Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM: “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul” Official Poster #4


-We Now Join Our Regularly Scheduled Post Already in Progress-

Hello, (again) I’m The Detective Librarian and here’s another poster for my upcoming fan-fic, “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul”, the awaiting sequel to my first fan-fic, “Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom”. This time, it focuses both the two new characters of the story, Dark Diamond (on the right) and Ben Zane (on the left) with angry or stern expressions on their faces, above King Mephiles’ evil eyes on a starry night, and on-top of the mountains as seen in the 2nd poster. The quote in this poster, this time is on top to bottom: “I’LL NEVER ACCEPT, HIM!!!” “..If That’s The Case, Then I Won’t Forgive You Over What You Did All Those Years Ago!!!!..”

PLOT SYPNOSIS: “Ever since after King Mephiles’ defeat and the fall of the Shadow Kingdom, Shining Armor has been feeling very confident of himself, now that he can put his past aside and move on with his life. However, Cadence gets concerned that this isn’t the last time they’ve seen Shining’s dark brother, even Twilight has doubts. Shining soon figures out that Cadence and Twilight are right about being worried when Mephiles returns in his evil, cursed spirit after he was killed by his former ally, Chrysalis. Things go from bad to worse when the truth about Mephiles’ dark presence and plans are revealed and Cadence’s own past starts to resurface. Now, everybody in Equestria now has their lives on the very line and it’s up to Cadence to face her past, while trying to prevent her own life from being claimed by the Angered Soul.”

Yep, you guessed it, (SPOILER ALERT) Ben Zane and Dark Diamond are holding a major grudge against each other for something that happened, years before the story begins and it will be important to the plot. So, let me know of what you think of this poster and if you’re excited for my upcoming story or not. As always, I’m The Detective Librarian and stay tuned for more reviews, other posts, and many other updates for my upcoming fan-fic, “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul”!!! Toodles!!!

4 thoughts on “Updates/Announcements: “MLP: FIM: “Princess Cadence & the Angered Soul” Official Poster #4

  1. They certainly look like they are NOT friends ! Will be interesting to see what happened in the past ! Were they once friends ? Betrayal ?
    Unforgiving ? I look forward to your story !


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