Top List #6: “Top 10 Worst Thomas & Friends Episodes”

Hello I’m The Detective Librarian and yes I know because I said I was going on a hiatus. I’ll only be going on a hiatus for reviews until March, which will be “Finale Month”. Before I start it, I’ll be doing my next Top List about our screen-stealing Tank Engine, “Thomas the Tank Engine”. “Thomas & Friends” has been one of the most popular kids shows of all time since 1984 and is based off of “The Railway Series” books by the Rev. W. Awdry that had the first book published in 1945. However, there are some faults like new characters nowadays cheap ways to sell another toy, very poorly done episodes, and Thomas taking every character else’s screen time. Well thank God for Andrew Brenner because he read “The Railway Series” and watched the TV series and is bringing back old characters, locations, and making references to classic episodes we know and love. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my “Top 10 Worst Thomas & Friends Episodes”.

#10: “Samson at Your Service” from Season 18: Yes, this episode that focuses on the prideful idiot himself, Samson. Samson is ordered to collect stone from the Blue Mountain Quarry and take it to the mainland. But instead of collecting trucks for the stone, he collects Gordon’s express coaches by accident. My oh my, what a poorly done episode this was. I’ll be honest, I don’t like Samson because he’s very badly played with his character, I know he’s supposed to be the prideful character of the series like Spencer, Gordon, James, etcetera, but come on! The plot is has a very bad execution, but there are some good points like Stanley getting a speaking role once again because he hasn’t gained a speaking role for a few seasons now. To me, this episode deserves a 0/10 because it was really crappy.

#9: “Fiery Flynn” from Season 15: In this episode, Flynn has been ordered to put out a fire of a blue engine that is actually Thomas. I know that various people hate this episode because of how unrealistic it is and Flynn being moronic. Flynn is pretty okay and he did a pretty good job with his role of his first official appearance “Day of the Diesels”. Flynn is kinda cool because of him being a fire truck that runs on rails and road but I’m not a big fan of him though. This episode is very unrealistic because Thomas’ firebox is on fire. Seriously Sharon Miller, what were you thinking??!!!!!!!!! Fireboxes are meant to be on fire, even The Engine Inspector (SkarloeyRailway01) criticized Flynn’s poorly done role as the main character and how unrealistic it is.

Be sure to check out The Engine Inspector’s thoughts about “Fiery Flynn” by clicking on the link that’ll lead you to his review.


Overall, this is not a good episode. This episode really begs the question of why Flynn never bothered to listen to Rocky the crane who magically found out about every single emergency that occurred on Sodor in the first place. I give this episode a 1/10 for me, it could have been better.

#8: “Thomas Toots the Crows” from Season 16: Thomas helps Farmer McColl scare and chase away crows after Farmer McColl’s scarecrow is broken. Alright, I can totally agree that this episode was really, really bad because of the plot being weak and why would an engine like Thomas be chosen to scare crows and leave his post and have the crows occupied while they invade McColl’s crops? Well at least we got to see Gordon accidentally get himself a mustache after the workman accidentally had black paint on his face. This episode was a really disappointing and I’m going to give it a 2.5/10.

#7: “Henry’s Magic Box” from Season 14: In this yet another crappy episode, Henry has been chosen to look after a mysterious box that is on Farmer McColl’s field. Geez, this episode was terrible and Henry is completely out of character like HIT Entertainment always makes him and fans went ablaze over Christmas being called (quote on quote) “WINTER HOLIDAYS” JUST FOR THE SAKE OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Well at least the Wilbert Awdry’s late daughter, Hilary Fortnam, made HIT Entertainment go back to the old saying Christmas in Christmas themed “Thomas” episodes. Overall, an awful episode with really stupid explanations of what happened to the BOX!!!


Good point, but this episode deserves a 0.5/10 since it was just that bad.

#6: “Up, Up, and Away” from Season 15: In this episode, Thomas and Percy are chosen to take a giant balloon to Mr. Bubbles’ balloon show. I have to admit, I really didn’t like this one because it was very unrealistic and I have to agree with TheUnluckyTug02 that this episode made no sense. Mr. Bubbles blew up all those balloons by himself? Yeah, (like everyone else) I don’t buy this. Does Mr. Bubbles do that like for every single kids’ birthday party?:

MR. BUBBLES: *blowing balloon* *panting* Fin-ally! I..Did..IT!!!! Whoopee!!!!!! *Cell Phone Ringing* Let’s just hope that’s my agent.


MOM: This is Mrs. Hildebrand, the mother of Jerry Hildebrand, to tell you that my son needs more balloons for his birthday party that you’re participating in.

MR. BUBBLES (Thinking): Oh crap. What am I going to do? I can’t just blow up more balloons all by myself. I’ll die of suffocation if I keep continuing to make more balloons.

MOM: Mr. Bubbles?

MR. BUBBLES: Oh, sorry. I got distracted. *nervous chuckle* Why….YES I’LL DO IT BYE!


EMPLOYEE OF MR. BUBBLES: Uh, Mr. Bubbles. Why don’t you just use a pump? That’s much easier, if you know what I mean.

MR. BUBBLES: Oooooohhhhhhh. Right.

