Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM: “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul” 5th & (Possibly) Final Official Poster


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Post Already in Progress-

Hello, I’m The Detective Librarian and you guessed it, it’s another poster for my upcoming sequel to “Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom”, named “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul”! This may be the final poster, but it’s possible that it’s the last. Anyways, the poster contains Princess Cadence, Shining Armor in full shining armor (*Ba Dum Tsh*), a worried Twilight Sparkle in her alicorn form, Dark Diamond and Ben Zane on the left to right top, and King Mephiles with his evil shadow and green eyes. It also contains a quote saying “As Son As I Define My Real Self, I’ll Be Sure To Never Forget Who I Really Am And Fight The One Enemy That Has Been Haunting Me For So Long!!!….” Along with the date of when chapter one of the story will be released on 11/13/15 AKA November 13, 2015, on Friday the 13th. Oh boy. :/

PLOT SYPNOSIS: “Ever since after King Mephiles’ defeat and the fall of the Shadow Kingdom, Shining Armor has been feeling very confident of himself, now that he can put his past aside and move on with his life. However, Cadence gets concerned that this isn’t the last time they’ve seen Shining’s dark brother, even Twilight has doubts. Shining soon figures out that Cadence and Twilight are right about being worried when Mephiles returns in his evil, cursed spirit after he was killed by his former ally, Chrysalis. Things go from bad to worse when the truth about Mephiles’ dark presence and plans are revealed and Cadence’s own past starts to resurface. Now, everybody in Equestria now has their lives on the very line and it’s up to Cadence to face her past, while trying to prevent her own life from being claimed by the Angered Soul.”

Before I go, here’s another soundtrack preview for “PC&TAS” with three soundtrack entries and tell me what you think of them and if they’re fitting for the final project.:

So, let me know in the comments section below to tell me on what you think of the poster, project so far, and the soundtrack entries. As always, I’m The Detective Librarian and stay tuned for more reviews, other posts, and other updates for my upcoming sequel to “Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom”, known as “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul”! Adios, every peoples!

3 thoughts on “Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM: “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul” 5th & (Possibly) Final Official Poster

  1. Like the poster ! The first 3 soundtracks are similar..dark, eerie. I don’t have a favorite. The Sonic theme, a good action piece. can’t wait for the story.


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