huge fan of her, but her episodes have its ups and downs with Rarity being annoying, but she still can be humorous at times. However, today’s episode, after TWO MONTHS OF A HIATUS FOR SEASON 5 it’s finally here, is a good Rarity episode for once. Yes, I’m talking about “Canterlot Boutique”, first aired on Discovery Family Channel in the US on September 12, 2015 and as you can probably tell, it takes place in Canterlot for the fourth time this season! So, let’s see if this episode is a Rarity episode worth watching. Well, let’s find out, this is “Canterlot Boutique”.

So, we start off this episode with Rarity at her home AKA business in Ponyville, the Carousel Boutique, busy with her fashion-making materials (as usual) and waiting for the postal pony to come, who is late after past 9:00 AM. But, I can assume that it’s already Derpy Hooves because of her job as a postal pony (which was proven in the 100th episode, “Slice of Life”), or maybe even Postman Pat, Postman Matt–

POSTMAN MATT: Did you call me?


POSTMAN MATT: Oh, okay. Sorry.

(“Nostalgia Critic” Reference)

Sorry about that! As I was saying, everybody’s favorite crazy pony herself AKA Pinkie Pie pops up and offers her a “Strawberry Cinnamon Cilantro Cupcake” and to deliver her the letter Rarity was expecting to arrive in the mail. She also explains that the postal pony who was originally going to deliver the letter to her suffered from being sick, after tasting one of Pinkie’s Strawberry Cinnamon Cilantro Cupcakes, which is more or less food poisoning in a nutshell. Just wait until we see those disgusting cupcakes in a bakery or in that creepypasta/fan-fic that shows Pinkie Pie’s serial killer side in “Cupcakes”. >x( Anyways, Rarity opens the envelope and reads the letter inside and after she reads it, she jumps in excitement. Why?: Because this letter is telling that she’s now going to own a boutique in Canterlot, which has been her life-long dream, probably WAY AFTER SHE CAME TO PONYVILLE AND OWNED THE CAROUSEL BOUTIQUE!!!


After hearing this exciting news, the Mane Six and Spike go to Canterlot to come with Rarity to the new boutique she’s going to own/work. They go inside the boutique and are amazed over the design of it and Rarity introduces us to her new manager of the boutique, Sassy Saddles, a blue unicorn that speaks British and is a sort-of similarity to Cadence, but with a different body color and style to her. She also explains on why she needed Sassy to be her manager and how they met each other in the first place, before Sassy shows her plan, or “Pattern” if you will, for the new boutique called the Canterlot Carousel with her first step on beautifying the Boutique, and even vows that her business will never close its doors (foreshadowing). Because of Twilight being the latest alicorn princess in Equestria, one of the gowns Rarity made for the grand opening is based off of the glass window in the Canterlot Castle, based off of her coronation. Now, the Mane Six (including Twilight Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle) agree that the dress is fantastic and perfect for the grand opening and speaking of, the grand opening begins. But, as Rarity is about to welcome her new customers, Sassy butts in and steals the spotlight of opening the Boutique! Now, this reminds of another blue tank engine that steals the spotlight that I know. :/

Sassy evens welcomes the new customers to the door and as you can definitely tell, her name should be changed to “Spotlight-Stealing Saddles” by now! The collection of dresses that Rarity made is shown to the crowd, which is also inspired by other things and princesses in Canterlot. Including a dress that is based off of Princess Celestia and Luna, but Sassy shows it to the crowd with her magic and is receiving ALL the credit for it, instead of Rarity. She also criticizes Rarity for naming the new dress for Twilight the “Reign in Stain” and decides to rename it “The Princess Dress”, which sounds like more of either “The Princess Diaries” or “The Princess Bride” to me. After the grand opening ceremony is over, the rest of Rarity’s friends congratulate Rarity for making great dresses AKA “Rarity’s Royal Regalia”, until Sassy comes in and shows Rarity that she has 100 ORDERS FOR HER PRINCESS DRESS!!!! 100 ORDERS IN ONE SETTING?????!!!!!!! HOW THE FREAKING CRAP DO YOU THINK THAT THE ORDERS WERE MADE SO QUICKLY?????!!!!!!