All in all, really bad episode that needs a 3/10. But there was one quote that was funny and that was:

NARRATOR: All the Hatts were hatless.

Yeah, that was funny.

#5: “Edward Strikes Out” from Season 10: Yes this episode, Edward is very rude for some reason to Sodor’s newest crane (and replacement of the Breakdown Train), Rocky, which results him into trouble. Yes I agree that this episode was a complete disappointment because Edward is completely out of character. WHY?: Because, Edward would never be so rude to a newcomer on Sodor or the North Western Railway and call him or her “a New Fangled-Nonsense”!!!!!! This is episode again is a really horrible introduction of Rocky the crane and I mean, Edward. WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, WHY WOULD YOU BE SUCH A JERK FOR NO APPARENT REASON????? WHY, EDWARD, TELL ME, WHY???!!!!

Oh wait, it’s the writer’s fault. Episode, you’ll be given a 0/10– Actually, scratch that. My final score will be a 1/10 because of the episode having major plot holes that make Edward an unlikable hero.

#4: “Big Belle” from Season 15: Belle, from “Day of the Diesels”, tries to befriend Toby. I’ll be honest, this episode is absolutely one of the worst ones ever made because of Toby acting out of character and TheUnluckyTug02 claimed that Toby acted like a grouchy old hermit who doesn’t like doing anything remotely fun and I concur. Toby is afraid of Belle for now real reason. Belle is very unrealistically designed, it’s impossible for steam engines to shoot out water and be a fire engine. Overall, Belle is kinda meh due to her unrealistic design and this episode was really terrible. I’m going to give it a 3/10.

#3: “Percy’s New Friends” from Season 15: Percy tries to become friends with animals. That’s right, ANIMALS! FREAKING ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all hated this episode because of Percy acting like a complete moron and seriously Percy and every character who is moronic, you gotta go get your brain or smokebox checked by Victor and Kevin at the Steamworks!!!! Just wait until those animals betray you and maul you to death, oh wait I think I saw this in a comic once on DeviantArt.


All in all, I’m going to give it a 2/10.

#2: “Ho Ho Snowman” from Season 16: In this one, Charlie tries to play a trick on Henry by hiding behind a snowman and pretending to be alive. Alright, I can seriously agree with everyone that this episode was a complete waste of time because of some major, major goofs like Thomas and Charlie shunting at the bottom of Gordon’s Hill and even Henry acting out of character of (as TheUnluckyTug02 said in his Season 15 review) being a giant-flipping moron. Charlie’s jokes are annoying as always and I mean, couldn’t his jokes get any bet–

CHARLIE: HEY! Wanna hear a joke?


CHARLIE: Oh come on!! It’ll be fun!!!!


CHARLIE: Please?


CHARLIE: Please?


CHARLIE: Please?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: Alright, fine. But just once, okay.

CHARLIE: Okay. Anyways, *ahem* why did the chicken cross the road?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: He wanted to get to the other side.

CHARLIE: Aw, no fair. How did you know?

THE DETECTIVE LIBRARIAN: I’ve heard that joke before. We ALL have, Charlie!!!!



(Kind of a remake of a “Spongebob” joke)

All in all, it’s a 1/10 for being such a crappy episode.

#1: “Wonky Whistle” from Season 15: YES, THIS STUPID, STUPID EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thomas goes through trouble with a wonky whistle while taking animals to the country show and telling everyone to come. Oh my freaking gosh, THIS EPISODE IS A COMPLETE TRAINWRECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY THE HECK WOULD THOMAS BE ASSIGNED TO TELL EVERYONE ON SODOR ABOUT THE COUNTRY FAIR??!!! It would make more sense if posters were put around all over the Island of Sodor that tells people about it. I GIVE THIS HORRIBLE EPISODE A 0.5/10!!!!!!!!!

Be sure to check out The Engine Inspector’s review of it. WARNING: IT MAY CONTAIN SOME SWEARING.


Alright, we’re finally through with my “Top 10 Worst Thomas & Friends Episodes” of all time!!!!!! Well it’s a good thing that we don’t have Sharon Miller be the head writer anymore, otherwise the show would go downhill still. The Rev. W. Awdry would so proud of Andrew Brenner if he was still alive. I like to add that locations and characters from the RWS have been in the CGI series now. It’s like back when the TV series used to have episodes based on stories from “The Railway Series” like seasons 1-4. The Arlesdale Small Railway is a perfect example because it will be making an appearance in one of the upcoming specials for this year, “Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure” which is interesting because I wasn’t expecting the Small Railway engines like Mike, Rex, and Bert to appear.

But anyways, I’m The Detective Librarian and be sure to look for some wedding episodes to review. See you next time, folks!

P.S. This was my reaction to Edward in “Edward Strikes Out”:


3 thoughts on “Top List #6: “Top 10 Worst Thomas & Friends Episodes”

  1. LOL…describing an episode as a “train wreck” ! Definitely agree that episodes that are written that take the characters out of character are disappointing. After all, the characters are liked and disliked as they are known. Although an occasional break from predictable behavior can be fun but not for an entire story. Well done ! Enjoyed this review.


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