“MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #7: “Escape from the Shadow Kingdom”


<= PREVIOUS CHAPTER: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/05/30/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-6-the-truth-revealed/

NEXT CHAPTER =>: https://detectivelibrarian.wordpress.com/2015/06/05/mlp-fim-shining-armor-the-shadow-kingdom-chapter-8-invasion-of-the-shadow-kingdom/

After we sneaked out of our cells, we tried to find all of Twilight’s captured friends and Cadence, as well; but, to no avail. “I can’t find them,” whispered Twilight to me. “Neither can I,” I replied. However, our main objective to find our friends would soon be over, when we heard some footsteps nearby. “Hide,” I said, quietly, to Twilight, and we did, only to find the devastating aftermath over our other friends. Twilight’s other friends got brainwashed too and were after us next. “Not my friends,” whispered Twilight, “But, where’s Applejack?”

“Well, it’s a long story,” I replied, “But, now, let’s get outta here, quickly.” Twilight agreed and we tried to move quietly and quickly as possible. But, as we were leaving the Palace, a changeling guard spotted us and shouted, “ALERT, TWO PRISONERS ARE ESCAPING!!!!! I REPEAT, TWO PRISONERS ARE ESCAPING!!!!!!!” “Oh, Celestia,”I exclaimed. “GO, GO,” Twilight shouted at me, before guards of the Shadow Kingdom chased after us.

We were nearing the village of the Kingdom and noticed two ways to go. One way lead to an alley, while the other way lead to the other part of town. That gave Twilight an idea. “We’ll take a shortcut and head them off,” she said. “Good idea,” I replied, “But, let’s hope this works.” So, we took the alley, but, it lead us into another army of brainwashed ponies and changelings, surrounding us like a fire.

“Now what,” Twilight asked, “There’s too many of them and I can’t cast my spells due to the crystals in my horn!!” “What we do know,” I began, “Is fight!” So, that’s what we did, as the army charged at us, we tried to fight back by charging back at them like a bull, until we reached the gates, leading to the outside of the Kingdom. As we were just leaving the Kingdom, Twilight realized something. “What’s wrong,” I asked. “We forgot about Cadence and my friends,” she told me, “We have to go return them back to normal!” “But, Twiley,” I said, “It’s too late, now, we have to warn Celestia about Mephiles and Chrysalis’ plan, even though I told Applejack to warn everyone in Ponyville about it.”

“We can’t leave them behind,” exclaimed Twilight, “GO, SHINING, GO! IT’S YOUR JOB TO REMIND THE ROYAL GUARDS OF CANTERLOT, CELESTIA, AND THE OTHERS OF WHAT IS GOING ON! I’LL GO AND FIND THE OTHERS, HURRY! JUST, GO!!!!!!!” Reluctantly, I did what Twilight asked me and left, heading towards Canterlot. When I arrived at Canterlot, I waited for Twilight to return. It’s been so long, I thought, I hope she’s okay and made it out, alive.

Just then, Twilight returned, along with the rest of her friends and Cadence, who returned back to normal. “Cadence,” I asked. “Shining,” began Cadence, “MY SHINING ARMOR!” “CADENCE,” I yelled with joy, “YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!” We raced to each other to hug ourselves with plea, that we were finally reunited after our argument. “Oh, I’m so sorry that we fought, Shining Armor,” apologized Cadence. “I’m sorry, too,” I apologized back. “But,” began Fluttershy, one of Twilight’s friends, “What about Applejack?”

“Don’t worry,” said Twilight, “I’ll go get her in Ponyville!” “Count me in,” said Rainbow Dash, another one of Twilight’s friends. After Cadence healed our horns from the crystals from Mephiles, the two friends flew to Ponyville to find Applejack, while Cadence, the rest of my sister’s friends, and I went inside the Canterlot castle to find Celestia, to warn her about Mephiles. We found Celestia inside the throne room, signing some papers. “Shining,” Celestia said, “You’re back, along with the others, but where’s Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack?” “Don’t worry,” said Cadence, “they’re fine and back to normal already.”

“What about Mephiles,” asked Celestia, “Did you kill him?” “No,” I replied, “We didn’t defeat him, he’s still alive and preparing his army to invade Canterlot and wanted US to be part of his army, including me.” Then, I told her, the rest of Mephiles and Chrysalis’ plan and the real truth about Mephiles. “Before I first heard about my real past, I doubted myself for being a real ruler or a Captain, due to my bad-luck. My sister changed my mind; she, Mephiles, and I weren’t that different. We BOTH have had humiliating mistakes in the past and wanted to be respected for something real! But, now, Twilight decided to get over it, but, Mephiles is still angered by his past on how he was humiliated after I was born.”

“If it weren’t for her,” I continued, “I would’ve been still doubtful about my life and the many ways it gave my life a negative influence! And now, it’s my turn to repay that kindness and the kindness YOU gave me, Celestia, when you saved my life, when I was younger on the day Mephiles killed my real parents. We may have to get all the ponies we can get, along with any guard we have to fight back against the Shadow Kingdom. I can’t do it alone. I need your help, please……”

Celestia thought for a moment, wondering what she was going to say to me, next. “Don’t worry, Shining,” she said, “I’ll warn the others about Mephiles’ approach and they have to risk their lives to save Equestria!” “Thank you,” I replied, before turning to Cadence and everyone else, “Chrysalis and Mephiles won’t know what hit them because our battle for Equestria has only just begun!”


2 thoughts on ““MLP: FIM: Shining Armor & the Shadow Kingdom: Chapter #7: “Escape from the Shadow Kingdom”

  1. Awww… nice comments from Shining ! So now moving on to defeat Mephiles ! You are a very good writer. Your chapter endings keep the reader wondering and waiting for the next chapter.


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