RANDOM BOY: By magic?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Maybe, because of magic existing in the Equestrian dimension. But, I’ll never know!

Then, Rarity privately discusses with Sassy about her getting all the credit and spotlight for all the dresses and for naming Twilight’s dress, “The Princess Dress”, instead of the “Reign in Stain”. But, Sassy explains to her that the original name for the dress would be confusing and quite “unappealing”, even though Rarity is still determined to fill in those a hundred orders, while also making dresses and the song “Rules of Rarity” being played and sung by you-know-who. But, during the song sequence, she becomes disheartened over the stress and bother of making the new Princess Dresses, while Sassy shows her customers around with the dresses, until she gets inspired from a rainbow reflection to add new gemstones to the Dress. She shows it to Sassy and a customer, but is dismissed over the changes she made to the dress, meaning that Rarity will have to do it all over again, but make it the same as the other ones. While Rarity continues her work on making 200 Princess Dresses, Sassy shows up and congratulates on the progress she’s making so far, as well as showing her on the front cover of the latest issue of Cosmare Magazine. As a result, we get A HUNDRED MORE ORDERS FOR THE PRINCESS DRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

But, just as Sassy, or should I say, “The 2nd Spotlight-Stealing-Hog”, gets too full of herself over having the Boutique AKA “Sassy Saddles Boutique” be an unstoppable business, Rarity demands to not work with her anymore and to create an out-of-business sale, which is pretty much Sassy’s punishment/dire consequence for being so overconfident. She spreads the news to everybody in Canterlot and they immediately rush in to get the dresses for the closing-down sale. While she shows the customers the dresses that have been made, Rarity realizes that THIS is what she wanted this whole time and we get another reprise of “Rules of Rarity” and makes an immediate announcement that the Canterlot Boutique is still in business forever. This causes Sassy to see the error of her ways and apologize to Rarity for her selfishness, as well as realizing on how the “Rules of Rarity” actually go. She’s even going to use those rules from now on when she runs the Boutique in Canterlot, while Rarity goes back to Ponyville at the Carousel Boutique, which is her REAL home and REAL business, anyway. Although, Rarity is still going to visit Sassy and her Boutique, occasionally, but we end this episode with a fat pony coming in, which is a fat joke about the Princess Dress. Well, let’s just hope of what I said won’t hurt anybody’s feelings or bronies or pegasisters who watched this episode won’t be offended by it. 😦

And, I’m not kidding, that’s the ending. What about Rarity going back to see her friends in Ponyville.

SCRIPT PERSON: *Whispering*

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Oh, they forgot to write it in the story. Alright, I’ll pass. But, I’m still disappointed in the ending to this episode, but I actually quite liked it and I’ll tell you why.

This episode was a nice watch (like the series), but it felt a little short, I would’ve preferred ending the episode with Rarity returning home to Ponyville (which would’ve been filler, to say the least), the animation was great as always, the “Rules of Rarity” song was good, and I do like the moral that it’s best to give credit to your workers or your friends who helped you in making a project, instead of having yourself selfishly get all the credit and respect that may not be a good thing. It’s like me when a teacher at school gives me a thousand pieces of homework, me getting overwhelmed by it, and no one ever having a reaction. Although, I felt like that this episode was a little bit boring, but I actually found it enjoyable and I always find the show enjoyable to watch, but I digress. Overall, there’s nothing else to be said about this episode and I felt like it was a nice episode, marking the return of the current season of the show, which is going smooth so far, and it’s a good Rarity episode for once. I was originally thinking of giving it a 9.5/10, but I would much rather give it an 8.5/10. In case you want to know, there’s gonna be ANOTHER RARITY EPISODE NEXT WEEK AND A WEEK AFTER THAT, WHICH IS THE AIR DATE FOR “FRIENDSHIP GAMES”!!!! YES, THREE RARITY EPISODES IN A ROW FOR THIS MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

But, that can wait. I’m The Detective Librarian and as leokimvideo would say, “Thanks for Watching and Bye for Now!” 😉


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